Wednesday, 2 December 2009

Yet more plans

OK, I went to Trailfinders again. The new itinerary is more-or-less possible, although maybe slightly more expensive. However:
- It's not possible to fly cheaply/conveniently from La Paz to Buenos Aires.
- The agent recommended taking a land trip up north from Santiago through the Atacama desert region to somewhere around Lake Titicaca. This sounds good, although I'd need to look into it more, especially in terms of convincing immigration officials to let me in without an onward plane ticket.

I need to have a rethink and see how all this fits together. Apart from the apparent difficulty of getting out of La Paz on the original itinerary, I am having doubts about Bolivia based - admittedly - on the F&CO website. For a start, they are currently unable to issue emergency passports if yours is lost or stolen. They say this is temporary, but it all starts to seem a little bit extreme. I will have a look at a guide and think about it. It would still be cool to go to La Paz though.

The guy said I probably have about 2 weeks left to book the transatlantic flights before the cheaper seats sell out and probably longer for the shorter flights. So there isn't too much time pressure although I can't hang around either.


  1. Ooh ooh... isn't titicaca where the lilly people live? Seriosuly. I'm sure I saw some bizarre documentary about these people that live on the lake in towns made of lillies and never come on dry land all their lives.

  2. wtf... I just pressed "next blog" on your blog:

    "The Italian word 'forza' means force. Which is what the illegal day 1290 abomination of fasciation is all about...

    But THE BIG KAHUNA here is the forza Italia context to those underground transsexual vampire leaders in NEW MOON. Who are currently doing box office battle with Sandy's amazing JESSE JAMES MEETS FRANKENSTEIN'S DAUGHTER remake."

  3. Yeah, that sounds like Titicaca. I didn't know anything about it but my Spanish teacher mentioned it and then the Trailfinders guy did as well when suggesting the land journey north from Santiage. Sounds like I have to go there if I have any chance of getting out with all my appendages. :-)

    The other blog you quote is just, like, weird. I understand every word in those sentences, but I don't think I understand the sentences.
