1231At Las Pinatas on sea front. V pricey for food so just having beer after longish walk. Seen capilla de la virgen del Carmen and the port and the airfield. Didn't go out last night, after beer at legends with food back to room not via hotel bar at about 10. Could have gone Dow but felt bit tired. Z replied to my email about midnight saying they were there but i ddidn't go down.
Had email from her this more Ming saying they aare at xel-ha today, she is with her family and karaoke tonight.
Hating the keyboard. And the service. Still not got beer.
Seen ceviche on menu in a Few places including here but not chancing it, especially when I have to fly tomorrow.
Feels v touristy here, and that is saying something here in Playa del Carmen. Wtf. Beer ezpensive, 65 a Bottle insofar as I can understand the - English language! - menu. They have draught on menu at 60 with refill at half price. Just been given two Boyle's of beer, I diidnt ask but think this may be haphazard hour. That makes it bit better. These two, a walk then lunch and one lot two more elsewhere.
Not had a Bohemia yet, which is a shame, not seen it many places. Maybe shall have one later.
Would Meuse on success of packing light and how its gone so far bbut its so painful typing on this keyboard, which I hate, I shan't just now. While remember will observe got sunburned on back of neck and uppermost arms yesterday as tho I pit dream on I didn't allow for my bagy t-shirts moving around exposing more. Something to try to remember in future, best of al to put cream on before putting shirt on. The non creamy clear liquid spray I have been using does work where applied,.
Guide book singularly useless in revealing the minor tourist attraction of the church andnport unless I somehow mmiser them in there.
V slightly tmeempted to get ferry to Cozumel but didn't quite feel like it. Despising the keyboard. If can't fix it or get it fixed in return shall be buying either a third desire z or looking into the rather feeble iirc xolection of newer android phones with QWERTY keyboards. May even end up having to look at a blackberry but would prefer to stock with android. Anyway.
1347 At La Fe on fifth
Have ordered (in poor and possibly unnecessary Spanish] a hamburger with no sauce of any description and fries. They have an ad up for waitress (Mexican) which somehow 5% rubs me up the wrong way, but otoh maybe they get too many smug foreign backpackers applying for the job so its all good.
Think last place didn't include vat in menu price, in any event bill was 75 for the ttwo without tip and paid 100. Meh.
1807 At la choperia where came other day ffor steak, chips and a beer before Ginger back to hotel TN see if anyone around. Feeling oddly down the last hour or two back at hotel. Maybe iits end of trip blues, maybe something more. Meh.
Have packed, tho this is very crude as since next step is Home not worried about creasing etc. Think I may have lost my nixe little led torch which wasn't cheap but if so it can't be hleped. Modest search in bags failed to turn it up bit it. May turn up when I unpack thoroughly at home.
1835 finishes. Not bad. They were platting morrissey but due to noise. From bar across street didn't realise til nearly over.
Unsure about when to turn up at hotel bar. Trying not to get too pissed.
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