Saturday, 10 August 2013

Edinburgh, Friday

0851 On train (leaves 0900). Not exactly late but didn't spend any time hanging around KGX, so perhaps cutting it a bit fine. Had some food this morning at home, got up about 0740 and left maybe 0815.

Got aisle seat as booked, seat next to me is free but reserved Peterborough-Edinburgh so no doubt there is a 200kg monster waiting to join me soon.

In quiet coach - I think I booked this on purpose. We will see.

Inevitable travel doubts lurking at back of my mind, but sod it. What's the worst that can happen? I have my tickets, I have my phone, I have money.

Oh, I went to bed maybe 0030 but I don't think I got to sleep until 0130-0200ish. Not a problem, anything which increases chances of sleeping better tonight or maybe on train hardly a bad thing.

0914 Ah, the Quiet Coach. Where better for two 50ish German women to have a natter across the aisle in the row in front of me? I have my noise cancelling headphones on but not playing any music through them yet, so I can still hear. Not that big a deal but mildly annoying.

0949 Peterborough. Seatmate is nice slim granny, score. Arse killing me for no obvious reason.

0238 Not a bad night/day. Bed.

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