1808 On open-air terrace on 64th floor of err some tower :-) on Silom Road a 10 min walk from hotel, think bar is called Sirocco. It is very misty but the view is nevertheless very impressive. Twilight setting in, I luckily decided to leave flat about the right time - didn't shower or shave after seeing in guidebook 6pm about right. Having what I fear will be an ultra-expensive Singha (will probably have a second, I have about 120 quid on me and Chubbard said about $10 a beer, which is doablee - service so attentive and in your face didn't really get chance to check price)
1816 Taken odd photo but you can't get close enough to edge to rest camera for the 1/8s it wants to expose. I am sure there are professional photos of the view on the web and it's about being here. Weather slightly muggy but not too bad; dunno if the height helps cool it a bit. Basically no breeze though.
1821 Getting another beer; I asked, it's THB 377. Which is eye-watering (more than seven quid) but obviously they have a reason they can get away with charging that. Being a flashpacker ;-) I can afford one more instead of having to nurse the one excessively. Getting the most out of the accompanying pistacios and olives. Getting pretty dark now, the view is if anything even better. Definitely worth it.
1830 View is very cool. On walk over here I realised they drive on the left.
1839 Still finishing beer but asked for bill. 1000-246 including service 10% and tax 7%, so took all but the odd 4 change offered, ie cost me 750.
1846 Waiting for lift down. Oddly tempted to try for the 20th floor bad at hotel before bed. That makes a lot of beers today ;-)
Place might actually be called The Dome. Not clear. On 64th floor anyway.
Adverts for The Hangover part 2 in lobby. :-)
1910 Just got back to room. Feel much more relaxed now I did that walk back after dark and loads of people about (admittedly it is early). Not gone to bar on top floor here, might do that another night, no need to push beers and sleep too much, especially since I might manage to occupy myself an hour or two before bed anyway. Did wonder if I got odd micro-spell of feeling dizzy or tired up at that other bar, probably imagination but given that plus slight worry I am going to get ill from that ice and genuine expectation of tiredness, seemed smart to just go back to room.
2141 Sure I wrote some more but it's gone missing. It wasn't that fascinating. Anyway, I am finally going to bed.
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