Tuesday, 18 February 2014

Arequipa, Monday

1446 At Chifa Taiyuan for chaufo con pollo. Wrote a few paragraphs earlier but lost. Got up about 11 but milled round in room til about 1. Bought ticket for Cusco for tonight, have to change voucher for tkt at terminal which is a faff but less so than schlepping over there and back just to buy tkt. Got to be there 730 for 830 bus and doubtless have to arrive super early to allow for uncertainty re taxi; will ask hotel to call me one but can't assume they will. Bit of a waste to have paid for room tonight and not use it but not big deal. Went back to hotel after buying tkt and booked hotel in Cusco for three nights, may extend but don't want to overcommit to start with esp if may want to overnight near Macchu Picchu (sp). Come out now for food, will then perhaps wander to some park near the convent, not getting too hung up on seeing anything specific. Will get fruit and go back and pack 430-5ish.

1952 At terminal. Not a happy bunny.

Walked up to Puente Grau after food but couldn't really bring myself to do anything else with pre-departure jitters, went back to hotel. Surfed a bit then packed (didn't want to). About 630 went out of room and yay, as I had noticed 20 mins earlier but hoped would change, owners obvously gone out as stairway to office locked off. Simultaneously a reminder came up on my phone about a loose SD card (well, in a plastic case) in my bag. I suddently remembered not seeing it when packing and wondered if had dropped out. Went back into room in joint panic over that and taxi and tore bag apart and searched floor (shining torch under beds etc) and completely failed to find that SD card (which had all first day and a bit of second day of Colca Canyon tour on). Also thinking about having to get taxi off street and risk of being mugged as a result. Losing the plot at this point. About 645 going on 7 I repacked and have probably managed to lose something else as a result of all that frenzied searching and legged it out to plaza (bag contains 2 litres water just to make it heavier). Got a taxi from recommended firm from web and it was OK but was nervous. Locked both back doors as advised by someone met Sat night. Fare quoted was 7 but paid 10.

I can only hope that SD card is languishing somewhere in my bag inside something else when I have time to unpack carefully.

Anyway, at terminal queued for probably 20-30 mins to get voucher converted to ticket. I could swear one woman pushed in front of me and then two tourists behind me asked if they could jump the queue as their bus went in 20 mins (at 8, mine 830) and tho I dithered I let them.

Because I feel compelled to follow advice from web (or gide book?) about not taking valuables in hand luggage I have had to put my main bag in 'boot'. Here you check it in airport style instead of handing it in when you get on bus. Fortunately not too much of queue for that. Then had to queue again, fortunately quick moving, to pay the PEN2 terminal departure tax. Then I thought I needed a shit so paid PEN0.50 for the bog and of course I didn't. And now I have no idea where to board the bus, there are two departure gates but no screens or any indication on ticket.

Oh, and although I got an aisle seat I am in a double not a single, I think. Didn't get to see seat plan when bought tkt but suspect bus nearly full as was booking late.

Most of the shit has resolved itself but not happy about losing those photos and still in a bad mood from all the fucking stress so far. Not just the taxi, ticket queue was so slow was worried would miss some deadline for checking bag in etc.

2015 OK. I just queued up again to ask where the bus went - some cunt behind me couldn't wait *two seconds* while the fuckers ahead of me left the counter before I started speaking to the woman on the desk and (probably) asked if I was waiting to buy tickets, but I'm so hacked off I couldn't understand and waved him ahead. Anyway, it's neither of the departure gates, a chap (who said he was called Steven as well, meh, dubious) checked my passport (so had to dredge out hidden belt) and then let me through into this lounge area behind desk. In theory I guess this is nice but I had no fucking idea it was here and I'm still worried I'm going to miss the bus as there is no screen and fuck knows how many buses they run. Anyway, on the upside, I discovered the missing SD card in my hidden belt, so that's something and once eg I get to Cusco and am safely in the hotel everything will be OK again.

2021 OK, on bus, it was waiting outside lounge. Ticket checked twice but I guess that's OK. Asked about security when bought ticket, woman at travel agency said the direct buses which don't pick up random people en route are safer, and while I don't much like being checked up on etc I am worried enough about security that I guess it's good if they are checking the tickets to be sure who gets on. Presumably potential robbers aren't willing to just purchase a ticket. Anyway. I am sort of recovering my equilibrium and let's crank some HMHB up and try to relax. Will send this (or at least leave it in outbox) and start new entry for journey, tho prob not write much given we arrive at 6am. Oh, I am travelling with Cruz del Sur and modulo all the queueing none of this reflects badly on their service (so far). I was staying at Hostel Arequipa, Consuelo 606, and apart from them not being there all the time the place was cheap and reasonably comfortable and generally OK. Shared bathroom but never saw any other guests (tho oddly sometimes had people outside waiting to be let in on bell, but never saw anyone inside). Place in Cusco is private bathroom but still cheap, 29 quid for three nights.

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