Wednesday, 2 April 2014

Quick note on clothes taken on trip

Might waffle about packing generally later, but before I lose track of
what I had with me, I believe clothes were (including those worn at any
- 5 sets underwear (Rohan quick-dry as far as possible, socks a
silk/polyester blend I bought back in October to avoid possible problems
with cotton in humid climates; dunno if that was necessary or
sufficient, but they were fine anyway)
- "not really but sort of waterproof" jacket (Primark, £15, vaguely
Harrington-ish if I remember name of style correctly)
- 4 short-sleeved T-shirts (these worn the bulk of the time), *none of
them white* (experience pre-Xmas shows white T-shirts go mankily
coloured too easily when not machine washed regularly)
- Rohan short-sleeved shirt
- Rohan long-sleeved shirt (neither of these two worn very much, but
worth having, long-sleeved for flexibility when cold and the
short-sleeved one dried pretty quickly which was handy, and occasionally
I liked the fact it had a front pocket unlike the T-shirts)
- pair of combats (worn 95% of the time)
- pair of "smart" Rohan trousers (hardly worn, mainly due to lack of
pockets when I wasn't also wearing a jacket due to temperature, but
definitely worth having two pairs of trousers for when other one is
being washed/drying)

I think this worked out pretty well.

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