1509 Doing what I said I wouldn't and sitting in a cafe (Cafe de Las Mixtas) round corner from hostel and blogging. But it's OK, I'm just killing time before going to bed. Bit tired but not too bad.
Seems quite nice here, Q5 for black coffee and no pressure. Waitress said they have a terrace but it's drizzling so sitting just inside on ground floor. Lots of other places looked a bit fancy and had uniformed waiters etc, one even tried to entice me in from across the street.
Passed some sort of 'London' pub round corner (6 norte?) which might be worth a try if/when I fancy a few beers and try for a chat. Will focus my social and touristic energies on activities first though.
Had big struggle to get cash. Had to chat with one bank online but they had no trace of the failed withdrawal attempts so they say it's the ATM, even tho I tried several. But that's reassuring. I brought different card out and it worked in second ATM, so I have (slightly too much, til I go back to hostel) cash now, which is reassuring too.
But I am glad the ATM worked at the airport; it meant I could pay the hostel bill without any fuss, which takes the pressure off a bit.
Might eat here today or tomorrow, quick poke at menu suggests it is cheap and unpretentious. Especially given desire to get to bed early to make up for flights, I do hope to force myself up by 9ish to have the supposedly good hostel breakfast. That will be economical and keep the spend down and I just may get a chat on with someone as a bonus.
Snapped a few casual photos as went round. It is pretty pretty, and it's cool and weird to have these mist-capped mountains in front of you whichever way you turn on the grid streets. (I am sure it's not that regular, 4 mountains in the 4 directions, but it feels like that from my casual and geographically undirected peregrinations.
It is drizzling but it's OK really, while I think there's more of it, it's like those light London rains that don't really get you very wet very fast. Wearing non-waterproof fleece over a short-sleeved T-shirt and don't feel overly wet or cold or hot.
Music here is sort of ballady Spanish language stuff. It's OK, the language is clear and I can mostly understand, so this is helpful practice in a small way.
Music might be local radio statio Globo Antigua? Just worth checking out if it has a web stream perhaps.
Intermittently reading guide book on phone. This place is in there, it is Casa de las Mixtas. (They do actually have their entry photocopied on the wall, but it's too far off for me to read; however I assume it's same as text in my ebook.) I also see there's tandem paragliding in Panajachel; might be an insurance issue but worth considering.
1604 Slightly bored. Thinking of Ralph McTell's "Streets of London" : "each tea lasts an hour, then he wanders home alone". I've got through two cups in a bit under an hour; my lingering skills are decidedly subpar.
Aha! Data when roaming was disabled - a sensible default but not for the Go Roam case. So while I don't think phone calls work, I do now have mobile data. To be used with care but potentially useful, e.g. this should give me WhatsApp out and about to coordinate with Spanish teacher.
1641 Fourth and I think last coffee. Place shuts at 6 but I'm feeling a bit caffeinated and while I want to be kept awake til 9ish I don't want to overdo it.
1706 Back at hostel. Feeling jittery, I think it's the coffee but it still feels like a kind of nervous feeling. Meh. Q20 for four coffees, I made it Q30 as it seemed cheap and I got change for a 100 and I did loiter there for ages.
2048 Been Youtubing it up. In bed with phone, plan is to sort of try to drift off to sleep shortly. Not sure how well I will do getting up in time for breakfast but we'll have to see.
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