Fri 0807 Sitting slightly awkwardly round the back of a pool and closed area with a coffee. The owner seems to be around although there's actually about three people sitting around by the pool at the cup. I don't think I recognize and maybe... I don't know. A guy, I don't know. I'm sitting from a distance, I'm not great with faces. [Jeez, the voice typing is terrible when you don't correct it.]
Really didn't sleep that well for no massively obvious reasons yes it was warm but not that warm I kept having these I wasn't even a dream it's like I'm tumbling over and I'm continually thinking oh or both my eyes working it's just crazy I wasn't drunk when I had three beers. About half one, maybe one, I decided I'd go to the toilet even though I didn't really need to go. For the first time ever I didn't put any trousers on (just wearing uw). And of course, the other guy, whose name I don't know, but the one who speaks English well, but doesn't seem to be native, I don't know, just waffling for fuck's sake. He was right on the other side of the dorm door as I opened it. It was not a big deal, but annoying. anyway, he turned the air conditioning and the fan on. The air conditioning was very noisy, but did cool it down. But, you know, life being what it is this morning I was feeling cold in bed. I've been tossing and turning for about an hour or two before I got up really hard to say.
It's actually pretty warm out here already. I did know this and I checked on the phone and weathered forecast on our website and it said it was like 24 Celsius out here at this time in the morning. It's just when you're in the dorm and it's all grey and it's air conditioned and there's a coldish breeze with the fan. It's always hard for me to realise that that's not the weather, that's just the room.
I'm not super enthused about going to the Sanote, but I guess I will. It feels like it's already too hot for me. But as far as I can see from this weather forecast, the UV isn't too bad until about 10 or 11. So if I'm over there for 9, it should be fine. I'll come back to the hostel and put some sunblock and stuff on afterwards and maybe have a shower.
I'm not saying I didn't actually get a reasonable amount of sleep in total and maybe I didn't even sleep that bad. I don't know but it was a bit shitty being in bed and not getting to sleep and blah. And I feel a bit weird sitting here and maybe hiding but no one else is talking and I want to get off and fuck. I don't know.
I think it's hard to be sure, I don't know why it's hard to be sure, but I'm just not in the mood to be sure about anything. I think my shoulders hurting a bit from swimming yesterday, which is, in some sense, no bad thing, but obviously, in the very short term, isn't ideal.
1301 at Pollos brujo. They have coke light in the takeaway fridge out front but not in the eat in fridge. I asked the nice enough waiter and no, I cannot have coke light to eat in. They can only serve me what is in the eat in fridge. And I cannot buy a coke light at the takeaway counter (*of the same business*, remember) and eat it in. I pulled incredulous faces and dithered. Vaguely tempted to walk out but it seems broadly OK and it is cool albeit not fully ac cold in here and I do fancy chicken and so I just decided to order a water.
Have given personal demons a bit of a kicking I went to the Cantor and tbh it was pretty cool. I was in the water about 1h
1338 food came and now in oxxo. Just quick note if didn't say that yday had a sidra negra soft drink and it tasted rather reminsicent of dandelion and burdock.
1944 Okay, I'm going to surreptitiously voice type at the back terrace of St Patrick's Irish Pub. There's very few people around. Didn't really expect it to be a lot of people earlier at this time of night anyway.
So it's probably going to be a bit crap, but bash it out. I've got myself a half-liter of Dos Equis ambar de barril at 65 for the 500 mil, not terrible. Not a terrible day to be honest, I'm feeling a tiny bit down, tiny bit billy no mates. Not a huge deal, but let's just churn through the rings.
So let's just deal with the night first. There's some English language, music, playing from speaking on too far behind me. It doesn't seem to be fucking things up, but I'm just mentioning it.
So after I got back I had a swim which was reasonably successful so two swims today I was in the water about 32 minutes I think. I did swim most of that I made a bit of an effort. Anyway I had a shower and I did a bit of surreptitious water only washing of some clothes as well and I hung those up around where the swimming stuff was hidden, where I've been told to hang it yesterday. I didn't have any clothes pegs handy so I should have gone and got someone brought some out but I'm sure it'll be alright.
So I had a shave with my crappy razor at a shower before and after the pool. I cleaned my teeth and I came out. I think Brazilian woman was actually sitting in reception. I said hello to her, but in hindsight I should have said, oh is there any way good to go or do you want to go out for a drink, not trying to chat her up, but anyway I didn't. Maybe I'm too intimidated by someone who I think is perhaps a long-term guest. There were a couple of, to be honest, rather chunky looking, unknown guys of in European nationality. They don't sound any obvious language I've heard about. They seem to keep themselves very much themselves so far. They turned up today. There's also one oldish, orientalish looking woman who was on the terrace earlier. So I didn't do any voice typing there after the swim when I was having a couple of coffees. But anyway, it's not super busy. I've not seen the guy I showed myself. I've seen my underwear too. I saw quite a bit yesterday since. I've seen the Canadian Mexican guy briefly, but not really to speak to. Speak to you.
So anywhere I came out and I half wish I'd spoken to that Brazilian woman and I'm wandering around the night life here is maybe not all it could be and I'm thinking what the fuck am I going to do and I'm feeling a tiny bit down not so much specifically because it's a night but because you know the trips coming an end and although I need to decide and I'll probably waffle about it later I need to decide if I want to be in a dorm or not or in a hotel with the private room but which even further lowers the chances of meeting people in Cancun but more on that later.
Oh, I spoke to the owner. He was helping me with the coffee a bit awkward. And I asked if I could extend. I checked on and got a price and he said, oh yeah, you can just pay me that. I didn't ask for a discount. He can have the commission money right. Paid him 200 and it should be about 167. I've not seen him since. I'm sure he'll remember to give me the change. It's not the end of the world. Anyway, I have now extended for Saturday night at least.
So I was wandering around a bit and I thought, oh, maybe I'll go to, I was looking at organic maps, and I had seen this Irish pub earlier and I'd sort of forgotten where it was, but I had seen it. So I thought, oh, I could go to La Officina, Cantina, which had spotted the other day when looking for that Chinese place. And I went over there, it's near Yupteco, whatever that place is called, which is a bit quiet, and I'd rather save that for a second try tomorrow, I'm not desperate to go. So I got down to Lafusina and there's a couple of work guys come out in overalls which is obviously not a problem as such and then this slightly strange looking woman was going in and also I'm sure it's not really as sinister as I'm making out. It looked a bit nightclub inside and even though it looks like it's sort of open, hallish kind of place. There's a big sort of banner saying Lafusina which blocks off seeing in there from the street you have to sort of you turn around that either side to get out. You can't see what's going on inside, and I'm on my own and it's like, maybe I should have done, maybe it had been fun, but I just like, I've got no idea what it's like in there, fuck it, I'm not going.
So, I remembered seeing this Irish pub this afternoon and I couldn't remember where it was, so the bus terminal was nearby, so I went there on the off chance I could get Wi-Fi, which I couldn't, but I managed to get data on my sim in the P7, and I quickly turned that on and had a look on Google Maps. It was just south of the main square on 42. So I came here, felt a bit of a cop-out. It's bigger than I thought, it doesn't feel very matey. I thought I might be able to sit at the bar and get into a chat with a tourist or something, but there was no one else sitting at the bar. By the time I got served and I thought fuck it, I'll come out into the garden now and I've got one because it's a bit cooler.
So I'll talk about the meta-minestate stuff later so let's go back to the Sonote. It was pretty cool as I said actually to be honest, I went swimming, everyone's wearing a life jacket of course. Still a tiny bit weird to be in there because as soon as you're about meter from the edge. In fact basically out of the edge around most of it, except for a couple of sort of step type bits at one end, both ends of the one side where there's a built up platform, it's like, I don't know how deep it actually is, but it's like so deep. It's almost enough. Obviously it's fine in the life jacket and I didn't freak out, but you know, it was a little bit weird so I guess there's a learning experience there for a start.
So I'm doing a bad breaststroke around wearing the life jacket and occasionally putting my head under the water. I'm wearing my prescription goggles. I didn't take my glasses. I left in my shoes in the changing. Well, I left them with the woman at the desk because that's like I said yesterday. There isn't actually a locker. You couldn't really see anything under the water. The water was slightly dark looking, not massively intimidating but a bit. But unless you were near the edges where there were some rocks, you'd basically shove your head under and it's like there's nothing to see. Half of it's covered over as well and, you know, I went early, it was about nine till half ten, maybe eleven by the time I'd finish walking around afterwards.
So it was quite cool, erm, anyway, people were jumping in at some times, not all that often, but quite a lot off this high spot, which I subsequently estimated to be at 4 to 5 metres high, you know, by sticking my arm out and measuring the angular size of it in terms of fingers and comparing that to people at the same distance. So I estimate 4 to 5 metres above the water. So people jumping in and for something, I'm not going to do that, I don't know how to land, I might enter badly. And I sort of gradually worked around in my head because it's like I did kind of want to do it and also unlike some place where I see people jumping in, the wall was more or less sheer and I already knew from having done a swim around the outside that there wasn't really much in the way of rocks under the surfaces like get deep practically immediately.
So, you know, from, oh, I'm not going to do that maybe another time, it was now oh, maybe I could do that, oh, maybe I should do a practice jump in off the side where it's just a meter of the water or half a meter or whatever (which I didn't do as a practice in the end), so fuck it, I'll get out and have a look. And I even scrambled up some slightly crappy rock exit bit, which you didn't need to use in hindsight, and I'm not sure. Many people did, but, you know, queued off. So I wandered around up there, there's a sort of path around the far side of the cenote, so you can go up.
So I walked up there and I stood on the bit where you jump off and fuck me, did it look high, and I'm like, fuck, and I'm wandering round and I'm kind of hoping to watch someone else jump off, but of course no one else is jumping by this point, just so it's law right. And I can't remember whether I actually saw someone else jump from up there before I did, but I'm standing up there and I'm kind of dithering round and I'm remembering jumping into the deep end of the pool in lessons. And I'm thinking, you know, I should just fucking go for it and sort of pencil jump or whatever.
So, you know, I did jump and it was like a bit, fucking ill just mad go for it without thinking about it, sort of thing, because otherwise I don't think I could have done it, and it was kind of terrifying and kind of cool, and my bum took the brunt of the impact. I didn't like land flat on my stomach, but I must have not had my legs straight out under me or something, because my bum felt like I had the most epic spanking ever. And so I'm sitting there and landing in the water, and I was there in a lifejacket, I dont have to worry about treading water, and I'm like checking I'm okay with the water. both my eyes still working shit.
So I wasn't going to do it again, but I kind of felt I ought to, after seeing some other people, at some point, maybe at this point, I did do a jump off the not very high platform into the equally deep water where you can get in. It's only steps at the ends of that platform. So I did that, which was almost as terrifying, not because of the height, but because I'm thinking, what if there's fucking rocks under there, even though I kind of knew there wasn't, because I'd swim along there, but you know, that's the psychology of it. You know, it's been a while, but it always feels slightly scary jumping in the deep end at the pool. But anyway.
And it's, as I say, at some points mixed in with the big jumps, I did do one or two, or maybe three off that shallow bit. But I went into the second one off the top just to sort of prove I could do it again, and again my bum took the brunt of the impact, but, you know, I basically didn't massively hurt myself. And then I think I swum around a bit more and I'm like, okay, I've been in maybe an hour, I think I was in like an hour and ten minutes-ish in total. And it was like, okay, I'll probably get out now, there's no point milking it.
And then I'm not quite sure what happened. I kind of thought, oh I'm gonna walk around and it's like I got, I ought to do another one before I go, you know, just for the hell of it. And so I did it again and it was no, it was still terrifying to jump off each time. But for whatever reason, maybe just luck or maybe I was getting calmer or learning to balance. Although I certainly felt it, I didn't get quite the same bum impact on the third one. It felt a bit more good, not good, but felt better, you know.
You know, I've seen people jumping off things before, like at that pool, towards the bottom of Montezuma in Costa Rica and, you know, when some of the guys jumped off the dock into atitlan in Guatemala, and at least this one, unlike that jump in the Costa Rica, Montezuma one, it felt like it was a pretty much sheer drop, so it wasn't too much of a concern, psychologically, yes, but in reality, not too much of a concern about it. about not jumping far enough out and smashing into the rocks. And you know, I've always been jealous of seeing other people do it because it looks kind of fun. Although I suppose technically, given everyone's wearing a life jacket here, it almost technically wouldn't matter if I couldn't swim, but you know, maybe I wouldn't have had the confidence to be there in the first place or to jump if I didn't have some basic swimming ability. So, I guess it probably has helped a bit. Anyway, so as I say, personal demons given at least a bit of a kicking there.
Downside here is I was wearing my headscarf, sorry, my bandana, and although I probably didn't need it in hindsight because I've deliberately gone early when the UV was low, the UV doesn't really get up to about 11. Plus it was in a kind of deep-ish cavern and half of it was covered over, so I probably didn't actually need anything on my head at all, but I was wearing my bandana. Also, for what it's worth, although I maybe did the right thing anyway, I didn't see a single mention of not wearing sunscreen to protect the cenote here, so I probably could have slathered my head in sunblock if I wanted to. But I didn't anyway.
Anyway, I don't know whether the life jacket was just ill-fitting or if it was the jumps that started at ill-fitting or it was just the jumps or just swimming around. At some point I noticed I'd lost my bandana and I think what happened is that the back of the life jacket was rubbing right up against the back of my head so it almost certainly dislodged it. Maybe I was just swimmingaround, maybe with the jumps. It's a shame, I've had it since 2018. I've not used it a huge amount but when I've used it, it's been nice and I don't like losing things, especially things I've had for a while but I don't, I'm losing anything. But it's gone.
I did keep having a look around for it and I thought I saw it in the water once or twice from the edge and I swam around hoping I'd find it because I imagine it could well have floated near the surface, you know, it's a waterlogged rag but I don't think that's totally impossible but I didn't find it. I suppose if I had to lose it it wasn't too bad a time to do it, at least I lost it doing something kind of memorable and I don't expect to need it to protect my head from swimming for the rest of the time here, when I'm in the hostel pool I am just wearing actual regular swimming costume, no t-shirt, no banana, no sunblock because it's late enough at the day that the UV is not a concern.
So when I got out, I went back into the changing room, there was a sign saying it was 5 pesos, but the woman at the ticket desk had told me it was free with my wristband that I got from my 150 entry fee, and given everyone would have to pay that, everyone could use the changing rooms are free, so I'm not quite sure why there was a possible 5 peso charge, or why so many people seemed to be at least partially changing around the edge, but anyway, the showers in there didn't really matter. This was a changing cubicle and some toilets.
At that point I realised that I had lost the wristband I got when I went in, now I had told the woman to make it loose and I put my finger under it, that itself probably didn't matter which she maybe didn't fasten it completely flat. I don't know if I lost it just swimming around or jumping in or maybe it even got knocked off when the guy was helping me take my life jacket off when I got out and went to collect my bag after that and then changed. But anyway I did lose the wristband as well. Luckily, I didn't realise that until after I'd come out and I'd already asked the woman on the desk if I could go back in fully clothed with my phone to take some photos, and she said yes, and I was wearing a long sleeve top, and I think she obviously remembered me, so I deliberately said, oh is it okay again to her as I was heading down just to get her to acknowledge me, and so no one tried to check my wristband, they probably thought it was hidden under my own sleeve, and she remembered me, so I was able to get back in to take some photos, so obviously not my phone with me when I was actually swimming.
So I took a few photos, although of course no one was jumping in from the high spot then and when they did I felt a bit of a perv because I was in the wrong place or it was a kid or something or I started filming too late, in the end I did manage to film someone jumping off so at least I've got that kind of memory. It is vaguely possible someone filmed me jumping off not saying they did but there were people around and maybe someone did.
At one point they're actually a couple of those turkey vultures sitting practically on the jumping off point which you could make some jokes about. That was very cool. I only had the O6 so I couldn't zoom in on them but I've got some bad photos of that. I hadn't seen any of those earlier.
Oh, when I was wandering around the pool, I think before I went off to get changed, but you know, walking around in my swimming gear, but on the path, I did see a woman jump in. She was the last person I saw before I went to get changed. She looked a bit nervous at first, but then she just very calmly, to my mind, almost stepped off the edge like I've sometimes been told to do in the pool back home. So that just shows, I guess, that it really is a pretty sheer drop and you don't need to jump. So she just stepped off and just fell straight down and did a very straight entry in the water. Obviously, probably partly skill, but also, I guess stepping off does probably help you stay upright.
So I was pretty pleased with myself, to be honest, and by the time I'd actually finished swimming and done the little visit in my clothes and everything, it was probably getting on for 11 or half past. I think I wandered around a bit trying to find the ice cream place that I'd had a fairly decent and cheap palleta de cream de nuez yesterday, I couldn't find it. I went back to the hostel, I think, and dropped my clothes off and changed my phone, and then I went down to Pollo Brujo for lunch. and I think I already wrote about that.
So after Poiobrujo, I thought I'd head down towards the convent, and then walk back up Caldas de los frailes, and I did that, and there was a museum there, and only 40 to get kn. It was actually surprisingly good, the building was the main attraction, the garden was really quite nice. It wasn't as cool as I'd hoped in the buildings, but there was a bit of coolness, and it was pretty nice, and especially for two, I'm not complaining, some iguanas in the garden, and I even saw a cat there. Yeah, I mean that was quite nice, got some photos, obviously.
After that, I think I wandered back into town up Calzada, as I said, not super impressed with that, a little bit boutique, but you know, nice to have seen it. I think it might have been on this bit of the walk that I spotted this Irish pub for the first time. I then started vaguely combing around the place, trying to find that ice cream in place, just for the hell of it more than anything. It was good and cheap, but not that good, or that amazing, but I wanted to find it. I knew it was somewhere on 40, so I started zigzagging up the side streets. I did eventually find it, and I went in there and I had a strawberry one today, and then I went back to the hostel for coffee (though there was no ground coffee and i had to ask and they sorted it after i had swum) and a swim.
So a waiter just came round and although I ordered the first one at the bar and paid for it there I've ordered another one of the same that means I'm gonna have to tip now but not the end of the world. And then depending on how I'm feeling I might go back and have that one that's in the fridge. I might even get another one on the way back or something but we'll see how it goes. 65 isn't amazing but it's not terrible even if you have to tip on right. At least I'm out and about.
So, with regards to just the general psychology and mindset and where we're going ( nd what a pile of psycho-wank this
is), as I say, I was actually relatively chuffed even up to the point of going back to the hotel and having the swim. Then when I started thinking about the evening and I came out for the evening, it started to go just a tiny bit pear-shaped in my head, not terrible, not waves of despair, but you know, as I said earlier, a little bit billy no mates, etc.
I think the thing is, although it's not a big deal, because I'm coming to the end of the trip, and there's a strong possibility, at least, that I will have a private room in a hotel, rather than a hostel in Cancun, in part out of general laziness and introversion, and in part because I do like to have a private the night before I fly, but it's not critical, and we'll come on to that in a minute, so that this is my last hostel, and while I'm enjoying the swimming pool, and the fact that I can get into a bit of practice before I go back, it's a bit disappointing that it's not super social, and this is it, because Cancun is not going to be a hostel. so there isn't another roll of the social dice as it were.
The music here is super 80's and kind of cool in a very slightly cheesy way. But Jesus, they're just playing a song and I won't know what it is until it starts up. But I had it on a crappy, double tape greatest hits of the 80's or 90's compilation. Lost in a dream. I don't know which way to go.... Moving way too slow.. Love caught into the slamming door. Yeah, I can't remember the exact name, but Jesus don't particularly like it, but it doesn't feel like I've heard it since I listened to that compilation tape back in the day. It was actually one that was bought, I think it was a Christmas present. Anyway, just an aside.
So I have booked here for Saturday night, and I'm currently overpaid, but that will be fine. I'm torn about the Sunday night. It's cheaper being in this hostel here than being in a private room in Cancun, but really the money is not an enormous factor. It would be kind of nice to actually go into Cancun Centro and have a bit of time there and maybe, like, find something I like, because I'm too negative about Cancun. It's like, as a resort, I'm sure it's fine, I just don't like resorts. It's relatively expensive because it's a big city and there's a resort connection, but even so, the centro isn't necessarily that bad. If I could, you know, it's the sort of place where over the years I could find myself spending a few days at a time over and over again, and if I could develop some sort of affection for the centre, that would be great.
I mean, unless some massively social shit turns up at this hostel, I think there's little social reason to stay here Sunday. I think V is a little cooler than I thought it could be, not actual temperature wise, unfortunately. And like, I don't know if I went to Ecbalam on a previous visit, or I certainly wouldn't have gone to some of the other cenotes nearby, and even if Ecbalam has been visited, it would certainly be worth a revisit after more than 15 years by the time I come back. I could totally see myself coming back here again on another trip. For a few days, you know, hopefully feeling less pressured because it's the early part. But I'm not doing that sort of stuff now. So if I stay here on Sunday, it will be just a potter around, maybe swimming the hostel, which is perhaps the big thing. But you know, otherwise it would just be pottering around and maybe some random museum or something, which is fine. But you know, let's be honest, there's no massive social dimension. I'm not doing any major side trips.
So, I think, on the one hand, barring something turning up, whoch obviously change the calculus, or, you know, me somehow having a major time out in Saturday night, which things unlikely, because every time I want to through that plaza that Mark told me about, it's nice enough, but it doesn't as pub, submit it as people with caguamons, or something, then maybe, but I don't really want to be cadging of them on my own, and I don't know, I will go out tomorrow night, but I'm not super optimistic. So, as it looks at the moment, pleasant enough as a hostel is, modulo temperature questions in the dorm, which are just down to people. The main attraction to staying on Sunday is the chance to swim another time, but even if I don't get to swim tomorrow, and I probably will, I could always swim first thing Sunday morning from leaving, I'd rather not, and if I can swim tomorrow night, I probably won't, but I've already swum three times in two days. If I swim tomorrow evening, that would be four times in three days. There's no point going absolutely mad on it, but all else being equal, yeah sure, if I stay this Sunday, it's a possible extra opportunity to swim, although the pool might be chopped out somehow and I don't.
On the flipside, if I go to Cancun on Sunday I get two nights and probably like two half days and a full day there. If I'm in a private room, in a sort of Mexicany bit of the centre near the bus terminal, I do have a hotel in nind. That might be kind of cool, I could maybe even go in a local bar or I could just wander around and find a restaurant I like and it'd be like, oh yeah, I quite like this little bit of Cancun, you know, this will be a nice place to come on the next time I fly in here.
And I could of course also choose to go into a hostel, ideally in Centro. The trouble is, unless I pay through the nose for a private and I'm not even sure that's an option, that would mean being in a dorm. But, you know, that would be another roll of the dice, and does it really matter if I'm going to dorm for another couple of nights, would be nice to do a tiny bit of clothes washing in a private ensuite, but I'm sure I could get by or go to a laundry or something. And I don't have to have a private before I fly, and you know, it's maybe that's an option. It would still be in centro, so if nothing does work out of the whole stall, I've still got a chance to wander the local area and get to know people that's not going to happen, but you know, find places I like or go to a local bar. And if the hostile does happen to be social then yes sure I've not been to any local places so much but I could do that on another trip and I've had something else in return.
Not saying I didn't like the place I stayed when I arrived this time, but, you know, perhaps I was feeling more confident another time. Now I know it's relatively easy to get a bus into the centre of town. I could think from the airport, I mean, I could stay at one of those local Mexican-ish hotels in centre near bus terminal. Now I've got the idea that Cancun is probably not quite such a bear pit as I envisioned when I was sitting at home befofe coming out here. So, you know, I could do the trying to find little places that I love or at least like, or I think, oh yeah, I always come here in Cancun Centro at the start of another trip when having a private is desirable because I want to recover from the fly and I'd also have the option then to stay a few more days if I wanted. I probably shouldn't book to travel on straight away as I did this time. I shouldn't book before I come home, you know, I should book more on the fly.
So, anyway, obviously I could do all this if I only go to Cancun on Monday, and that way I'm still there ready to fly on Tuesday. I don't think I'm going to go from Valladolid on Tuesday unless something happens to make it massively more appealing here. But, you know, even if I went on Monday, that takes the pressure off with the flight, but it means I have two sort of crappy half days in Cancun, which isn't great for socialising at a hostel and isn't great for exploring the central area from a local hotel either.
So, unless something changes, I'm fairly strongly leaning towards leaving here, relatively early on Sunday morning, and spending Sunday and Monday nights in Cancun, and much as I do think there's some value in having a private before I fly, I am kind of tempted to go for some sort of maybe social hostel, but in the centre, I mean it's probably going to be full of party people who want the beach, but if it's a centro-hostel, maybe not too much, and the downside isn't too great, because apart from the loss of the privacy and convenience of the private, if hostel isn't social, I'm not that much worse off than with the local hotel (I can still explore centro and try to find stuff I like), though it js just possible at the local hotel I get chatting to some locals, or the staff would be instructive or something, but not a huge aspect of it.
Anyway, I don't have to decide now. I may well sort of start to research hostels tomorrow, because it's going to be a fairly slack day apart from some souvenir shopping, and I can put the final decision off until Sunday morning, you know. I don't want to leave too late if I am leaving, but I'm pretty sure I could, like, get up eightisg, do a bit of research and book the hostel and the bus or the hotel or whatever, and then leave Sunday tenish. We'll see how I feel tomorrow, right? Anyway, that's what I'm currently thinking.
Obviously, having been here talking close up to my phone all the time isn't super encouraging of socialising, but there's basically like two tables of people and they're in fairly big groups, one of them is three youngish women and one of them is a slightly weird looking mixed group, it's even bigger. I'm not feeling super social, I mean I kind of feel I should try and do some of the stuff Mark was talking about, but end of trip and the situation and blah blah blah, I'm just not feeling it, so anyway. Thanks for watching.
I'll leave that thanks for watching in just to show it does happen occasionally even though I clearly didn't say that.
2045 Just been for piss, asker waiter to look after my beer, although I can't really see anything happen to it. I went for piss when I got here, but I was reminded of going in that there's actually like three women painted on the wall, I think it's a photo, peering down at the urinal, making joking comments. I took a photo of it when I got here. It's probably not remotely novel, but I don't think I've ever seen it before. It's slightly off-putting tbh. :-)
I am probably going to go after this. I'm not feeling super social, I don't think this place is going to be super social. I've got one left back at the hostel, assuming no one's taken it. That's probably enough. It's not like I have to get drunk, not like I really want to get drunk. I can maybe have a beer tomorrow night, I can maybe have a beer Sunday night. To some extent I have a beer Monday night, right? So no point pushing it. By the time I leave here it's probably going to be nine, maybe quarter past. By the time I get back to the hostel after maybe buying a snack on the way, maybe even getting something from a street stall. It's going to be ten by the time I get to bed probably later, so that's not too early. No point wasting beer allowance and money when I'm not having a good time, maybe another night I will. Not having a terrible time, but it's just a bit mehish.
OTOH, although a touch expensive, one more here wouldn't hurt and I could then have that one back at hosfel too or have it tomorrow. Not sure.
It's not a huge concern, but because I've been deliberately running my cash down, I am going to need to get some out, but I keep putting it off because it's like I have got enough. I've got about 700 pesos left at the moment and a couple of cash cards and a credit card, but I normally feel a lot more confident when I know that I've got like 1500 or 2000 pesos secreted around me for emergencies. I'm probably going to withdraw some tomorrow, but that's how I keep putting it off because the later I leave it, the clearer it is how much I might need, so I can avoid being stuck with too much. It's fine. I mean, it probably won't be 12 odd years until I come back like it was last time. I kind of hope to come back fairly soon, but it could still be a couple of years at least. I don't mind having 100 quids worth of pesos back at home, but I don't want 300 quids worth sitting around The notes aging and inflation eating away at it, if I can help it, it's not a huge deal.
I was thinking earlier, and not for the first time during this trip, that other there's lots of factors and they're kind of positive factors in the whole in the sense that there's things I'd sort of rather be doing at hlme. But I am wondering if I should maybe see if I can get away, perhaps not for a full two to three month trip, although see how it goes this autumn, but anyway, see what happens. Groovejet's just starting to play. Ah, the angular songstress!
There might be live music here, Fridays and Saturdays at 9.30, I can't read the sign properly, there's a microphone or a cymbal covering the days of the week, it may also not be regular but a guy is fiddling around down there with a guitar. That might tip me over the edge and, you know, have one or two more here. I think the hostel locks up at 11, in theory, I've got a key but I'm not super keen to test it, I don't want to get off my face either. On the other hand, you know, it's not super cheap but I can handle the cost, not pissed. Yeah, we'll see how it goes maybe. And tomorrow I don't have to get up super early, I don't want to waste the day. But today I want to get up early for the cenote,
Sunday I want to get up early to sort out booking if I haven't, and also to get over to Cancun. Monday's my last full day, but I can have a bit of a lie in if I want, tueaday maybe too but I've got to check out and maybe I want to take advantage of the last morning. So if I'm up a little late tomorrow and I'm probably looking at like four slightly expensive pints here, it's not the end of the world, you know, each half litres (don't satisfy etc) probably going to work about £2.50 with tip.
2101 ring my bell as guy practices on guitar. I should have said the music was retro not 80s.
2156 band started about 2115 and are just taking a 5/10/15 min break. I have about a quarter of my third half litre. They are not bad, doing reggaeish covers of popular songs from a range of genres. Audience might be a mix of tourists and locals but hard to be sure.
I am seriously a bit torn. It's kind of tempting to stay, but I'm a little bit worried about getting into the accommodation after 11. I wouldn't mind getting a snack and just eating it before I go to bed. Music is good, but it's not like amazing. I'm just vaguely edgy in a strange way. I'm sure it's perfectly safe to walk back, but you know, but if I cut into the accommodation, I don't want to get too drunk. I don't fucking know. But I also don't want to just throw away this really not that bad night out of some vague, not quite sure feeling.
"This is how we do it". Not recent but feels notes recent than most songs played by bar (not band).
I am half thinking one more beer and then leave even mid set or if they haven't come on. And maybe get the bill with the beer. If I have time to get a snack on way home I will, if not no big deal. And if I miss the 11 lockup I can *probably* get in anyway, and if I can't if is not So insanely late that making noise to get let in is totally out of order. And I might be drunk if anyone wanting to judge but will not be off my tits.
Loads of tables still free on terrace. And people keep leaving and then a handful more come in. The guidebook doesn't even bother to mention any bars to go to in Valladolid for nightlife, just rather stupidly saying you should go to Merida for nightlife, but the guidebook's kind of shit, right? I don't know. I'm sure locals go out sometimes whether they go here or they're going to canteen us or what. Anyway, not complaining, just an observation.
2311 Just got home, the place was locked up, but it was trivial to get in round the back, half wish I'd stayed later at bar but you know, first time I'd done it, so what can you say? I couldn't see anywhere really obvious to buy a snack, although I wanted one less than I did earlier in the night, and I can always gorge myself tomorrow, I'm not feeling particularly hungry, I'm having a glass of water down in the lower, terracy area inside, and then I go clean my teeth and go to bed.
I walked past Tres mentiras on the way back. Incidentally, it was quiet and dark on street, but I wasn't particularly freaked out, which I guess is good. Hardly anyone there, but it looked slightly fun in a strange way. I don't know what I'll do tomorrow night. I will maybe check that square out. Oh, I looked at it from down the other end of the alley on walk back just nkw, and it didn't look terribly lively tonight. Anyway, I think a solid fallback option tomorrow night would be going to St Patrick s, but a little bit later, you know, especially if there's a different band, but even the same one would be ok. Anyway, just a thought.
2318 Okay, obviously there's no sign of anyone. I had two glasses of water, so I'm gonna go up and clean my teeth and go to bed. I'll send this now.
Really didn't sleep that well for no massively obvious reasons yes it was warm but not that warm I kept having these I wasn't even a dream it's like I'm tumbling over and I'm continually thinking oh or both my eyes working it's just crazy I wasn't drunk when I had three beers. About half one, maybe one, I decided I'd go to the toilet even though I didn't really need to go. For the first time ever I didn't put any trousers on (just wearing uw). And of course, the other guy, whose name I don't know, but the one who speaks English well, but doesn't seem to be native, I don't know, just waffling for fuck's sake. He was right on the other side of the dorm door as I opened it. It was not a big deal, but annoying. anyway, he turned the air conditioning and the fan on. The air conditioning was very noisy, but did cool it down. But, you know, life being what it is this morning I was feeling cold in bed. I've been tossing and turning for about an hour or two before I got up really hard to say.
It's actually pretty warm out here already. I did know this and I checked on the phone and weathered forecast on our website and it said it was like 24 Celsius out here at this time in the morning. It's just when you're in the dorm and it's all grey and it's air conditioned and there's a coldish breeze with the fan. It's always hard for me to realise that that's not the weather, that's just the room.
I'm not super enthused about going to the Sanote, but I guess I will. It feels like it's already too hot for me. But as far as I can see from this weather forecast, the UV isn't too bad until about 10 or 11. So if I'm over there for 9, it should be fine. I'll come back to the hostel and put some sunblock and stuff on afterwards and maybe have a shower.
I'm not saying I didn't actually get a reasonable amount of sleep in total and maybe I didn't even sleep that bad. I don't know but it was a bit shitty being in bed and not getting to sleep and blah. And I feel a bit weird sitting here and maybe hiding but no one else is talking and I want to get off and fuck. I don't know.
I think it's hard to be sure, I don't know why it's hard to be sure, but I'm just not in the mood to be sure about anything. I think my shoulders hurting a bit from swimming yesterday, which is, in some sense, no bad thing, but obviously, in the very short term, isn't ideal.
1301 at Pollos brujo. They have coke light in the takeaway fridge out front but not in the eat in fridge. I asked the nice enough waiter and no, I cannot have coke light to eat in. They can only serve me what is in the eat in fridge. And I cannot buy a coke light at the takeaway counter (*of the same business*, remember) and eat it in. I pulled incredulous faces and dithered. Vaguely tempted to walk out but it seems broadly OK and it is cool albeit not fully ac cold in here and I do fancy chicken and so I just decided to order a water.
Have given personal demons a bit of a kicking I went to the Cantor and tbh it was pretty cool. I was in the water about 1h
1338 food came and now in oxxo. Just quick note if didn't say that yday had a sidra negra soft drink and it tasted rather reminsicent of dandelion and burdock.
1944 Okay, I'm going to surreptitiously voice type at the back terrace of St Patrick's Irish Pub. There's very few people around. Didn't really expect it to be a lot of people earlier at this time of night anyway.
So it's probably going to be a bit crap, but bash it out. I've got myself a half-liter of Dos Equis ambar de barril at 65 for the 500 mil, not terrible. Not a terrible day to be honest, I'm feeling a tiny bit down, tiny bit billy no mates. Not a huge deal, but let's just churn through the rings.
So let's just deal with the night first. There's some English language, music, playing from speaking on too far behind me. It doesn't seem to be fucking things up, but I'm just mentioning it.
So after I got back I had a swim which was reasonably successful so two swims today I was in the water about 32 minutes I think. I did swim most of that I made a bit of an effort. Anyway I had a shower and I did a bit of surreptitious water only washing of some clothes as well and I hung those up around where the swimming stuff was hidden, where I've been told to hang it yesterday. I didn't have any clothes pegs handy so I should have gone and got someone brought some out but I'm sure it'll be alright.
So I had a shave with my crappy razor at a shower before and after the pool. I cleaned my teeth and I came out. I think Brazilian woman was actually sitting in reception. I said hello to her, but in hindsight I should have said, oh is there any way good to go or do you want to go out for a drink, not trying to chat her up, but anyway I didn't. Maybe I'm too intimidated by someone who I think is perhaps a long-term guest. There were a couple of, to be honest, rather chunky looking, unknown guys of in European nationality. They don't sound any obvious language I've heard about. They seem to keep themselves very much themselves so far. They turned up today. There's also one oldish, orientalish looking woman who was on the terrace earlier. So I didn't do any voice typing there after the swim when I was having a couple of coffees. But anyway, it's not super busy. I've not seen the guy I showed myself. I've seen my underwear too. I saw quite a bit yesterday since. I've seen the Canadian Mexican guy briefly, but not really to speak to. Speak to you.
So anywhere I came out and I half wish I'd spoken to that Brazilian woman and I'm wandering around the night life here is maybe not all it could be and I'm thinking what the fuck am I going to do and I'm feeling a tiny bit down not so much specifically because it's a night but because you know the trips coming an end and although I need to decide and I'll probably waffle about it later I need to decide if I want to be in a dorm or not or in a hotel with the private room but which even further lowers the chances of meeting people in Cancun but more on that later.
Oh, I spoke to the owner. He was helping me with the coffee a bit awkward. And I asked if I could extend. I checked on and got a price and he said, oh yeah, you can just pay me that. I didn't ask for a discount. He can have the commission money right. Paid him 200 and it should be about 167. I've not seen him since. I'm sure he'll remember to give me the change. It's not the end of the world. Anyway, I have now extended for Saturday night at least.
So I was wandering around a bit and I thought, oh, maybe I'll go to, I was looking at organic maps, and I had seen this Irish pub earlier and I'd sort of forgotten where it was, but I had seen it. So I thought, oh, I could go to La Officina, Cantina, which had spotted the other day when looking for that Chinese place. And I went over there, it's near Yupteco, whatever that place is called, which is a bit quiet, and I'd rather save that for a second try tomorrow, I'm not desperate to go. So I got down to Lafusina and there's a couple of work guys come out in overalls which is obviously not a problem as such and then this slightly strange looking woman was going in and also I'm sure it's not really as sinister as I'm making out. It looked a bit nightclub inside and even though it looks like it's sort of open, hallish kind of place. There's a big sort of banner saying Lafusina which blocks off seeing in there from the street you have to sort of you turn around that either side to get out. You can't see what's going on inside, and I'm on my own and it's like, maybe I should have done, maybe it had been fun, but I just like, I've got no idea what it's like in there, fuck it, I'm not going.
So, I remembered seeing this Irish pub this afternoon and I couldn't remember where it was, so the bus terminal was nearby, so I went there on the off chance I could get Wi-Fi, which I couldn't, but I managed to get data on my sim in the P7, and I quickly turned that on and had a look on Google Maps. It was just south of the main square on 42. So I came here, felt a bit of a cop-out. It's bigger than I thought, it doesn't feel very matey. I thought I might be able to sit at the bar and get into a chat with a tourist or something, but there was no one else sitting at the bar. By the time I got served and I thought fuck it, I'll come out into the garden now and I've got one because it's a bit cooler.
So I'll talk about the meta-minestate stuff later so let's go back to the Sonote. It was pretty cool as I said actually to be honest, I went swimming, everyone's wearing a life jacket of course. Still a tiny bit weird to be in there because as soon as you're about meter from the edge. In fact basically out of the edge around most of it, except for a couple of sort of step type bits at one end, both ends of the one side where there's a built up platform, it's like, I don't know how deep it actually is, but it's like so deep. It's almost enough. Obviously it's fine in the life jacket and I didn't freak out, but you know, it was a little bit weird so I guess there's a learning experience there for a start.
So I'm doing a bad breaststroke around wearing the life jacket and occasionally putting my head under the water. I'm wearing my prescription goggles. I didn't take my glasses. I left in my shoes in the changing. Well, I left them with the woman at the desk because that's like I said yesterday. There isn't actually a locker. You couldn't really see anything under the water. The water was slightly dark looking, not massively intimidating but a bit. But unless you were near the edges where there were some rocks, you'd basically shove your head under and it's like there's nothing to see. Half of it's covered over as well and, you know, I went early, it was about nine till half ten, maybe eleven by the time I'd finish walking around afterwards.
So it was quite cool, erm, anyway, people were jumping in at some times, not all that often, but quite a lot off this high spot, which I subsequently estimated to be at 4 to 5 metres high, you know, by sticking my arm out and measuring the angular size of it in terms of fingers and comparing that to people at the same distance. So I estimate 4 to 5 metres above the water. So people jumping in and for something, I'm not going to do that, I don't know how to land, I might enter badly. And I sort of gradually worked around in my head because it's like I did kind of want to do it and also unlike some place where I see people jumping in, the wall was more or less sheer and I already knew from having done a swim around the outside that there wasn't really much in the way of rocks under the surfaces like get deep practically immediately.
So, you know, from, oh, I'm not going to do that maybe another time, it was now oh, maybe I could do that, oh, maybe I should do a practice jump in off the side where it's just a meter of the water or half a meter or whatever (which I didn't do as a practice in the end), so fuck it, I'll get out and have a look. And I even scrambled up some slightly crappy rock exit bit, which you didn't need to use in hindsight, and I'm not sure. Many people did, but, you know, queued off. So I wandered around up there, there's a sort of path around the far side of the cenote, so you can go up.
So I walked up there and I stood on the bit where you jump off and fuck me, did it look high, and I'm like, fuck, and I'm wandering round and I'm kind of hoping to watch someone else jump off, but of course no one else is jumping by this point, just so it's law right. And I can't remember whether I actually saw someone else jump from up there before I did, but I'm standing up there and I'm kind of dithering round and I'm remembering jumping into the deep end of the pool in lessons. And I'm thinking, you know, I should just fucking go for it and sort of pencil jump or whatever.
So, you know, I did jump and it was like a bit, fucking ill just mad go for it without thinking about it, sort of thing, because otherwise I don't think I could have done it, and it was kind of terrifying and kind of cool, and my bum took the brunt of the impact. I didn't like land flat on my stomach, but I must have not had my legs straight out under me or something, because my bum felt like I had the most epic spanking ever. And so I'm sitting there and landing in the water, and I was there in a lifejacket, I dont have to worry about treading water, and I'm like checking I'm okay with the water. both my eyes still working shit.
So I wasn't going to do it again, but I kind of felt I ought to, after seeing some other people, at some point, maybe at this point, I did do a jump off the not very high platform into the equally deep water where you can get in. It's only steps at the ends of that platform. So I did that, which was almost as terrifying, not because of the height, but because I'm thinking, what if there's fucking rocks under there, even though I kind of knew there wasn't, because I'd swim along there, but you know, that's the psychology of it. You know, it's been a while, but it always feels slightly scary jumping in the deep end at the pool. But anyway.
And it's, as I say, at some points mixed in with the big jumps, I did do one or two, or maybe three off that shallow bit. But I went into the second one off the top just to sort of prove I could do it again, and again my bum took the brunt of the impact, but, you know, I basically didn't massively hurt myself. And then I think I swum around a bit more and I'm like, okay, I've been in maybe an hour, I think I was in like an hour and ten minutes-ish in total. And it was like, okay, I'll probably get out now, there's no point milking it.
And then I'm not quite sure what happened. I kind of thought, oh I'm gonna walk around and it's like I got, I ought to do another one before I go, you know, just for the hell of it. And so I did it again and it was no, it was still terrifying to jump off each time. But for whatever reason, maybe just luck or maybe I was getting calmer or learning to balance. Although I certainly felt it, I didn't get quite the same bum impact on the third one. It felt a bit more good, not good, but felt better, you know.
You know, I've seen people jumping off things before, like at that pool, towards the bottom of Montezuma in Costa Rica and, you know, when some of the guys jumped off the dock into atitlan in Guatemala, and at least this one, unlike that jump in the Costa Rica, Montezuma one, it felt like it was a pretty much sheer drop, so it wasn't too much of a concern, psychologically, yes, but in reality, not too much of a concern about it. about not jumping far enough out and smashing into the rocks. And you know, I've always been jealous of seeing other people do it because it looks kind of fun. Although I suppose technically, given everyone's wearing a life jacket here, it almost technically wouldn't matter if I couldn't swim, but you know, maybe I wouldn't have had the confidence to be there in the first place or to jump if I didn't have some basic swimming ability. So, I guess it probably has helped a bit. Anyway, so as I say, personal demons given at least a bit of a kicking there.
Downside here is I was wearing my headscarf, sorry, my bandana, and although I probably didn't need it in hindsight because I've deliberately gone early when the UV was low, the UV doesn't really get up to about 11. Plus it was in a kind of deep-ish cavern and half of it was covered over, so I probably didn't actually need anything on my head at all, but I was wearing my bandana. Also, for what it's worth, although I maybe did the right thing anyway, I didn't see a single mention of not wearing sunscreen to protect the cenote here, so I probably could have slathered my head in sunblock if I wanted to. But I didn't anyway.
Anyway, I don't know whether the life jacket was just ill-fitting or if it was the jumps that started at ill-fitting or it was just the jumps or just swimming around. At some point I noticed I'd lost my bandana and I think what happened is that the back of the life jacket was rubbing right up against the back of my head so it almost certainly dislodged it. Maybe I was just swimmingaround, maybe with the jumps. It's a shame, I've had it since 2018. I've not used it a huge amount but when I've used it, it's been nice and I don't like losing things, especially things I've had for a while but I don't, I'm losing anything. But it's gone.
I did keep having a look around for it and I thought I saw it in the water once or twice from the edge and I swam around hoping I'd find it because I imagine it could well have floated near the surface, you know, it's a waterlogged rag but I don't think that's totally impossible but I didn't find it. I suppose if I had to lose it it wasn't too bad a time to do it, at least I lost it doing something kind of memorable and I don't expect to need it to protect my head from swimming for the rest of the time here, when I'm in the hostel pool I am just wearing actual regular swimming costume, no t-shirt, no banana, no sunblock because it's late enough at the day that the UV is not a concern.
So when I got out, I went back into the changing room, there was a sign saying it was 5 pesos, but the woman at the ticket desk had told me it was free with my wristband that I got from my 150 entry fee, and given everyone would have to pay that, everyone could use the changing rooms are free, so I'm not quite sure why there was a possible 5 peso charge, or why so many people seemed to be at least partially changing around the edge, but anyway, the showers in there didn't really matter. This was a changing cubicle and some toilets.
At that point I realised that I had lost the wristband I got when I went in, now I had told the woman to make it loose and I put my finger under it, that itself probably didn't matter which she maybe didn't fasten it completely flat. I don't know if I lost it just swimming around or jumping in or maybe it even got knocked off when the guy was helping me take my life jacket off when I got out and went to collect my bag after that and then changed. But anyway I did lose the wristband as well. Luckily, I didn't realise that until after I'd come out and I'd already asked the woman on the desk if I could go back in fully clothed with my phone to take some photos, and she said yes, and I was wearing a long sleeve top, and I think she obviously remembered me, so I deliberately said, oh is it okay again to her as I was heading down just to get her to acknowledge me, and so no one tried to check my wristband, they probably thought it was hidden under my own sleeve, and she remembered me, so I was able to get back in to take some photos, so obviously not my phone with me when I was actually swimming.
So I took a few photos, although of course no one was jumping in from the high spot then and when they did I felt a bit of a perv because I was in the wrong place or it was a kid or something or I started filming too late, in the end I did manage to film someone jumping off so at least I've got that kind of memory. It is vaguely possible someone filmed me jumping off not saying they did but there were people around and maybe someone did.
At one point they're actually a couple of those turkey vultures sitting practically on the jumping off point which you could make some jokes about. That was very cool. I only had the O6 so I couldn't zoom in on them but I've got some bad photos of that. I hadn't seen any of those earlier.
Oh, when I was wandering around the pool, I think before I went off to get changed, but you know, walking around in my swimming gear, but on the path, I did see a woman jump in. She was the last person I saw before I went to get changed. She looked a bit nervous at first, but then she just very calmly, to my mind, almost stepped off the edge like I've sometimes been told to do in the pool back home. So that just shows, I guess, that it really is a pretty sheer drop and you don't need to jump. So she just stepped off and just fell straight down and did a very straight entry in the water. Obviously, probably partly skill, but also, I guess stepping off does probably help you stay upright.
So I was pretty pleased with myself, to be honest, and by the time I'd actually finished swimming and done the little visit in my clothes and everything, it was probably getting on for 11 or half past. I think I wandered around a bit trying to find the ice cream place that I'd had a fairly decent and cheap palleta de cream de nuez yesterday, I couldn't find it. I went back to the hostel, I think, and dropped my clothes off and changed my phone, and then I went down to Pollo Brujo for lunch. and I think I already wrote about that.
So after Poiobrujo, I thought I'd head down towards the convent, and then walk back up Caldas de los frailes, and I did that, and there was a museum there, and only 40 to get kn. It was actually surprisingly good, the building was the main attraction, the garden was really quite nice. It wasn't as cool as I'd hoped in the buildings, but there was a bit of coolness, and it was pretty nice, and especially for two, I'm not complaining, some iguanas in the garden, and I even saw a cat there. Yeah, I mean that was quite nice, got some photos, obviously.
After that, I think I wandered back into town up Calzada, as I said, not super impressed with that, a little bit boutique, but you know, nice to have seen it. I think it might have been on this bit of the walk that I spotted this Irish pub for the first time. I then started vaguely combing around the place, trying to find that ice cream in place, just for the hell of it more than anything. It was good and cheap, but not that good, or that amazing, but I wanted to find it. I knew it was somewhere on 40, so I started zigzagging up the side streets. I did eventually find it, and I went in there and I had a strawberry one today, and then I went back to the hostel for coffee (though there was no ground coffee and i had to ask and they sorted it after i had swum) and a swim.
So a waiter just came round and although I ordered the first one at the bar and paid for it there I've ordered another one of the same that means I'm gonna have to tip now but not the end of the world. And then depending on how I'm feeling I might go back and have that one that's in the fridge. I might even get another one on the way back or something but we'll see how it goes. 65 isn't amazing but it's not terrible even if you have to tip on right. At least I'm out and about.
So, with regards to just the general psychology and mindset and where we're going ( nd what a pile of psycho-wank this
is), as I say, I was actually relatively chuffed even up to the point of going back to the hotel and having the swim. Then when I started thinking about the evening and I came out for the evening, it started to go just a tiny bit pear-shaped in my head, not terrible, not waves of despair, but you know, as I said earlier, a little bit billy no mates, etc.
I think the thing is, although it's not a big deal, because I'm coming to the end of the trip, and there's a strong possibility, at least, that I will have a private room in a hotel, rather than a hostel in Cancun, in part out of general laziness and introversion, and in part because I do like to have a private the night before I fly, but it's not critical, and we'll come on to that in a minute, so that this is my last hostel, and while I'm enjoying the swimming pool, and the fact that I can get into a bit of practice before I go back, it's a bit disappointing that it's not super social, and this is it, because Cancun is not going to be a hostel. so there isn't another roll of the social dice as it were.
The music here is super 80's and kind of cool in a very slightly cheesy way. But Jesus, they're just playing a song and I won't know what it is until it starts up. But I had it on a crappy, double tape greatest hits of the 80's or 90's compilation. Lost in a dream. I don't know which way to go.... Moving way too slow.. Love caught into the slamming door. Yeah, I can't remember the exact name, but Jesus don't particularly like it, but it doesn't feel like I've heard it since I listened to that compilation tape back in the day. It was actually one that was bought, I think it was a Christmas present. Anyway, just an aside.
So I have booked here for Saturday night, and I'm currently overpaid, but that will be fine. I'm torn about the Sunday night. It's cheaper being in this hostel here than being in a private room in Cancun, but really the money is not an enormous factor. It would be kind of nice to actually go into Cancun Centro and have a bit of time there and maybe, like, find something I like, because I'm too negative about Cancun. It's like, as a resort, I'm sure it's fine, I just don't like resorts. It's relatively expensive because it's a big city and there's a resort connection, but even so, the centro isn't necessarily that bad. If I could, you know, it's the sort of place where over the years I could find myself spending a few days at a time over and over again, and if I could develop some sort of affection for the centre, that would be great.
I mean, unless some massively social shit turns up at this hostel, I think there's little social reason to stay here Sunday. I think V is a little cooler than I thought it could be, not actual temperature wise, unfortunately. And like, I don't know if I went to Ecbalam on a previous visit, or I certainly wouldn't have gone to some of the other cenotes nearby, and even if Ecbalam has been visited, it would certainly be worth a revisit after more than 15 years by the time I come back. I could totally see myself coming back here again on another trip. For a few days, you know, hopefully feeling less pressured because it's the early part. But I'm not doing that sort of stuff now. So if I stay here on Sunday, it will be just a potter around, maybe swimming the hostel, which is perhaps the big thing. But you know, otherwise it would just be pottering around and maybe some random museum or something, which is fine. But you know, let's be honest, there's no massive social dimension. I'm not doing any major side trips.
So, I think, on the one hand, barring something turning up, whoch obviously change the calculus, or, you know, me somehow having a major time out in Saturday night, which things unlikely, because every time I want to through that plaza that Mark told me about, it's nice enough, but it doesn't as pub, submit it as people with caguamons, or something, then maybe, but I don't really want to be cadging of them on my own, and I don't know, I will go out tomorrow night, but I'm not super optimistic. So, as it looks at the moment, pleasant enough as a hostel is, modulo temperature questions in the dorm, which are just down to people. The main attraction to staying on Sunday is the chance to swim another time, but even if I don't get to swim tomorrow, and I probably will, I could always swim first thing Sunday morning from leaving, I'd rather not, and if I can swim tomorrow night, I probably won't, but I've already swum three times in two days. If I swim tomorrow evening, that would be four times in three days. There's no point going absolutely mad on it, but all else being equal, yeah sure, if I stay this Sunday, it's a possible extra opportunity to swim, although the pool might be chopped out somehow and I don't.
On the flipside, if I go to Cancun on Sunday I get two nights and probably like two half days and a full day there. If I'm in a private room, in a sort of Mexicany bit of the centre near the bus terminal, I do have a hotel in nind. That might be kind of cool, I could maybe even go in a local bar or I could just wander around and find a restaurant I like and it'd be like, oh yeah, I quite like this little bit of Cancun, you know, this will be a nice place to come on the next time I fly in here.
And I could of course also choose to go into a hostel, ideally in Centro. The trouble is, unless I pay through the nose for a private and I'm not even sure that's an option, that would mean being in a dorm. But, you know, that would be another roll of the dice, and does it really matter if I'm going to dorm for another couple of nights, would be nice to do a tiny bit of clothes washing in a private ensuite, but I'm sure I could get by or go to a laundry or something. And I don't have to have a private before I fly, and you know, it's maybe that's an option. It would still be in centro, so if nothing does work out of the whole stall, I've still got a chance to wander the local area and get to know people that's not going to happen, but you know, find places I like or go to a local bar. And if the hostile does happen to be social then yes sure I've not been to any local places so much but I could do that on another trip and I've had something else in return.
Not saying I didn't like the place I stayed when I arrived this time, but, you know, perhaps I was feeling more confident another time. Now I know it's relatively easy to get a bus into the centre of town. I could think from the airport, I mean, I could stay at one of those local Mexican-ish hotels in centre near bus terminal. Now I've got the idea that Cancun is probably not quite such a bear pit as I envisioned when I was sitting at home befofe coming out here. So, you know, I could do the trying to find little places that I love or at least like, or I think, oh yeah, I always come here in Cancun Centro at the start of another trip when having a private is desirable because I want to recover from the fly and I'd also have the option then to stay a few more days if I wanted. I probably shouldn't book to travel on straight away as I did this time. I shouldn't book before I come home, you know, I should book more on the fly.
So, anyway, obviously I could do all this if I only go to Cancun on Monday, and that way I'm still there ready to fly on Tuesday. I don't think I'm going to go from Valladolid on Tuesday unless something happens to make it massively more appealing here. But, you know, even if I went on Monday, that takes the pressure off with the flight, but it means I have two sort of crappy half days in Cancun, which isn't great for socialising at a hostel and isn't great for exploring the central area from a local hotel either.
So, unless something changes, I'm fairly strongly leaning towards leaving here, relatively early on Sunday morning, and spending Sunday and Monday nights in Cancun, and much as I do think there's some value in having a private before I fly, I am kind of tempted to go for some sort of maybe social hostel, but in the centre, I mean it's probably going to be full of party people who want the beach, but if it's a centro-hostel, maybe not too much, and the downside isn't too great, because apart from the loss of the privacy and convenience of the private, if hostel isn't social, I'm not that much worse off than with the local hotel (I can still explore centro and try to find stuff I like), though it js just possible at the local hotel I get chatting to some locals, or the staff would be instructive or something, but not a huge aspect of it.
Anyway, I don't have to decide now. I may well sort of start to research hostels tomorrow, because it's going to be a fairly slack day apart from some souvenir shopping, and I can put the final decision off until Sunday morning, you know. I don't want to leave too late if I am leaving, but I'm pretty sure I could, like, get up eightisg, do a bit of research and book the hostel and the bus or the hotel or whatever, and then leave Sunday tenish. We'll see how I feel tomorrow, right? Anyway, that's what I'm currently thinking.
Obviously, having been here talking close up to my phone all the time isn't super encouraging of socialising, but there's basically like two tables of people and they're in fairly big groups, one of them is three youngish women and one of them is a slightly weird looking mixed group, it's even bigger. I'm not feeling super social, I mean I kind of feel I should try and do some of the stuff Mark was talking about, but end of trip and the situation and blah blah blah, I'm just not feeling it, so anyway. Thanks for watching.
I'll leave that thanks for watching in just to show it does happen occasionally even though I clearly didn't say that.
2045 Just been for piss, asker waiter to look after my beer, although I can't really see anything happen to it. I went for piss when I got here, but I was reminded of going in that there's actually like three women painted on the wall, I think it's a photo, peering down at the urinal, making joking comments. I took a photo of it when I got here. It's probably not remotely novel, but I don't think I've ever seen it before. It's slightly off-putting tbh. :-)
I am probably going to go after this. I'm not feeling super social, I don't think this place is going to be super social. I've got one left back at the hostel, assuming no one's taken it. That's probably enough. It's not like I have to get drunk, not like I really want to get drunk. I can maybe have a beer tomorrow night, I can maybe have a beer Sunday night. To some extent I have a beer Monday night, right? So no point pushing it. By the time I leave here it's probably going to be nine, maybe quarter past. By the time I get back to the hostel after maybe buying a snack on the way, maybe even getting something from a street stall. It's going to be ten by the time I get to bed probably later, so that's not too early. No point wasting beer allowance and money when I'm not having a good time, maybe another night I will. Not having a terrible time, but it's just a bit mehish.
OTOH, although a touch expensive, one more here wouldn't hurt and I could then have that one back at hosfel too or have it tomorrow. Not sure.
It's not a huge concern, but because I've been deliberately running my cash down, I am going to need to get some out, but I keep putting it off because it's like I have got enough. I've got about 700 pesos left at the moment and a couple of cash cards and a credit card, but I normally feel a lot more confident when I know that I've got like 1500 or 2000 pesos secreted around me for emergencies. I'm probably going to withdraw some tomorrow, but that's how I keep putting it off because the later I leave it, the clearer it is how much I might need, so I can avoid being stuck with too much. It's fine. I mean, it probably won't be 12 odd years until I come back like it was last time. I kind of hope to come back fairly soon, but it could still be a couple of years at least. I don't mind having 100 quids worth of pesos back at home, but I don't want 300 quids worth sitting around The notes aging and inflation eating away at it, if I can help it, it's not a huge deal.
I was thinking earlier, and not for the first time during this trip, that other there's lots of factors and they're kind of positive factors in the whole in the sense that there's things I'd sort of rather be doing at hlme. But I am wondering if I should maybe see if I can get away, perhaps not for a full two to three month trip, although see how it goes this autumn, but anyway, see what happens. Groovejet's just starting to play. Ah, the angular songstress!
There might be live music here, Fridays and Saturdays at 9.30, I can't read the sign properly, there's a microphone or a cymbal covering the days of the week, it may also not be regular but a guy is fiddling around down there with a guitar. That might tip me over the edge and, you know, have one or two more here. I think the hostel locks up at 11, in theory, I've got a key but I'm not super keen to test it, I don't want to get off my face either. On the other hand, you know, it's not super cheap but I can handle the cost, not pissed. Yeah, we'll see how it goes maybe. And tomorrow I don't have to get up super early, I don't want to waste the day. But today I want to get up early for the cenote,
Sunday I want to get up early to sort out booking if I haven't, and also to get over to Cancun. Monday's my last full day, but I can have a bit of a lie in if I want, tueaday maybe too but I've got to check out and maybe I want to take advantage of the last morning. So if I'm up a little late tomorrow and I'm probably looking at like four slightly expensive pints here, it's not the end of the world, you know, each half litres (don't satisfy etc) probably going to work about £2.50 with tip.
2101 ring my bell as guy practices on guitar. I should have said the music was retro not 80s.
2156 band started about 2115 and are just taking a 5/10/15 min break. I have about a quarter of my third half litre. They are not bad, doing reggaeish covers of popular songs from a range of genres. Audience might be a mix of tourists and locals but hard to be sure.
I am seriously a bit torn. It's kind of tempting to stay, but I'm a little bit worried about getting into the accommodation after 11. I wouldn't mind getting a snack and just eating it before I go to bed. Music is good, but it's not like amazing. I'm just vaguely edgy in a strange way. I'm sure it's perfectly safe to walk back, but you know, but if I cut into the accommodation, I don't want to get too drunk. I don't fucking know. But I also don't want to just throw away this really not that bad night out of some vague, not quite sure feeling.
"This is how we do it". Not recent but feels notes recent than most songs played by bar (not band).
I am half thinking one more beer and then leave even mid set or if they haven't come on. And maybe get the bill with the beer. If I have time to get a snack on way home I will, if not no big deal. And if I miss the 11 lockup I can *probably* get in anyway, and if I can't if is not So insanely late that making noise to get let in is totally out of order. And I might be drunk if anyone wanting to judge but will not be off my tits.
Loads of tables still free on terrace. And people keep leaving and then a handful more come in. The guidebook doesn't even bother to mention any bars to go to in Valladolid for nightlife, just rather stupidly saying you should go to Merida for nightlife, but the guidebook's kind of shit, right? I don't know. I'm sure locals go out sometimes whether they go here or they're going to canteen us or what. Anyway, not complaining, just an observation.
2311 Just got home, the place was locked up, but it was trivial to get in round the back, half wish I'd stayed later at bar but you know, first time I'd done it, so what can you say? I couldn't see anywhere really obvious to buy a snack, although I wanted one less than I did earlier in the night, and I can always gorge myself tomorrow, I'm not feeling particularly hungry, I'm having a glass of water down in the lower, terracy area inside, and then I go clean my teeth and go to bed.
I walked past Tres mentiras on the way back. Incidentally, it was quiet and dark on street, but I wasn't particularly freaked out, which I guess is good. Hardly anyone there, but it looked slightly fun in a strange way. I don't know what I'll do tomorrow night. I will maybe check that square out. Oh, I looked at it from down the other end of the alley on walk back just nkw, and it didn't look terribly lively tonight. Anyway, I think a solid fallback option tomorrow night would be going to St Patrick s, but a little bit later, you know, especially if there's a different band, but even the same one would be ok. Anyway, just a thought.
2318 Okay, obviously there's no sign of anyone. I had two glasses of water, so I'm gonna go up and clean my teeth and go to bed. I'll send this now.