Friday, 22 January 2010

An exciting night in Rio

I got internet access at the hotel, eventually. I've living la vida now all right...

Extremely nitpicky whinging follows.

As planned, tonight I just went for a few beers at the bar I went to last night, round the corner from the hotel. I now realise it's apparently named after the Brazilian president who shot himself, which is vaguely appropriate as it's right opposite the palace where he did it.

I just can't seem to relax here. Early on some bugger dumped about 5 peanuts on the table on a tiny square of paper, and did the same to everyone else. Obviously, this is some sort of scam where he comes back later and tries to get money off you on the grounds that either he gave you a present, or that you didn't refuse them and ought to pay. (Being the seasoned traveller and world-class worrier that I am, I recognise the trick from Seville cathedral, where they do it with flowers.) So I sat there half waiting for him to come back round and expecting an argument which I was bound to lose since he speaks the language and I don't. Happily, I stumbled across the Portuguese for "I am allergic to peanuts" in my phrasebook (although it omitted the ideal addition "are you trying to kill me, you murdering bastard?"). He must have decided I looked like a tightarsed git as he never came back to me, although I think I saw him speaking to some other people. The peanuts are probably still sat on the table now.

Then the little slip of paper they leave on the table which keeps track of what drinks you've had blew away. I explained to the waiter with much gesturing and although he seemed a bit hacked off he gave me a replacement and (I think) told me to look after it. So I had to keep putting it in my pocket and dredging it out every time I wanted another drink.

Then after I'd asked to pay and handed the replacement paper to one waiter, another came over and clearly misinterpreted my gestures. I defy anyone to explain "I have already asked the other guy if I can pay, I don't want another drink" in gestures. I think even Lionel Blair or Una Stubbs would struggle. So I ended up with another beer which I didn't want, although to be fair I didn't particularly mind, and a bill for one less beer than I'd been served with. Being an honest sort of chap - and also not wanting to have to avoid that bar for the rest of my time here - I felt I should indicate this. It took me ages to get the attention of a waiter and explain, although to give us both some credit, I explained tolerably well this time and he seemed to understand me.

I know these are just the minor niggles you get all the time and I should surf right over them and enjoy myself, but most of the time I was sat there it felt like I was just waiting for the next problem to occur.

I've signed up for the full day tour tomorrow, it starts at 8:15 at the hotel (joy). The receptionist guy was quite helpful about it up until the point when I asked if I had to register for it and he said yes, and that he would be at the desk until 11pm but after that would be gone. So I asked if I could register there and then. And he didn't seem happy about it, although after I asked about three times he reluctantly went ahead and did it.

The tour costs BRL210, which is about £70. That seems vaguely extortionate, although it may include lunch and all necessary tickets - I hope so, as I only have a few quid more than the cost of the tour on me - but you can't put a price on the peace of mind of getting all the obligatory tourist stuff out of the way.

Yeah, yeah, I'm a whinging git and I should be counting myself lucky to have the opportunity to be here, etc etc.

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