0951 At Lila Thai. Stiffish 25 mins walk over here from hotel (TP gate is 15 mins from hotel), was bit worried would be late. Slightly worried about getting back to hotel in time to pick bag up and check out, but unless we finish mega late here should be fine.
Streets dry but felt oddly deserted, probably just because most other tourists still in bed or breakfasting. Woke up by self 7-8ish but went back to sleep, room felt cold due to airconditioning on 9 alarm but got up 9:15 and was out by 9:25.
1156 At Le Spice for popadom, chicken dopiaza with saffron rice, onion naan and a watermelon juice. Checked out OK, left bag at hotel in some side room, trust will be OK. Remembered to collect my passport from safety deposit.
Massage OK, I should waffle about that but not going to do it now. Didn't tip again, not sure if I should have, it would have felt awkward.
1257 At Phommon (not right, it was on the menu but they've taken in) just outside TP gate. Came in mainly for toilet. Was going to have a coffee but that's not possible, so getting a lemon shake. I think that's cheaper anyway.
1339 Took forever to get the bill, I must have left my personal invisibility shield turned on by mistake. Still felt obliged to tip, of course, it was 40 and fortunately I had a 50 note. Place is Phon-Non.
Was thinking of going to a museum mentioned in the guide book, but it doesn't like to sully its maps with a list of attractions and their locations, it only shows bars, shops, accommodation and nightclubs. But it's OK, the descriptive text gives a street name, which comes in handy when the maps have no lists of streets, and says it is near the three kings monument, which I can't see anywhere on the map.
So I'll just wander around a bit.
1414 Just been into Lanna Architecture Centre, which had walked past a few times before. I think the building itself is in Lanna style, lots of cutaway models of different buildings in there and some information in Thai and English. Sort of interesting but somehow a bit disjointed. Free but they ask for a donation. I shoved 20 in and they gave me a rather nice little sketch book and a map. I have shoved it in my pocket but suspect it may get a bit mangled before I get it back to the hotel and slip it in my bag.
1420 At Thai Thai Coffee, which has a billion handwritten testimonials outside about how amazingly delicious their coffee is. Will get a flat white, which is probably the equivalent of asking for coca cola in a fancy restaurant, but fuck it. At 40 (45 cold, I'm having it hot, it's not too intolerable today) not too bad anyway.
Am noticing my fingernails seem to be getting a bit long. It seems like only the other day I filed them all down (I lack nail scissors, since they are a terrorist implement in cabin baggage). Meh, maybe I'll find time to do them in Bangkok.
1516 I'm no connosieur (I can't even spell it) but coffee was OK. Have lingered heavily. Tempted to a second but I probably want to have eaten again by 430 going on 5 to get back to hotel so best go for a little walk now. Need to get bill. Sod it, I'm hard to see at this table outside, will go in. Should be 40, call it 50.
1600 Back at Phon-Non or whatever, going to eat here and have second shit of the day then back to hotel and bus terminal. I am going to get there too early but at some point trying to squeeze out every last minute of time in town first (not to do very much either) just becomes counterproductively misery inducing.
1724 Got bag. Going to see if can send this from hotel or Le Spice wifi as I try to get tuktuk. Pre-bus jitters. Meh.
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