Thursday, 7 November 2013

Sukhothai, Wednesday

1726 Sort of dithering about whether it's too early to go out. But I probably should, apart from that ice cream (almond Magnum to be precise, this isn't the BBC, I can name products) I haven't eaten all day. I am surprisingly not ravenous. I guess a bit of a stroll round town and then something to eat at one of the cheap places from guide book unless somewhere else catches my eye. Paying 800/night here (twice what I was in Phitsanulok) feels a bit extravagant somehow (though of course it is still very cheap, really) and I sort of feel I want a cheapish meal to help compensate. I am being very lax about tracking my spending so I don't know if I am coming in under budget or not, but to a certain extent I need to here and in India to help offset the relatively expensive bit in Latin America.

Oh, now I've left will say I was at the Lithai guest house in Phitsanulok.

1810 OK, finally heading out. As always can't believe I'm going out in just a T-shirt while I'm standing here in the room feeling cold due to the a/c; the idea that it's hotter outside than in takes a lot of getting used to, for me.

1824 At Poo Reastaurant (sic; sign outside says that). Saw this on walk in (just up road from hotel) and is in guidebook, cheap, touristy, has Belgian beers. May spring for a Hoegaarden later but coke with food I think.

Walked across bridge to maybe see town but some sort of speech/protest was blocking my side of the pavement and I couldn't be bothered fighting my way over traffic when I really wanted to come somewhere like this for no hassle food.

1828 No sign of waitress paying me any attention, I wonder if this is deliberate, though presumably not. V tourist-oriented place according to guide book and I guess most customers are Western. Fine with me, as I say I want no fuss food and maybe a beer or two later.

Free wifi here anyway.

Is there a problem? OK I am here on my own occupying a table for four (a smallish table for four) but just tell me to fuck off if that's the problem.

1833 Finally been given menu/attention...

1836 No diet soft drinks, so having bottle of Leo. Stir-fried ginger with pork and rice to eat. A couple got asked (I think) to sit at the bar after eating/because they weren't eating. I am easy if they ask me to move after, except I don't want an awkward conversation with someone just because I'm sat at bar on my own. I suppose a good conversation would be OK. I guess I'm just not pining for company yet. I really hope I can manage to get up early tomorrow.

Oh, the guesthouse next to mine (where staff called "hello" at me on seeing me walk past with my bag and I half-accidentally ignored them) says it has a/c ensuite rooms at 450/night. In a way be a shame, but if I do stay on a night or two extra I might see if they have a room. The extra plushness of the place I am in now while nice is probably a bit wasted on me, and even more so after two nights. We will see.

1906 Nearly finished this first (presumably 630ml, though bottle is in an insulating sleeve so can't read label) beer and still no sign of food. Not a problem as such, but slightly annoying. I am actually wondering if my order has been lost, but probably not.

1913 Of course food turned up as soon as I wrote that. I've already eaten it. Portion OK and quality not bad, but not enormous and I am tempted to ask for the menu and get something else with next beer. I guess it is yet early so no reason not to.

1922 Yeah, got menu, think will have tom yam kong with another beer. Guy at table across from me has a grey-haired Martin Freeman appearance.

1925 Second beer didn't come in sleeve, so I switched it. Bottle is 630ml. Noticed last night that is printed in the most amazingly narrow-but-tall type possible making it very hard to read, can this be a coincidence?

2016 Had tom yam, bit meh. The music here is the most appalling 80s glurge (and I thought I liked 80s music). Hello, I Just Called To Say I Love You, Careless Whisper. I suppose I probably shouldn't slag off the first two too heavily, but the continual stream of naff romance is dragging me down. I don't want to get pissed tonight but I am kind of reluctant to go home just yet, I might try for one more somewhere else. Trouble is that I'm not feeling that tired so seems a bit early to go home but if I'm not careful I'm going to find it mega hard to get up tomorrow.

2029 "Saving all my love for you". I have had not quite two 630ml bottles of admittedly 5% beer, both with food. Yet I feel a slight tiredness behind the eyes which might be drunkenness. WTF? I am not rushing this beer but I will get the bill afterwards and maybe go somewhere else.

2054 Got bill, 330, making it 370. Not bad value really but I'm not loving it. Still got a glass of beer left, seriously dithering over going somewhere else. Early start. Feel oddly pissed. But I've only had two/three pints and I am on holiday. But it's a long holiday. Meh. Let's see how I feel when I leave, not necking this beer.

2111 Four Non Blondes hit coming on (What's Going On?). Actually tolerable. But I feel bizarrely pissed and going to go home when finally finish this beer, which is only a swallow a way.

2123 Back at hotel. Not that far but wandered over to bridge briefly and also the hotel grounds are extensive making it a bit of a trek from front gate to my room/bungalow if you will at the back.

Was somewhat tempted by also-touristy-but-slightly-less-meh Chopper Bar between Poo Restaurant and hotel, but will save those delights for tomorrow night after I've earned them with my day of exertion. Feels a little bloodless turning in tonight but FFS a) it's hardly as if I'm missing out on the party of the century b) I do have good reason, qv getting up tomorrow morning.

2341 Been surfing a bit; laptop gets wifi OK but the connection is very unreliable despite showing a lot of bars. To sate my desire for excess in the absence of a third beer, consumed all 132g of salted peanuts I had in my bag. There is a 7-Eleven (the one I got my ice cream and cold tea at on walk over here) just round corner and between here and buses to old town, so I can buy some replacement supplies tomorrow morning on my way out. I think there are food stalls etc in old town but since I may get massively lost better to have some food on me.

Not looking forward to tomorrow morning, I fear it will be a massive struggle to get up, but fingers crossed eh? Not actually going to bed yet, though am close.

0031 OK, not actually tired but let's go to bed and see if I fall asleep.

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