Tuesday, 25 March 2014

Bogota, Monday night

2112 What a crock of shit. I went out. Some fucking dog barking its head off as got into street. Pub under hotel not open. Walked round corner, a few people about but pretty dead. No bars in that vicinity open, not even (it was blacked out with bloke standing in doorway, I didn't actually *ask*) the Bogota Beer Company on the corner which (unlike most of the nearby bars) was open when I walked past about 5pm. WTF? It's open at 5pm but shut at 9pm? It looked crap anyway, it was full of a very SYT crowd, but still, I am surprised.

I am not saying I might not have found something had I walked further but definitely not chancing that. I have to assume that Monday is just an ultra-dead night. Meh. I will try again tomorrow. Fortunately I wasn't gagging for a beer or the chance of a conversation, I just feel it's good to go out every few nights. Meh. Dunno what bloke on reception who had to let me in about three minutes after I left thought. :-)

To be scrupulously honest one 'shop' was open and lit and had three blokes smoking outside and though I didn't feel up to stopping for a good look in it might have been a narrow bar full of people. On the other hand a sign on the wall did say 'we sell ice' so maybe not. Certainly not a blatantly signed bar and definitely didn't feel up to investigating it further. I suspect it is relatively safe on the streets round here at night but who knows for sure, and I need to gradually build my confidence up in any new-and-potentially-dangerous place (not sure if that is rational or not).

0142 Feh, been surfing. Feels like I've read some useful stuff but may be deluding myself. Done a few calculations too, so not been pure idleness. Need to get to bed soon. Going to take a chance and just set an alarm for midday. I am hoping that if I can avoid the whole 'completely broken snooze-button for hours' sleep I will actually wake up, maybe go back to sleep again but then wake up ready to get up earlier than I would with all the snoozing. The midday alarm is just a kind of backstop to prevent me waking up at 3pm feeling like I've lost the entire day. But I still have five full days here so I can just about afford that, though I'd rather not - I'm very lazy but I like to get at least half a day of activities in if possible.

0155 OK, bed.

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