Sunday, 9 March 2014

Trujillo, Saturday

1247 At Plaza Chicken Grill. Felt pretty good this morning, nice drowse then got up 10. Didn't realise checkout was 1pm so left hotel 1255. Was going to shower but no cold water, obviously supply problem, hot water too hot unmixed.

Got some cash and despite Cruz del Sur in town office not being where guide book said, found travel agency and after a mishap due to bus departing Lima previous day (agent had to phone up and cancel that booking) have got a ticket booked for 11th at 1105. Bit nervous about the border crossing but CdS have pretty good reputation. Slightly worried about non-CdS bus tonight but prob be OK.

So I'm now booked up on transport for rest of trip. Need to book hotels still.

1352 Bill 37 (half chicken plus orange juice and coke zero), made it 41. Absolutely stuffed, lingered heavily over coke.

1537 In plaza, time starting to hang heavy. Went to archaeological museum, closed, no opening times shown. Went to [yay, glasses keep slipping down nose due to being ill fitting and suncream on nose] Casa Ganova Chopetia but guide book super ambiguous and I think you can't go look round unless you go to the cafe there. Went into small Museo de Jugetes just cos it was there. Then went to Museo de Zoologia but despite sign on door saying it was open it was padlocked up. I've wandered a bit but basically I've pretty much exhausted my options. I am probably going to end up drinking a lot of coffee but I just don't have the battery capacity on the phone to keep reading on it.

1613 Aha. There's a book fair on, after dithering over a Spanish translation of Waiting for Godot I decided to pass as it seemed silly to read a translation when I'm fluent in the original version's language, but I found a copy of Ficciones by Jorge Luis Borges which is fairly lightweight and only PEN5. Not exactly going to be relaxing reading anything in Spanish but still, have always toyed with reading Borges in the original Spanish and it will be something to help pass time and not a bad souvenir either.

1656 At San Francisco Cafe Restaurant in Gamarra. It's not exactly cold but it's overcast and a refreshing when walking but chilly when sitting breeze was blowing continually across plaza so have come here where I can sit inside. 'Only' 2-3h to go before go back to the hotel, tho will then end up with another hour or so lurking at bus terminal.

GPS tracking app has silently exited or been killed, yay.

1731 A big sign advertises that Bobby Himball, the original lead singer of Toto, will be here on Saturday 12th April as part of The Greatest Hits Tour, 2014.

Might be the caffeine but I am feeling a bit jittery. Think it's the uncertainty (minor as it is on grand scheme) re bus and everything. FFS, I don't think it's likely the bus is going to be hijacked or anything like that.

1758 Despite being pretty clean and neat, there's no water in the bog so unable to flush or to wash my hands. Could this be a general problem here? Fk knows. There was a tiny bit of water in a bucket but not enough to flush the toilet with, I tried. Just enough left after that attempt to sort of dampen my hands.

1805 Second cup ordered.

1851 Fed up. Hands hurt a bit, worried it's something horrible which will prevent me working. Feh. It occurs to me this is my last 'homeless' day of the trip; after this I will pretty much have a hotel room or be actively travelling, there will be no cases of checking out then waiting til evening to travel onwards.

1855 Is it Bobby Himball or Kimball? The font is a little ambiguous.

1902 Dark out. Adds slightly to the sense of dislocation. Been out after dark before of course and not seriously worried about it but it's all just getting on top of me a bit.

1922 Working myself up irrationally about the possibility of encountering heteropoda venatoria in Mancora hotel (or in Guayaquil, Quito or Bogota). FFS. It's probably possible but I don't think it's very probable. In any case, I am clearly jittery as fuck and seeking things to worry about. Have finished second cup, will probably get another but will hold off for a bit. The staff don't seem to be pushy, which is good. Probably going to head back to hotel about 9 which means I could well be at bus terminal for 930 and hence be there over two hours but can't be helped.

Maybe I should have paid for an extra night at the hotel so as to have avoided this homelessness, but it seems such a waste. Maybe I should go have a beer but even though would only be one or two I was hoping to be abstemious after Thursday night. It might take the edge off though.

1948 OK, after returning from a piss my table had been occupied by an old couple so I paid and wandered. Am in Chez Gerard Cafe Bar under the Museo de Juguete. Don't like atmosphere very much, it's strangely sterile yet quite a few tables occupied. All dark wood and dingy lighting. It's PEN10 for a Cusqueña of unspecified size; I hope that's 620ml. Waiters a bit servile. Fucking hell, what a surprise, it's a 330ml bottle. Cunts. Not staying here after this. Really pisses me off that it didn't say size on menu. Not I supose that I was going to walk out. It's not like bars are ten a penny here, and of course the guide book lists three and they all sound wanky as hell. Not going back to those near hotel in case I meet the guy from Thursday. Let me say again: what a bunch of robbing cunts, PEN10 for a 330ml beer. I'm damn well not tipping more than the strict 10%, but it's actually PEN11 still. Over two quid for a titchy beer. This is exactly what I should expect of somewhere with this horrible pretentious atmosphere.

2021 Gah, I am soooo fed up. The overpriced beer niggles but I'm generally sick of waiting around, sick of this nagging worry about the rest of the trip. The overpriced beer is annoying in part because I can't just stay here, I am not continuing to pay these prices, so I have to go seek out somewhere else.

2053 Back at place from Thu (took photo of name Fri), needed piss and desperate. Used 'wrong' bog, waiter chap bit arsey about it. Meh. Will have this cheap beer then back to hotel. Jittery re time even tho bus not til 2330ish. Sick of this continual security jitteriness, worrying about taxi safety, idea of being continually in dangerous areas for next three weeks unappealing but in part this is all down to my current shitty mental state and dislocation.

2145 Wrote something back at hotel but has either got lost or somehow ended up at random place in email. Yay. Anyway, I am at bus terminal. Taxi 6, made it 7. Battery 41% so will keep that in reserve and switch to new one. Will send this now (tho will just wait in outbox) and start new entry.

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