1024 At super-cheap El Balcon, Suipacha 772. Ordered bife de chorizo with french fries and a diet coke. Had 500ml bottle of zero cal pomelo drink from 25h round corner to hopefully ensure don't want to hoover down this coke.
Woke possibly without alarm 0830ish but dozed and snoozed on alarms til about 0935. Managed to check out on time, left bag there. Felt a bit shit on waking, had to keep telling myslef I couldn't be hungover (had that one beer 5pm at Bar Britannico), evidently tired. Not feeling too bad now though slightly rough. Doubtless I will develop diarrhea now when it's near-maximally inconvenient.
1126 Bill 60, making it 67. Food not bad at all, 500ml bottle of diet coke. Feel a bit 'wobbly', sure it's mostly in my head.
1604 At Espresso opposite orange church again. 2 empanadas and a white coffee. Getting getting-to-station-on-time jitters but tis OK I think. Went to museum at Palacio de Aguas Corrientes, which was quirky - perhaps another time I could arrange to attend the guided tour and see the cisterns. Ground floor is some kind of public-serving place with counters, whole building v elegant and tried to take photo on ground floor but security guard hastened over. Probably the most exciting thing to happen to him all day.
After trekked over to Puerto Madero to go to Museo del Humor, which was quite cool - sat through entire reel of Mafalda cartoons (essentially alingual) in deserted mini cinema, partly as was interesting and partly as legs were starting to hurt on walk over there. Some other interesting cartoons, sneakily (not sure if allowed or not) snapped a Matías cartoon Mi Barrio which tickled me (also somewhat reminiscent of Cul de Sac), and another annotated one of the Retiro district. Also saw a yellow bipedal cartoon thing which had seen on a poster at Bicentennial museum, evidently it is a well-known character called Clemente. May look these two and Mafalda up on web eventually.
1638 Been feeling v sweaty all day. Quite overcast but it feels very humid. Better if not perfect indoors, bus will be airconditioned and I expect Patagonia to be cool if not cold. Bill 37, will make it 41 if can. Want to go have a shit; I absolutely don't need to but I want to reduce chances of needing to go on bus when may be urine only.
1822 Bought two bananas, red pepper (morron iirc) and water to wash the latter round corner from hotel, guzzled. Got bag and walked to bus terminal. Bit hot & sweaty but OK. Been here maybe 10-15 mins. Will send this (tho will just sit in outbox) and start a fresh entry for trip.
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