0759 At terminal. Serious shit-feeling on 7 alarm, major snoozery, dragged myself out of bed 730, left hotel about 745 (owner woman let me out), been here maybe 5 mins, no departure screen so have to keep watching buses and hope. I suspect it is coming from a way off so could be late and loads of anxiety about missing it but let's see what happens.
0819 On bus. Been stood in front of it for last 10 minsish wondering if could and should get on it. Got my aisle set, is a chap sitting next to me but is OK of course, and he's not fat. Still feeling somewhat crap (pain behind right eye especially) but better. Anyway, some music.
1036 Ancud terminal. Journey way too quick. Dozed most of it though bus terminates at Castro so was worried would sleep through. Dredged jacket out of bag just now, grey and bit cold here. Perhaps 'should' have got out of bus on ferry but my jacket was in my main bag (tho that was only in overhead racket) and it looked cold and I was sleepy. Anyway, let's trek over to hotel.
1043 Showing remarkable foresight have just bought a ticket to Castro on Wednesday (midday), so at least don't have to trek back over here later. Let's head for hotel now.
1131 In hotel. Seems quite neat and clean. Curfew of midnight which wasn't mega obvious when booking but in reality is not likely to be a problem. It's grey out and spitting with rain but not cold in T-shirt and jacket. Wifi seems to work. Guy who showed me room told me not to push the button on the handle when going out (but I asked and I can do it when I am sleeping), which seems to suggest it is not possible to lock the room when I am away. He explained this is slightly ropy English, I suspect he meant "don't do it and forget your key" but I will have to go find him and ask again as I can't risk somehow jamming the lock if it is dodgy. He has invited me to some sort of barbecue at 7pm which I would have rather not go to but can always turn up and plead tiredness after an hour or so. Anyway, will go to bog and find bloke and then go out for lunch and read guidebook there. Will take my cap out.
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