1235 At cheap restaurant Super Gavila, being a fat bastard and having churrasco a lo pobre - 3800 with a diet coke, you pay up front and hand ticket in. Will leave tip on table. Could have had chicken & rice but meh.
Bought and drank 1.5 litre bottle citrus drink earlier so as to avoid feeling thirsty when having meal, the service in the pharmacy I bought it in was ultra slow. It was a take a ticket system, I honestly think I might have been waiting half an hour for them to serve about 10 people ahead of me.
Got up super last minute (about 1045) but OK, left bag at hotel.
1328 Food not bad, lingered hugely over coke, feel bit bloated. Leaving 600 tip, hope they have a bog here.
1348 There's a huge Foucault pendulum by the river. Currently swinging on bearing 339 degrees. Let's see what it shows if (most likely) I come past later. I saw the building housing it yesterday but didn't notice the pendulum somehow.
1424 Pendulum now at 334 degrees. Wandered, saw sealions etc. Hanging around in part to see if can get ticket to do submarine tour when ticket office opens 3pm. If not may do some kind of hour long boat trip, let's see. Quite nice if bit dull, weather v sunny and warm, have put cream on but bit worried might burn head anyway, oh well.
1504 OK, queued up to buy ticket for submarine, managed to get in at 1730. Not sure exactly what to do in meantime but still. The psychological effect of ticket scarcity has made going into the submarine seem very desirable. ;-)
1509 Pendulum at 325.
1554 Wandered a bit, went past the little tower, at Moro Cafe Bar for cafe cortado and will use their bog before leaving. Was tempted to have a green tea but went for this lardier option.
1642 Finished coffee, quite good, also free open wifi so Skyped parents, getting bill then slash and will wander a bit before going back to submarine.
Bill 1500, made it 1700, fk knows if that's OK.
1707 Pendulum at 303.
1728 Lurking by submarine. Was at Hostal San Francisco here BTW.
1819 Pendulum at 289. Will write about submarine later. Bit miffed to see GPS failed to lock since about 4pm so my GPS track will have a big gap. Meh, can't be helped. Screwed around a bit with phone and it seems to be working again now.
1948 At Cafe Moro again. Getting jittery (so obviously a coffee will help!). Anyway, a coffee should fill time until I go back to hotel at 9 to get bag and that gives me a bit over an hour hanging around at the bus terminal but that's not too bad. Went for slash before acquiring table, no one said anything. Got some fruit and veg at supermarket earlier, didn't see the weighing station so after waiting in interminable queue at checkout had to go back to get stuff weighed then queue again. But it's not as if I'm in a huge hurry really. Got some peanuts and water as well (for bus).
Wondering if I should have done the brewery tour or gone there to sample the beers (not necessarily today) but I wasn't desperate, it might be silly (in fact I think it is) but guide book says they give you a glass on the tour and I didn't want to have to leave it behind or lug it round with me for next two months. Also somehow the idea of going to the apparently heaving bar on my own and drinking during the day didn't appeal. I guess I'm leery of daytime drinking (not counting the odd one with lunch etc, not that I do that much), it's different when you don't just go to bed after.
2003 OK, I'll have a small cafe cortado then, despite definitely asking for a 'normal'. Could have argued but maybe I got it wrong, though frankly I'm fairly sure they did. Was going to tip 500 this time but not going to now. Oh well.
Getting a serious mental malaise on. I feel super dislocated and even if nothing goes wrong I am not looking forward to being left hanging around, almost certainly with my bag, til 3pm tomorrow. I can tell I'm feeling bad (as if I didn't already know) because my discontent over this small coffee is simmering, even though I know it doesn't really matter.
2035 Fuck it, I can't hang on here any more, will get bill, have another slash for look then bus terminal via hotel, might as well lurk there.
2113 At terminal. Battery 57%, do have spare but hope not to need it. Not sure Nook is well charged, it warned (at 20% iirc) on bus in here and I only gave it a brief charge off netbook (not mains adaptor) last night. Still, not the end of the world if can't read anything except paperback, though hope it won't come to that.
Looking at ticket see the official price is 44.9k, the 18.9k is a promotion. You'd think they might have advertised this, it was sheer luck I asked that company (Condorbus).
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