Monday, 22 February 2010

Going to bed at 3am is one thing, getting up is another

It's 4am. Got up at 3:30 and now waiting outside. Creepy in the hostel courtyard at that time with no one around. Waiting outside with a German couple now, although I doubt they're on my tour as there are just so many companies.

Naturally a bit dubious I will get picked up OK but I guess I've done everything I can.

A small beetle practically fell out of the sky when I first came out here and gave me a bit of a start. Dogs barking a little manically and one ran down the street just as I came out.

I have this horrible feeling my hostel is too obscure and they won't be able to find it to pick me up. I didn't give the address on the form as no one else had. I asked the woman behind the desk and she said she knew my hostel (Hostal Cabur, I don't know why I'm being cagey about it) but I never trust people.

Oh well, fingers crossed.

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