Saturday, 13 February 2010

Notes from the ferry, part 3

17:10 Just come back in after seeing two glaciers as we went past. Don't know if there are any more but my feet are freezing, although apart from that the cold isn't too bad. The second was particularly impressive as it goes right up the mountainside and with the low cloud hiding the mountain tops you could almost imagine the glacier going up forever.
Another cup of tea, fingers crossed I can take my time over this one.
I took loads of photos, including one of the mountains opposite the second glacier, simply because there is a slim chance they have never been photographed before as the glacier will attract all the attention. I doubt it though.
18:10 Well, this is all going much better than expected. Two more glaciers then called in to dinner (which is done in relays as there are only two tables of four in the dining room). Sat with the Canadian from lunch, a young Swiss woman who has been travelling (cycling and working) for two years already (I am a bit jealous of course) and seems to have covered most of Europe and a good chunk of South America, and a Chilean engineer from Santiago who had been working in Puerto Williams for six months. Dinner was some sort of soup, possibly sweetcorn, then chicken with rice, all very passable. I am bound to end up with macaroni and cheese or something equally foul tomorrow, but so far so good.
The sea is getting very slightly rough now. It's not particularly uncomfortable (it's much better than mild turbulence in an aircraft) but I was slightly concerned about a sudden motion making me spill my tea over someone as I navigated back down the narrow aisle to my seat. Will drink this and then probably go outside for a bit.
19:30 Glaciers are a drug on the mart now. I just nipped up on deck for ten minutes and there happened to be a glacier visible. There were two other people up there. I wandered down to the rear of the ship and had a look round, fantastic open view of course but it made me rather jittery. Even with the other two people at the far end I felt a bit isolated and at risk. Irrational of course but there you go. I was hanging onto the railings most of the time. :-)
May nip out again around sunset but maybe not.

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