Sat 0059 started new file before bed.
0916 in waiting area at ado terminal.
Tiny bit shaken. Last night when we finished (Oriana, the owner, had left us a bit before) about 0030 I found aone keys on floor and picked them up and left them on kitchen table. This morning I has another look and I am 99% certain (it is not my "main" set so I don't recognise them perfectly) they are my flat keys! So I came within a whisker of losing them. I do have another spare set but still,concerning.
I don't specifically remember but I must not have packed them away permanently in my bag when I reshuffled everything the first morning. I must have been carrying them in my pocket all day yesterday and since they just fell out at the table on front patio they could have fallen anywhere. As I say it all seems fine now and I am grateful to fate/God/karma but makes me a bit jumpy.
I was drowsing in bed from 6ish and got up at 730. I didn't feel too bad in bed, I made sure to have some water and although I felt broadly fine I've also drunk loads this morning and brought quite a bit with me. I'd rather pay for toilet at terminal/rest stops than water or feel ahit later.
Left accom 0836, I was first up - Andre was going into bathroom as I went up to knock on Oriana's door and I said bye to him, gave O the keys and said bye to her. Didn't see Delita (whose name I don't remember properly but think something like that - she is a primary school teacher and private tutor and also makes fabric flowers as an extra source of income on isla gobernadora in Panama, she is/has been in Mexico for about two months). Andre is a retired truck driver by the way and says he does some NASDAQ trading to make more money.
I cleaned off all the bottles cans and glasses from the table outside, andre said to leave them last night but I felt a bit bad about it so I brought them in (after snapping some photos) this morning. I didn't wash them though, so I'm not perfect but at least I did a bit.
Got bus 69 (O had told me 26, 31 or 69) almost immediately at stop near Walmart, small minibus type thing with seats round edge. Lots (not all) of people getting in said "Buenos dias" and people responded, including me. Didn't pay at first but asked driver during a half and paid 10 pesos, super cheap. I also as a sign said requested my stop, though don't know if was necessary. I had maybe said "plaza ado" when asking before getting on by mistake so prob didn't hurt. I was following route on organic maps as someone had advised me so I knew where to get off, and the bus didn't go right into terminal but stopped on opposite side of road.
There was a bit queue to get into one set of platforms here and another ado area with no queue, so I went and showed the guy at the metal detector (which beeped and he didn't care) at the no queue one and he said to come through here. So that's where I am.
I finished remaining takis Fuego before cleaning teeth this morning. Have only put sunblock on back of neck and ears as I don't expect to be out in full sun much today. Writing this with onscreen keyboard. I tried to knock out a quick verbal entry re key incident as walking down private street away from accom bit it just swallowd most of the stuff I said without transcribing it so I delted what tiny bit did work.
Onscreen keyboard definitely more frustrating than voice typing but not doing that here and background announcements would probably make it unreliable anyway.
0933 just checked screen, my bus is on there and seems to have final destination Chetumal.
Ftr I asked and the girl in the photo in my room (which I photoed) is not Oriana, it is just some stock ish/historical photo.
1006 chetumal bus has no platform, just asked and it is delayed 20 mins. Not a problem, was just a not worried I was somehow going to miss it.
1021 on bus. Bag fits (just) in overhead rack, got saturated out at feet. No one in window seat next to me. We pulled out as I was writing that, long announcement with mildly poor audio quality which I was half paying attention to. No one has checked my ID but they did check ticket, I showed it on phone no problem. They might have announced the toilet was only for no 1 but not sure.
Video about bus, there is free WiFi (no streaming) and USB to charge gadgets. Bus 1330 BTW.
I can't sign in to widi, probably because I have a VPN, but never mind. Don't need net access and I have my local sim anyway.
1124 playa del Carmen. 5-6 mins to get off if we want toilet. I don't really, certainly not no 2 and I assume I can use onboard for no 1 if I do. Mild intermittent travel-sick headache from looking at phone to watch video a bit low angle/because this is a bus not a train or plane.
Some film about immortals battling alien life eating things called desviantes in Spanish (film is dubbed) and now it turns out their master wants to kill everyone on Earth to birth another immortal is playing and I am intermittently looking at it but not that interested.
1143 leaving pdc. Announcement presumably for new passengers saying something about toilet as a "servicio de emergencia".
1252 just been to small no water but free bog at tulum. Driver announced last chance for 2h30 to Bacalar and that the toilets are being remodeled at Bacalar so can't use them there. Wasn't desperate but more came out than I expected so glad I went. Back in bus now. Took my main bag but left daypack at seat. Would have stuffed daypacl back in bag but didn't want to lose time and decided it was a borderline acceptable risk. If bus went without me or someone stole it, which didn't happen.
Haven't drunk any water since leaving accom, haven't really felt need and also there is a small element of not wanting to increase need for toilet.
FWIW while it has only been two nights so far I do seem not to be getting up for piss in night here unlike at home, maybe because I am dehydrated a bit (urine a bit yellow) or maybe simply because my caffeine intake (and general fluid intake probably) is right down compared to being at home.
Bus display shows nominal 22c but (inevitable Headcleaner thoughts) it was unconfortably cold at times, albeit bearable. Didn't dig fleece out.
Warm but not unbearable outside, and on bus with AC off.
Think I was sleeping a bit as we came into Tulum.
1309 we are off.
2026 Voice typing this in a whisper. Well, it actually works. Well, let me try and speak normally and see what happens. So I'm sitting in the deserted hostel sort of garden courtyard. There was a French couple here earlier and a woman sitting on her own and then there was another woman occupying an entire table so I sat in the hammock for a bit until people left and I could get a table. I'd been having a bit of water and I did bloody Duolingo.
So the bus got in about four, which was more or less on time. No fuss whatsoever. It was bizarre in some ways that it was actually really warm outside after freezing on the bus. The place seems nice enough. No one hassled me at the terminal.
I walked over to the hostel, no problem, got checked in, no problem really. a guy showed me round, everything seems fine. He actually showed me to the wrong tent, so I ended up speaking to the French guy, because when I went off to do something and then came back, he was at what I thought was my tent, so I had a quick chat with him, and we got it sorted out, it turned out I had a different tent, not a problem. The tent's quite small, I've got it myself, as expected. It's fine, I think. There is a fan with a light outside.
I rushed out a little bit to go and get something to eat before sunset. I wandered around. It's quite weird. The place seems quite quiet, which is kind of what you'd expect and it looks nice. But I also had heard that it got quite touristy and it kind of has and there's lots of boutiquey kind of restaurants and tour agencies. And apart from not liking the prices, I was also struggling a bit to find some where that would actually serve me some food that I wanted to eat because it was all just a tiny bit fancy as well as slightly expensive. I was getting a little bit desperate. I did wander down to have a quick look at the lake, lagoon, whatever it is because I found myself there. It does look quite attractive. Although the bit I popped out onto was just some kind of dock with some boats, so I didn't really go out onto the dock because I wasn't sure if it was private or What I had a quick look, obviously I'll try and wander around the town tomorrow and do some general sightseeing and so forth.
In the end I found El Valiente which looked sort of approachable and I went and had a quick chat with the two guys behind the counter and I got three tacos beef with no sauce and a bottle of full fat coke and it was quite nice and I think I did need some food to be honest. I wasn't getting really weird because I hadn't eaten but I think I did need some food.
So I then came back to the last stall via a little mini supermarket, out of two of them actually. I got some Sidra Negra Cristal drink and a packet of those sort of plantain crisp things you get in shops here that don't even have a label on.
So I had a shower and shave and changed my clothes. Oh, and before that I did some laundry on some underwear. There's a little sink behind the reception and I hung them up on the ropes holding up my tent.
Everything seemed a bit faffy when I was having the shower because I forgot my towel and then I had to get dressed again and go back to my tent and climb into the tent to get the stuff. And then I rang mum because it was getting late their time and then I went back to shower. No big deal, just the kind of not really quite in the swing of it and especially with the tent. It was just a tiny bit different but I got a tiny bit irritable and it was just slightly annoying.
So after that I came over here and as I said I sat in the hammock and I had some water and then I'm having this soft drink and I had those plantain chips and I filled up my water bottle as a free free office style water drinking bottle here so I filled my bottle and stuck it in the fridge so I can take it to bed cold.
So, everything's fine and although the slight boutiqueiness of some, that's not quite the right word but it'll do the slight boutiqueiness of some of the restaurants and so forth. It's a little bit off-putting. It actually seems quite nice place from what I've seen. The thing is, I can't really make any decisions about what I'm doing until I've seen how I get on sleeping in the tent and the fact that I'm only booked in for tomorrow means that I'm kind of feeling, well, I don't know what's going to happen, what if I want to do a tour or a I really cannot make any decisions until I have seen how I sleep here in the tent.
There were quite a few dogs in the street outside around the town generally, but perhaps especially near the hostel, and they had been barking a bit while I'd been in here tonight. One dog on the street did have a bit of a bark at me, I was walking past, but I sort of kept going and it ignored me. It probably wasn't a street dog, it probably belonged to some premises nearby. I think during the day it's probably fire that I'm just a tiny bit edgy, but I could imagine it's not very nice walking up and down this street. After dark all other streets in the town for that matter.
2039 I hope hostel guy waiting at table near reception can't hear me as I semi whisper but not as if I am saying anything bad.
It doesn't feel super sociable here. I don't think it's just me unless everyone else is out because it's not like I've seen a lot of other people talking to each other or indeed a lot of other people in general. The place certainly seems nice enough. We'll just have to see how it goes. Maybe another hostel would be more socially or busier. But I just don't know. I'm not that desperate. Obviously a bit of solitude, so to speak, it's quite nice as long as it's not taken to excess.
I need to remind myself I don't have to rush. wandering around the town tomorrow certainly is not wasted day. if the fact that I might have to check out or whatever and go somewhere else if that means I can't do a tour or whatever the next day (which is not really that likely - especially if I got a move on I could probably go over to chacchoben or something) then that is fine. but I don't need to rush I need to take it easy I was already thinking a little bit on the way over earlier oh no I've got to start doing tours and stuff like that it's going to be such hard work I know that's a bit of a stupid thing because that's the whole point if being a tourist. But I was thinking that. Well, okay, it's not the whole point because, you know, there's taking it easy and hanging around and maybe meeting people and practicing the language and God knows what, but you know what I mean.
I think that's about it. Feel a bit crappy voice typing most (not all) of this in not total privacy but did want to bash it out before going to tent and to give the water a chance to cool off a bit in the fridge. Not that it is unpleasant warm weather wise, it feels very pleasant sitting out in trousers and short sleeve t shirt.
I am not mega tired but I am a bit and given it feels quite dead I may move towards cleaning teeth and going to tent and semi to bed in a few minutes. Wifi doesn't reach tent but not a big deal, and I have my local sim of I really need data during night.
Have switched to onscreen keyboard and it is sort of quite good but also super annoying and makes some stupid predictions and the big problem is if I hit b or v instead of the space bar it doesn't seem to really understand that.
2048 yeah, I am tired enough I am going to move to bed. I'll send this now and start a new file for any in tent comments.
0916 in waiting area at ado terminal.
Tiny bit shaken. Last night when we finished (Oriana, the owner, had left us a bit before) about 0030 I found aone keys on floor and picked them up and left them on kitchen table. This morning I has another look and I am 99% certain (it is not my "main" set so I don't recognise them perfectly) they are my flat keys! So I came within a whisker of losing them. I do have another spare set but still,concerning.
I don't specifically remember but I must not have packed them away permanently in my bag when I reshuffled everything the first morning. I must have been carrying them in my pocket all day yesterday and since they just fell out at the table on front patio they could have fallen anywhere. As I say it all seems fine now and I am grateful to fate/God/karma but makes me a bit jumpy.
I was drowsing in bed from 6ish and got up at 730. I didn't feel too bad in bed, I made sure to have some water and although I felt broadly fine I've also drunk loads this morning and brought quite a bit with me. I'd rather pay for toilet at terminal/rest stops than water or feel ahit later.
Left accom 0836, I was first up - Andre was going into bathroom as I went up to knock on Oriana's door and I said bye to him, gave O the keys and said bye to her. Didn't see Delita (whose name I don't remember properly but think something like that - she is a primary school teacher and private tutor and also makes fabric flowers as an extra source of income on isla gobernadora in Panama, she is/has been in Mexico for about two months). Andre is a retired truck driver by the way and says he does some NASDAQ trading to make more money.
I cleaned off all the bottles cans and glasses from the table outside, andre said to leave them last night but I felt a bit bad about it so I brought them in (after snapping some photos) this morning. I didn't wash them though, so I'm not perfect but at least I did a bit.
Got bus 69 (O had told me 26, 31 or 69) almost immediately at stop near Walmart, small minibus type thing with seats round edge. Lots (not all) of people getting in said "Buenos dias" and people responded, including me. Didn't pay at first but asked driver during a half and paid 10 pesos, super cheap. I also as a sign said requested my stop, though don't know if was necessary. I had maybe said "plaza ado" when asking before getting on by mistake so prob didn't hurt. I was following route on organic maps as someone had advised me so I knew where to get off, and the bus didn't go right into terminal but stopped on opposite side of road.
There was a bit queue to get into one set of platforms here and another ado area with no queue, so I went and showed the guy at the metal detector (which beeped and he didn't care) at the no queue one and he said to come through here. So that's where I am.
I finished remaining takis Fuego before cleaning teeth this morning. Have only put sunblock on back of neck and ears as I don't expect to be out in full sun much today. Writing this with onscreen keyboard. I tried to knock out a quick verbal entry re key incident as walking down private street away from accom bit it just swallowd most of the stuff I said without transcribing it so I delted what tiny bit did work.
Onscreen keyboard definitely more frustrating than voice typing but not doing that here and background announcements would probably make it unreliable anyway.
0933 just checked screen, my bus is on there and seems to have final destination Chetumal.
Ftr I asked and the girl in the photo in my room (which I photoed) is not Oriana, it is just some stock ish/historical photo.
1006 chetumal bus has no platform, just asked and it is delayed 20 mins. Not a problem, was just a not worried I was somehow going to miss it.
1021 on bus. Bag fits (just) in overhead rack, got saturated out at feet. No one in window seat next to me. We pulled out as I was writing that, long announcement with mildly poor audio quality which I was half paying attention to. No one has checked my ID but they did check ticket, I showed it on phone no problem. They might have announced the toilet was only for no 1 but not sure.
Video about bus, there is free WiFi (no streaming) and USB to charge gadgets. Bus 1330 BTW.
I can't sign in to widi, probably because I have a VPN, but never mind. Don't need net access and I have my local sim anyway.
1124 playa del Carmen. 5-6 mins to get off if we want toilet. I don't really, certainly not no 2 and I assume I can use onboard for no 1 if I do. Mild intermittent travel-sick headache from looking at phone to watch video a bit low angle/because this is a bus not a train or plane.
Some film about immortals battling alien life eating things called desviantes in Spanish (film is dubbed) and now it turns out their master wants to kill everyone on Earth to birth another immortal is playing and I am intermittently looking at it but not that interested.
1143 leaving pdc. Announcement presumably for new passengers saying something about toilet as a "servicio de emergencia".
1252 just been to small no water but free bog at tulum. Driver announced last chance for 2h30 to Bacalar and that the toilets are being remodeled at Bacalar so can't use them there. Wasn't desperate but more came out than I expected so glad I went. Back in bus now. Took my main bag but left daypack at seat. Would have stuffed daypacl back in bag but didn't want to lose time and decided it was a borderline acceptable risk. If bus went without me or someone stole it, which didn't happen.
Haven't drunk any water since leaving accom, haven't really felt need and also there is a small element of not wanting to increase need for toilet.
FWIW while it has only been two nights so far I do seem not to be getting up for piss in night here unlike at home, maybe because I am dehydrated a bit (urine a bit yellow) or maybe simply because my caffeine intake (and general fluid intake probably) is right down compared to being at home.
Bus display shows nominal 22c but (inevitable Headcleaner thoughts) it was unconfortably cold at times, albeit bearable. Didn't dig fleece out.
Warm but not unbearable outside, and on bus with AC off.
Think I was sleeping a bit as we came into Tulum.
1309 we are off.
2026 Voice typing this in a whisper. Well, it actually works. Well, let me try and speak normally and see what happens. So I'm sitting in the deserted hostel sort of garden courtyard. There was a French couple here earlier and a woman sitting on her own and then there was another woman occupying an entire table so I sat in the hammock for a bit until people left and I could get a table. I'd been having a bit of water and I did bloody Duolingo.
So the bus got in about four, which was more or less on time. No fuss whatsoever. It was bizarre in some ways that it was actually really warm outside after freezing on the bus. The place seems nice enough. No one hassled me at the terminal.
I walked over to the hostel, no problem, got checked in, no problem really. a guy showed me round, everything seems fine. He actually showed me to the wrong tent, so I ended up speaking to the French guy, because when I went off to do something and then came back, he was at what I thought was my tent, so I had a quick chat with him, and we got it sorted out, it turned out I had a different tent, not a problem. The tent's quite small, I've got it myself, as expected. It's fine, I think. There is a fan with a light outside.
I rushed out a little bit to go and get something to eat before sunset. I wandered around. It's quite weird. The place seems quite quiet, which is kind of what you'd expect and it looks nice. But I also had heard that it got quite touristy and it kind of has and there's lots of boutiquey kind of restaurants and tour agencies. And apart from not liking the prices, I was also struggling a bit to find some where that would actually serve me some food that I wanted to eat because it was all just a tiny bit fancy as well as slightly expensive. I was getting a little bit desperate. I did wander down to have a quick look at the lake, lagoon, whatever it is because I found myself there. It does look quite attractive. Although the bit I popped out onto was just some kind of dock with some boats, so I didn't really go out onto the dock because I wasn't sure if it was private or What I had a quick look, obviously I'll try and wander around the town tomorrow and do some general sightseeing and so forth.
In the end I found El Valiente which looked sort of approachable and I went and had a quick chat with the two guys behind the counter and I got three tacos beef with no sauce and a bottle of full fat coke and it was quite nice and I think I did need some food to be honest. I wasn't getting really weird because I hadn't eaten but I think I did need some food.
So I then came back to the last stall via a little mini supermarket, out of two of them actually. I got some Sidra Negra Cristal drink and a packet of those sort of plantain crisp things you get in shops here that don't even have a label on.
So I had a shower and shave and changed my clothes. Oh, and before that I did some laundry on some underwear. There's a little sink behind the reception and I hung them up on the ropes holding up my tent.
Everything seemed a bit faffy when I was having the shower because I forgot my towel and then I had to get dressed again and go back to my tent and climb into the tent to get the stuff. And then I rang mum because it was getting late their time and then I went back to shower. No big deal, just the kind of not really quite in the swing of it and especially with the tent. It was just a tiny bit different but I got a tiny bit irritable and it was just slightly annoying.
So after that I came over here and as I said I sat in the hammock and I had some water and then I'm having this soft drink and I had those plantain chips and I filled up my water bottle as a free free office style water drinking bottle here so I filled my bottle and stuck it in the fridge so I can take it to bed cold.
So, everything's fine and although the slight boutiqueiness of some, that's not quite the right word but it'll do the slight boutiqueiness of some of the restaurants and so forth. It's a little bit off-putting. It actually seems quite nice place from what I've seen. The thing is, I can't really make any decisions about what I'm doing until I've seen how I get on sleeping in the tent and the fact that I'm only booked in for tomorrow means that I'm kind of feeling, well, I don't know what's going to happen, what if I want to do a tour or a I really cannot make any decisions until I have seen how I sleep here in the tent.
There were quite a few dogs in the street outside around the town generally, but perhaps especially near the hostel, and they had been barking a bit while I'd been in here tonight. One dog on the street did have a bit of a bark at me, I was walking past, but I sort of kept going and it ignored me. It probably wasn't a street dog, it probably belonged to some premises nearby. I think during the day it's probably fire that I'm just a tiny bit edgy, but I could imagine it's not very nice walking up and down this street. After dark all other streets in the town for that matter.
2039 I hope hostel guy waiting at table near reception can't hear me as I semi whisper but not as if I am saying anything bad.
It doesn't feel super sociable here. I don't think it's just me unless everyone else is out because it's not like I've seen a lot of other people talking to each other or indeed a lot of other people in general. The place certainly seems nice enough. We'll just have to see how it goes. Maybe another hostel would be more socially or busier. But I just don't know. I'm not that desperate. Obviously a bit of solitude, so to speak, it's quite nice as long as it's not taken to excess.
I need to remind myself I don't have to rush. wandering around the town tomorrow certainly is not wasted day. if the fact that I might have to check out or whatever and go somewhere else if that means I can't do a tour or whatever the next day (which is not really that likely - especially if I got a move on I could probably go over to chacchoben or something) then that is fine. but I don't need to rush I need to take it easy I was already thinking a little bit on the way over earlier oh no I've got to start doing tours and stuff like that it's going to be such hard work I know that's a bit of a stupid thing because that's the whole point if being a tourist. But I was thinking that. Well, okay, it's not the whole point because, you know, there's taking it easy and hanging around and maybe meeting people and practicing the language and God knows what, but you know what I mean.
I think that's about it. Feel a bit crappy voice typing most (not all) of this in not total privacy but did want to bash it out before going to tent and to give the water a chance to cool off a bit in the fridge. Not that it is unpleasant warm weather wise, it feels very pleasant sitting out in trousers and short sleeve t shirt.
I am not mega tired but I am a bit and given it feels quite dead I may move towards cleaning teeth and going to tent and semi to bed in a few minutes. Wifi doesn't reach tent but not a big deal, and I have my local sim of I really need data during night.
Have switched to onscreen keyboard and it is sort of quite good but also super annoying and makes some stupid predictions and the big problem is if I hit b or v instead of the space bar it doesn't seem to really understand that.
2048 yeah, I am tired enough I am going to move to bed. I'll send this now and start a new file for any in tent comments.
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