Thursday, 30 January 2025

San Cristobal, Wednesday

0941 at breakfast table. Couple prob owners talking in English, possibly French couple of poss guests with a laptop, some woman doing something on floor. Breakfast was just dry toast with maybe an option on some iffy looking porridge but there is decent hot coffee with milk and for the money I am not complaining. Will probably see if I can get another coffee and then maybe go for a wander.

Not spoken to anyone but it doesn't feel like anyone else is speaking to anyone they don't know, so to speak.

Slept pretty well, woke up about 4-5am for a piss and didn't feel super sleepy afterwards but not in a terribly bad way. Bed capsule is big enough and in particular tall enough it feels more cost and vaguely "kid playing at house" than claustrophobic.

I will probably ask about staying another night but I will see how I feel after a wander.

0952 come up to roof with second cup of coffee. A dew people up here who may be guests, French-ish woman talking in English with a bloke, some solo bloke sitting at another table. Quite warm and sunny.

1025 just finished reading goodbye Mr chips which I only started last night, very short. Not bad actually. I has somehow expected chips to be either a figure of fun or living in poverty after retirement and sort of nice to see either was actually the case. I suspect it is a certain vague sneering quality in the odd mention of it from smug right on comics and other media figures that made me expect something like that.

Vague digital nomad stuff in guide book makes me feel slightly jelaous but also kind of not, after all I am *not* here to work. It would be kind of nice to have some sort of interaction with someone but we will see how it goes. I just might check for a meetup type event here, it feels vaguely like the kind of place that might have one.

1032 OK nothing physical on meetup and as usual the online events turn my stomach with their various vaguely self love right on self centredness.

Couchsurfing really wants a login and I justmay sign up later but apart from one or two people wanting to meet up I didn't see much in way of events when I tried to web search direct to a relevant page without logging in.

A vague "OMFG I am just *so* interesting and I can't wait to meet all the other travellers and talk breathlessly about indigenous cultures and rights and equality and omfg Trump " atmosphere (I exaggerate, of course) pervades all these kind of sites and with less of a current affairs tone the guidebook has it too and it is just vaguely sickening and I need to try to stop possibly reading this tone into everything when it may not be there.

I have checked out a rough walking tour in guise book and will probably go for a wander in a bit but if there is more milky coffee on hand I will perhaps go have one more first  yes lazy but I am on holiday ans while a smidge solo (just one other guy, Maybe a digital nomad or artist or something worthy like that, up here) it is also sort of cool.

Reading huck Finn internittently which I alaobsownloased (that is on-screen keyboard-ese for "also downloaded", because b for space breaks auto correct) last night.

1048 got another cup coffee with milk and put some sunblock on and left fleece in dorm, so probably nicer up here now. This is maybe a bit lazy but I am also supposed to be experimenting with slow travel and although it is a bit lonely it is also kind of cool and I am in no rush.

Maybe I am imagining it but the male guests (or are they staff? Reqlly hard to know but the way some of them talk they might be) here seem to run a good deal to very tall and thin 30ish pseudo surfer looking types with longish hair in a sort of top knot. Sure I am not describing that right and maybe it is just one or two but it feels a bit odd.

1134 OK finished coffee. Kind of don't want to but let's go out for a walk.

1934 up on terrace. Lots of staff and long term resident types chatting and feeling a bit odd bit not too bad. Has my second can of dos Equis from first night up here earlier and was similar.

Went out and got some snack (Mani garapiƱado) at supermarket and bu chance there was spme vaguely marimba music in bandstand in square so I stayed and listened a bit.

Spent today wandering around and going to the churches up stairs at roughly either end of town and also down to the arch and has an ice cream in street and some bread snack cake stuff and also an expensive and I mahbe for confused with whether I paid with 100 or 50 note coffee while killing time towards end of day. Not a bad day but a bit dull and very aldous Huxley excessive freedom quote stuff.

Need to see if I can find somewhere suitable for a solo day trip tomorrow. I couldn't extend on booking the hoatel seemed to not be listed any more but asked at reception and paid 123 for an extra night.

Also found an Indian restaurant today which looks quite good and cheap and may go tomorrow.

Main meal today was borderline OK pepperoni pizza at Pachamama, i found the attached place but didn't feel up to faffing and suspected portion would be tiny etc.

Quick lopkbat guidebook suggests there is a 30 min hike up Cerro de Don Lauro here which might be worth considering.

1944 OK some half decent colectivo type options nearby. Maybe el arcotete parque ecologico might work well. Don't much like sound of no camera rule at San Juan chamula but maybe also a candidate another day. Mixed feelings about staying at this hostel, maybe I am not quite making the best effort to join in chat but it does also feel like everyone is ataff or long term guest (talk about renewing visas etc just now) and it just might be worth trying another hostel in town. We will see how it goes.

The town feels half empty in a way. It is buya and there are clearly tourists but eg there are fake trams etc doing toirist trips and they never seem to have any custom.

2204 bit weird. Been ultra on fringe of concversatipn ans feel ultra bnm but since I don't smoke and I'm not inherently interesting like everyone else difficult to know what to do. At least I haven't actively hiding away, even if I have been mostly invisible from a few metres away on roof terrace from everyone else. Staff type guy Max? Has been mildly encouraging at least.

2213 "they just burnt down LA" ffs, whatever you might believe the real cause is, isn't it fuxking wildfires? Fuck knows. Not my business. Privilege being bandied around by the few people left up here. Having a superior beer which is cheapish. CBDC being mentioned amazingly enoighm

2221 yeah, three guys left and a surprisingly 95pc savvy conversation about tor and vpn is going on. Albeit surfshark is being mentioned so meh.

2307 bed. Bit of a shitty but interesting night. I can't help feeling there is some kind of lesson about how I should have been bold eg a day or two ago and just spoke to people even though they were smoking. But it does kind of feel like everyone her is a long term resident and they all know each other. And then maybe the odd cool couple turns up ans obviously they are welcome to join in. But I dinno, just maybe even if I fucked up I am edgong closer to feeling I can speak to some people here.

Anyway, let's send thia. Try to be up earlyosh for breakfast tomorrow and maybe get in a nice day-trip and then maybe an Indian meal after and just possibly will try to extend for another say and maybe speak to some people tom{rrow noght. I loce predoxfove onscreen keyboards, so great. My forte is definitely more hac{ng one on one chats with people who are also obviously alone not this everyone knows everyone massive group vibe.

Must be nice to just be able to assume/know that other people like you and that you are interesting though.

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