Tue 0812 down on lower terrace with free coffee. Raining. Checked at reception and checkout is 12, though probably don't want to be around that long. Not checked booking but still intending to go to San Cristobal today.
Woke up V briefly (didn't even get up) maybe 2-3am and then again for a piss about 0450 but that is already a pretty solid nights sleep - I probably did go to sleep fairly soon after going to bed.
Rain during night but sort of cool to hear it through open insect screened window next to bed.
Was mostly awake in bed from perhaps 7am but I think this was more that I just wasn't tired any more rather than that I couldn't get back to sleep. I did read a bit and it was aemi pleasant but also a bit uncomfortable with vague muscular pains and struggling to hold slippery phone at angles to read etc, hence getting up.
I do feel the tiniest bit homesick and some general background mental wobbles but not too bad and the fact I fly home for better or worse in six weeks' time somewhat reduces the impact of the short term homesickness type concerns. Of course six weeks is still a long time and I can and will do lots of fun stuff between now and then.
0823 just had a look on booking and my somewhat preferred hostel has maybe 2 out of 6 because occupied in one dorm, another 6 bed dorm possibly unoccupied (tho this may be a xonfusing listing) and 1 bed occupied in a 4 bed dorm. So while it may be a bit too quiet, it may be OK, it may be nicely just social and of course it may fill up but it ought to be possible to get a lower bunk and not to feel overly crowded. I think I will finish this coffee and maybe get another one and check in more detail at reception than I have before where I can get a colectivo to San ceistobal then book it. It is slightly a shame to leave here but aa I say I am likely to be back and some of the wanky hotelness about it is not entirely to my taste and while my actiey unfriendly it feels big and sunloungerish enough that it doesn't feel like other people are actively meeting each other, not just me. Not that I have been trying hard given I kind of wanted a day or two to chill.
1819 so I spoke to teception woman and shebsaid that as there were a lot of curves on road it was safer to go earlier!? So i hastily booked two nights in hostel and packed and headed over to colectivo place as indicated by reception woman.
Long story short the journey was fine but interminable. I has to change (but had prepaid - 230 total) in much bigger than I expected Ocosingo and was a bit dozy about getting a good seat on Ocos-San Cristobal bus but got away with it. The Ocos-San Cristobak journey felt intermonablw, at many points there seemed to be a speed bump every few metres. The whole journey took about 6
hours and at times it felt like it would just never end.
Walked over to new hostel and got checked in no problem. Good first inpressions of San Cristobal. Hostel feels slightly weird but kind of nice, I am up to roof terrace with a beer to sort of watch sunset, might be a couple of guys smoking in corner (well, there are) but it is fine. It is pretty chilly and have fleece on and was cold in street earlier after I popped out for dinner maybe 530iah. Will have a good look roind town tomorrow but while maybe a smidge touristy it seems very attractive and feels quite real and so on.
Bed is a bit capsule but it has a light and a socket and is probably no worse and probably nicer than the bed at lost + found in Panama so we will see how it goes.
I may pop out for a brief solo wansed with my fleece on after have this beer and see how sunset goes.
I think town is over 2000m above sea level which probably accounts for the coolness but tbh this is probably very very pleasant during the day.
1937 went for wander into town from 7. Streets near hostel a amisfe quiet but not too bad. Centre quite busy and lots of locals, esp considering it is a Tuesday. somewhat of a Villa de Leyva vibe.
Sitting at table with a free coffee. People around. Feel slightly awkward/bnm but not too bad. At least am putting myself out. Just a bit shocked at the nice dog (cafe?) Suddenly nuzzling my ankle.
Despite quite liking the nominal vibe here there are various rather political cartoons on the walls in places including some "climate justice" and "smash the patriarchy". Someone is watching a slightly stupid political sounding film too.
Dog (female) is "cafecita". Was told this in check in aa the guy himself told me his name but forgot because I was a bit flustered, not great but not terrible.
2011 just had the 70g packet of takis fuego I bought iirc in that little shop on Bacalar just before I got ill. I has been meaning to eat them this morning but on discovering I had to rush off I didn't. I am glad I did get off early though, given how long the journey was.
Still having coffee. While a bit weird there is a vague pseudo friendly vibe here and it is somehow (perhaps just in my head because it is coldish out) a tiny bit like the finca I went to on the paramillo del quindio hike.
2023 I think they are going to watch "Jones Plantation". I have has a quick look online and I am not interested. It may not be excessively preachy but despite not being pro slavery I expect it is going to be annoyingly metaphorical and smug.
I may take a coffee up to the (probably closed) bar. Sitting at the table is uncomfortable as the bench is super low compared to the table.
2028 up in bar. Feel slightly loserish but at the same time I really don't want to end up hearing the film and that very low table was super uncomfortable. poster on wall advertising microdoses!
I did bring a fresh coffee. It is super strong tasting in a probably over-stewed way and not super pleasant but it is free and it isn't that late. There is free water here too.
I did enjoy the takis fuego but also given their relative brittleness (and the poppable nature of the bag) I was sick of lugging them round every time I moved so it is good to have eaten them.
I haven't has a shower yet tonight and I probably won't. I don't feel that sweaty and will probably push it until tomorrow early evening. Plan for tomorrow is just to wander rouns and see the place, have free hostel breakfast, maybe some coffee or cakes at points, seen somewhere doing arrachera chips and rice at a half decent price and may have that for lunch etc. I can then think about extending here or elsewhere and also look into whether there are any tours I want to do either with an agency or if possible solo, or perhaps some day trips out by colectivo to nearby towns or whatever. If I like it here I am in no rush and as long as I am mostly doing "stuff" I am happy to stay here a week or more.
2141 jeez, this coffee really is not very nice, especially now it's gone cold. But nearly finished it. I may then have a glass of water and move towards bed. I do feel a bit odd up here in bar on own but also kind of nice and peaceful. Wearing fleece still and it is borderline comfortable verging on just slightly chilly.
People come through to toilet once in a whole but no one seems bothered about me being here.
2156 went and got water. Glad I am not downstairs, film is a bit hard to avoid. It may or may not be objectionable but not interested. When it finishes will go get tooth cleaning stuff etc and move towards bed.
2236 cleaned teeth etc, about to go to bed so will send this.
Woke up V briefly (didn't even get up) maybe 2-3am and then again for a piss about 0450 but that is already a pretty solid nights sleep - I probably did go to sleep fairly soon after going to bed.
Rain during night but sort of cool to hear it through open insect screened window next to bed.
Was mostly awake in bed from perhaps 7am but I think this was more that I just wasn't tired any more rather than that I couldn't get back to sleep. I did read a bit and it was aemi pleasant but also a bit uncomfortable with vague muscular pains and struggling to hold slippery phone at angles to read etc, hence getting up.
I do feel the tiniest bit homesick and some general background mental wobbles but not too bad and the fact I fly home for better or worse in six weeks' time somewhat reduces the impact of the short term homesickness type concerns. Of course six weeks is still a long time and I can and will do lots of fun stuff between now and then.
0823 just had a look on booking and my somewhat preferred hostel has maybe 2 out of 6 because occupied in one dorm, another 6 bed dorm possibly unoccupied (tho this may be a xonfusing listing) and 1 bed occupied in a 4 bed dorm. So while it may be a bit too quiet, it may be OK, it may be nicely just social and of course it may fill up but it ought to be possible to get a lower bunk and not to feel overly crowded. I think I will finish this coffee and maybe get another one and check in more detail at reception than I have before where I can get a colectivo to San ceistobal then book it. It is slightly a shame to leave here but aa I say I am likely to be back and some of the wanky hotelness about it is not entirely to my taste and while my actiey unfriendly it feels big and sunloungerish enough that it doesn't feel like other people are actively meeting each other, not just me. Not that I have been trying hard given I kind of wanted a day or two to chill.
1819 so I spoke to teception woman and shebsaid that as there were a lot of curves on road it was safer to go earlier!? So i hastily booked two nights in hostel and packed and headed over to colectivo place as indicated by reception woman.
Long story short the journey was fine but interminable. I has to change (but had prepaid - 230 total) in much bigger than I expected Ocosingo and was a bit dozy about getting a good seat on Ocos-San Cristobal bus but got away with it. The Ocos-San Cristobak journey felt intermonablw, at many points there seemed to be a speed bump every few metres. The whole journey took about 6
hours and at times it felt like it would just never end.
Walked over to new hostel and got checked in no problem. Good first inpressions of San Cristobal. Hostel feels slightly weird but kind of nice, I am up to roof terrace with a beer to sort of watch sunset, might be a couple of guys smoking in corner (well, there are) but it is fine. It is pretty chilly and have fleece on and was cold in street earlier after I popped out for dinner maybe 530iah. Will have a good look roind town tomorrow but while maybe a smidge touristy it seems very attractive and feels quite real and so on.
Bed is a bit capsule but it has a light and a socket and is probably no worse and probably nicer than the bed at lost + found in Panama so we will see how it goes.
I may pop out for a brief solo wansed with my fleece on after have this beer and see how sunset goes.
I think town is over 2000m above sea level which probably accounts for the coolness but tbh this is probably very very pleasant during the day.
1937 went for wander into town from 7. Streets near hostel a amisfe quiet but not too bad. Centre quite busy and lots of locals, esp considering it is a Tuesday. somewhat of a Villa de Leyva vibe.
Sitting at table with a free coffee. People around. Feel slightly awkward/bnm but not too bad. At least am putting myself out. Just a bit shocked at the nice dog (cafe?) Suddenly nuzzling my ankle.
Despite quite liking the nominal vibe here there are various rather political cartoons on the walls in places including some "climate justice" and "smash the patriarchy". Someone is watching a slightly stupid political sounding film too.
Dog (female) is "cafecita". Was told this in check in aa the guy himself told me his name but forgot because I was a bit flustered, not great but not terrible.
2011 just had the 70g packet of takis fuego I bought iirc in that little shop on Bacalar just before I got ill. I has been meaning to eat them this morning but on discovering I had to rush off I didn't. I am glad I did get off early though, given how long the journey was.
Still having coffee. While a bit weird there is a vague pseudo friendly vibe here and it is somehow (perhaps just in my head because it is coldish out) a tiny bit like the finca I went to on the paramillo del quindio hike.
2023 I think they are going to watch "Jones Plantation". I have has a quick look online and I am not interested. It may not be excessively preachy but despite not being pro slavery I expect it is going to be annoyingly metaphorical and smug.
I may take a coffee up to the (probably closed) bar. Sitting at the table is uncomfortable as the bench is super low compared to the table.
2028 up in bar. Feel slightly loserish but at the same time I really don't want to end up hearing the film and that very low table was super uncomfortable. poster on wall advertising microdoses!
I did bring a fresh coffee. It is super strong tasting in a probably over-stewed way and not super pleasant but it is free and it isn't that late. There is free water here too.
I did enjoy the takis fuego but also given their relative brittleness (and the poppable nature of the bag) I was sick of lugging them round every time I moved so it is good to have eaten them.
I haven't has a shower yet tonight and I probably won't. I don't feel that sweaty and will probably push it until tomorrow early evening. Plan for tomorrow is just to wander rouns and see the place, have free hostel breakfast, maybe some coffee or cakes at points, seen somewhere doing arrachera chips and rice at a half decent price and may have that for lunch etc. I can then think about extending here or elsewhere and also look into whether there are any tours I want to do either with an agency or if possible solo, or perhaps some day trips out by colectivo to nearby towns or whatever. If I like it here I am in no rush and as long as I am mostly doing "stuff" I am happy to stay here a week or more.
2141 jeez, this coffee really is not very nice, especially now it's gone cold. But nearly finished it. I may then have a glass of water and move towards bed. I do feel a bit odd up here in bar on own but also kind of nice and peaceful. Wearing fleece still and it is borderline comfortable verging on just slightly chilly.
People come through to toilet once in a whole but no one seems bothered about me being here.
2156 went and got water. Glad I am not downstairs, film is a bit hard to avoid. It may or may not be objectionable but not interested. When it finishes will go get tooth cleaning stuff etc and move towards bed.
2236 cleaned teeth etc, about to go to bed so will send this.
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