Mon 0929 on deserted upstairs terrace by kitchen having lime juice in sparkling water. There is a stupid rule which I am not sure is enforced which suggests I can't take my plastic tumbler away from kitchen. But it is quite nice up here especially solo.
Was probably in bed about 2200 and actually got up 0845. Did wake up a few times in the night (sort of but not quite for piss etc) but overall didn't sleep too badly, albeit at about 0645 felt a bit wobbly and did stay up a few mins and went back to bed and was drifting in and out very lightly. Still, I did obviously fall asleep to some extent given I was awake in bed getting up 0830ish.
Muscles still aching a bit - including unusually my *left* hip, perhaps due to sleeping on other side more somehow - but not too bad and obviously not unexpected after ruin stuff, which is not usual exercise for me even when I am exercising.
No idea where to go or what to do and tbh feeling a bit homesick. I am sure it will be fine, and obviously no reason to expect this to be permanent given I felt fine a few days ago etc. I may go out and get a coffee after (touch wood) collecting laundry it is not inplauaible some mental wobbles are caused by a somewhat cold turkey accidental withdrawal from coffee, since it hasn't been free of late and it hasn't always been convenient or natural to buy some. There is a slightly boutique looking coffee shop just round the corner and I may go there.
Let me have a banana anyway.
0945 tiny chill up here, sort of nice but still. Could go get fleece but rather not. Some slightly annoying music coming from a guest phone on lower terrace but not too bad.
Need to remember that while yet I would like to try to form some onward plans today I don't have to rush. I could probably extend here a night despite minor annoyilanxea it is relatively comfortable and there are other options nearby including a whole apartment very cheap which might be a bit solitary but night also be what the doctor ordered right now. No rush whatsoever. It is only 0947!
1030 been slowly drinking lime water. Quick poke at guise book. There seem to be some chilled kind of places on the road to the ruins here which night be tempting at some point. However, fit feeling is that San Cristobal de las casas looks interesting in itself, I have never been there, it is maybe well placed for activities around and while there are some very nice and tempting cheap hostel dorms which I may well try first, there are also some affordable privates including in some hostels. So I am strongly leaning to going there and booking in a dorm for a day or two and playing it by ear and if I need or want a bit of a break I can maybe try for a private after. I could imagine hanging around a while in scdlc itself if I like it and right now I do have a lot of time left and that may all work well.
Everything looks tolerably emptyish judging from too, not deserted and may book up last minute but still, suggests eg dorms would not be heaving etc.
I don't have to decide about this right now of course.
As I think I said I am not ruling out doing stuff in palenque and returning but it would be natural to be here for a Guatemala loop but given I am ruined out etc it would probably be good to be doing that very approximately 4 weeks before end of trip. It sounds like I might be able to enjoy some urban vibes (music, coffee, streets etc) around sans Cristobal and maybe get some nature exposure in which isn't ruin-oriented.
Yes urban vibes is a wankyish thing to say but gets point over and it is hard esp writing on onscreen keyboard.
1116 Laundry still damp apparently. Come to Cafetos for a latte. Broke a 500. Staff perhaps a touch odd or maybe I was weird hanging around for my coffee instead of taking a seat. There was some woman soloist with good but mournful voice on stereo and it was chewing at my mental wobbliness. We now have some slightly honky tonk country on which is technically sad but also slightly lively and feels better.
"Now the years fly by just like an eagle... Take me back to the woods where she left me"
I was feeling a bit upbeat about prospect of San Cristobal but wobbles came back a bit. Mixed feelings right now. It is fine, I think the predominate element has to be homesickness and that should take care of itself eventually, be that in a hour or a few days, and a new hostel tomorrow may also help somehow.
Wearing short sleeve top as it is the only one I have and also flip flops and feel a smidge cold, not entirely unpleasantly but still. Half wish had brought fleece out. Not end of world.
My hostel is actually mentioned i n the guide book.
1155 got Americano. Will go check laundry after. Mind oscillating between wobbles and "how cool is it sitting here in the warm with this breezE and I'm in Mexico baby".
Staff seem a smidge surly but maybe I am being unfair. But they seem massively overstaffed and compared with the much "poorer seeming" atmosphere in that place I has the quesadillas yesterday the same there seemed to have a kind of hardworking but not servile cheeriness. Meh.
1415 I picked my laundry up and checked it right there and it was all there and it was no joke extremely satisfying. Put a long aleeved clean top on and felt surprisingly good. Went out for food and got some brea and ham and carrots and have had some up here in kitchen. I also spoke to woman on reception at some point and there are frequent colectivos to San Cristobal for about 100 taking a couple of hours or so.
I am blowing hot and cold about whether to see if I can stay here an extra night here. It is sort of nice but there is also something vaguely oppressive about it. And it isn't as if I can't or won't come back quite naturally later on.
I am being a little inconsistent, one minute from a homesickness POV thinking how long it is until I can go home and at another thinking I need to make the most of my time.
I also saw a little local chicken and chips type place on way back from getting my supplies at supermarket and an half wondering about going there.
1702 had tiny wander round LA Canada and back at another two litres aparklong water earlier. May try jacuzzi for not missing out sake when get back. Still vaguely dithering about staying or going. But tbh probably as well to go, I can then have a day or two quietly puttering round San Cristobal and I am likely to be back here pre Guatemala loop anyway. I may be stupidly reluctant to go just cos I have a single bed by the door in the dorm (something they nominally charge a stupid premium over a regular dorm bed for on booking) but that is hardly a reason to stay.
The idea of another dorm in San Cristobal is not mega tempting but it may be OK and if not I can switch to somewhere with a private. And while I am not exactly gagging to socialise it may also be nice and this hostel doesn't feel right someone - it is kind of too big somehow. And I do at least have a full-ish complement of clean clothes which is good wrt dorms and I should take advantage.
1906 Spent over half an hour in jacuzzi from a bit before 6, to maybe 1835. it was off at first but came on about 1803 on presumably a timer and stayed on untl I got out. Slightly cold at first and not super warm but not bad. Milked it a bit. Not super enjoyable but also kind of fun, I had it to myself and at least I did it.
Then had super long shower - the hot water here is very hot, which is nice - and got dressed into ss top and flip flops and collected fleece from locker and put power bank on to charge in room. Was going to have some sandwiches but kitchen is a bit rammed and will wait a bit. Had my last banana and got my reusing bottle of water.
I think I am going to sleep on it but gut feeling is I will go to a dorm in San Cristobal tomorrow - I will book it when I get up. I expect to be up around 9 at the latest and check out is 12.
I realised while in the jacuzzi that I fly back in six weeks' tomorrow. This is in some ways a bit of a shame but it also maybe puts the vague homesickness feeling into a bit of perpective. I certainly don't need to rush but as I may have already said it would in some ways be nicer to be bumming around in novel city SC instead of here.
2045 just done bloody Duolingo.
Had remaining sandwiches and carrots, two girls had spread laptops and shit out over all the kitchen terrace seating area so I had to sit in kitchen and eat. It is a mess in sink because of scrotes but never mind. I also squeezed my second remaining lime into bottle of carbonated water and have brought it down with me to drink in sun lounger. Slightly annoyingly cocky and noisy Spanish speaking guys in the jacuzzi.
2214 Started to piss it down about 20 mins ago. Just about to go to bed. Not mega tired and a bit bloated but not feeling too bad.
Was probably in bed about 2200 and actually got up 0845. Did wake up a few times in the night (sort of but not quite for piss etc) but overall didn't sleep too badly, albeit at about 0645 felt a bit wobbly and did stay up a few mins and went back to bed and was drifting in and out very lightly. Still, I did obviously fall asleep to some extent given I was awake in bed getting up 0830ish.
Muscles still aching a bit - including unusually my *left* hip, perhaps due to sleeping on other side more somehow - but not too bad and obviously not unexpected after ruin stuff, which is not usual exercise for me even when I am exercising.
No idea where to go or what to do and tbh feeling a bit homesick. I am sure it will be fine, and obviously no reason to expect this to be permanent given I felt fine a few days ago etc. I may go out and get a coffee after (touch wood) collecting laundry it is not inplauaible some mental wobbles are caused by a somewhat cold turkey accidental withdrawal from coffee, since it hasn't been free of late and it hasn't always been convenient or natural to buy some. There is a slightly boutique looking coffee shop just round the corner and I may go there.
Let me have a banana anyway.
0945 tiny chill up here, sort of nice but still. Could go get fleece but rather not. Some slightly annoying music coming from a guest phone on lower terrace but not too bad.
Need to remember that while yet I would like to try to form some onward plans today I don't have to rush. I could probably extend here a night despite minor annoyilanxea it is relatively comfortable and there are other options nearby including a whole apartment very cheap which might be a bit solitary but night also be what the doctor ordered right now. No rush whatsoever. It is only 0947!
1030 been slowly drinking lime water. Quick poke at guise book. There seem to be some chilled kind of places on the road to the ruins here which night be tempting at some point. However, fit feeling is that San Cristobal de las casas looks interesting in itself, I have never been there, it is maybe well placed for activities around and while there are some very nice and tempting cheap hostel dorms which I may well try first, there are also some affordable privates including in some hostels. So I am strongly leaning to going there and booking in a dorm for a day or two and playing it by ear and if I need or want a bit of a break I can maybe try for a private after. I could imagine hanging around a while in scdlc itself if I like it and right now I do have a lot of time left and that may all work well.
Everything looks tolerably emptyish judging from too, not deserted and may book up last minute but still, suggests eg dorms would not be heaving etc.
I don't have to decide about this right now of course.
As I think I said I am not ruling out doing stuff in palenque and returning but it would be natural to be here for a Guatemala loop but given I am ruined out etc it would probably be good to be doing that very approximately 4 weeks before end of trip. It sounds like I might be able to enjoy some urban vibes (music, coffee, streets etc) around sans Cristobal and maybe get some nature exposure in which isn't ruin-oriented.
Yes urban vibes is a wankyish thing to say but gets point over and it is hard esp writing on onscreen keyboard.
1116 Laundry still damp apparently. Come to Cafetos for a latte. Broke a 500. Staff perhaps a touch odd or maybe I was weird hanging around for my coffee instead of taking a seat. There was some woman soloist with good but mournful voice on stereo and it was chewing at my mental wobbliness. We now have some slightly honky tonk country on which is technically sad but also slightly lively and feels better.
"Now the years fly by just like an eagle... Take me back to the woods where she left me"
I was feeling a bit upbeat about prospect of San Cristobal but wobbles came back a bit. Mixed feelings right now. It is fine, I think the predominate element has to be homesickness and that should take care of itself eventually, be that in a hour or a few days, and a new hostel tomorrow may also help somehow.
Wearing short sleeve top as it is the only one I have and also flip flops and feel a smidge cold, not entirely unpleasantly but still. Half wish had brought fleece out. Not end of world.
My hostel is actually mentioned i n the guide book.
1155 got Americano. Will go check laundry after. Mind oscillating between wobbles and "how cool is it sitting here in the warm with this breezE and I'm in Mexico baby".
Staff seem a smidge surly but maybe I am being unfair. But they seem massively overstaffed and compared with the much "poorer seeming" atmosphere in that place I has the quesadillas yesterday the same there seemed to have a kind of hardworking but not servile cheeriness. Meh.
1415 I picked my laundry up and checked it right there and it was all there and it was no joke extremely satisfying. Put a long aleeved clean top on and felt surprisingly good. Went out for food and got some brea and ham and carrots and have had some up here in kitchen. I also spoke to woman on reception at some point and there are frequent colectivos to San Cristobal for about 100 taking a couple of hours or so.
I am blowing hot and cold about whether to see if I can stay here an extra night here. It is sort of nice but there is also something vaguely oppressive about it. And it isn't as if I can't or won't come back quite naturally later on.
I am being a little inconsistent, one minute from a homesickness POV thinking how long it is until I can go home and at another thinking I need to make the most of my time.
I also saw a little local chicken and chips type place on way back from getting my supplies at supermarket and an half wondering about going there.
1702 had tiny wander round LA Canada and back at another two litres aparklong water earlier. May try jacuzzi for not missing out sake when get back. Still vaguely dithering about staying or going. But tbh probably as well to go, I can then have a day or two quietly puttering round San Cristobal and I am likely to be back here pre Guatemala loop anyway. I may be stupidly reluctant to go just cos I have a single bed by the door in the dorm (something they nominally charge a stupid premium over a regular dorm bed for on booking) but that is hardly a reason to stay.
The idea of another dorm in San Cristobal is not mega tempting but it may be OK and if not I can switch to somewhere with a private. And while I am not exactly gagging to socialise it may also be nice and this hostel doesn't feel right someone - it is kind of too big somehow. And I do at least have a full-ish complement of clean clothes which is good wrt dorms and I should take advantage.
1906 Spent over half an hour in jacuzzi from a bit before 6, to maybe 1835. it was off at first but came on about 1803 on presumably a timer and stayed on untl I got out. Slightly cold at first and not super warm but not bad. Milked it a bit. Not super enjoyable but also kind of fun, I had it to myself and at least I did it.
Then had super long shower - the hot water here is very hot, which is nice - and got dressed into ss top and flip flops and collected fleece from locker and put power bank on to charge in room. Was going to have some sandwiches but kitchen is a bit rammed and will wait a bit. Had my last banana and got my reusing bottle of water.
I think I am going to sleep on it but gut feeling is I will go to a dorm in San Cristobal tomorrow - I will book it when I get up. I expect to be up around 9 at the latest and check out is 12.
I realised while in the jacuzzi that I fly back in six weeks' tomorrow. This is in some ways a bit of a shame but it also maybe puts the vague homesickness feeling into a bit of perpective. I certainly don't need to rush but as I may have already said it would in some ways be nicer to be bumming around in novel city SC instead of here.
2045 just done bloody Duolingo.
Had remaining sandwiches and carrots, two girls had spread laptops and shit out over all the kitchen terrace seating area so I had to sit in kitchen and eat. It is a mess in sink because of scrotes but never mind. I also squeezed my second remaining lime into bottle of carbonated water and have brought it down with me to drink in sun lounger. Slightly annoyingly cocky and noisy Spanish speaking guys in the jacuzzi.
2214 Started to piss it down about 20 mins ago. Just about to go to bed. Not mega tired and a bit bloated but not feeling too bad.
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