Sunday, 17 February 2019


Sat 1218 On train. Woke up 1030ish still feeling drunk, FFS. Will write about last night later. Got up 1140ish, packed in a bit of a disorganised hurry but did check round and think remembered everything. Left hostel a hair after midday, left keys on table in office as no one was there (not that I tried hard to find anyone). No idea what time got back last night. Still feel drunk TBH, tho not sick. Was going to go out tonight in Santiago but probably won't now, not a problem.

Plan is and always was to go to supermarket as soon as have checked in and then cook. Just poss will feel different later re going out but I can always go out another night, eg find some nice bar with tables and have a few quiet (I hope) beers tomorrow night.

Very overcast today, quite welcome in a way. Wearing short-sleeved T-shirt and not cold, didn't put any sunscreen on as don't expect to be outside that much. I could have done, packing was a bit hurried but not an absolute wild scramble - biggest issue was feeling a bit drunk TBH.

In a nice way, this doesn't feel like an epic journey today. It's about an hour. It did occur to me I could probably have missed this train and stayed at hotel an extra half hour before I had to check out, but seemed best not to. I did cut things a bit fine getting here, what with leaving hotel just after midday with train at 1230, though I was pretty sure I'd make it (as of course I have). There are many trains, this is almost a little suburban hop - like getting the train down to Leatherhead or something.

1246 San Francisco. Quiteanicelittlechurchandthespacebarisplayingup.Willpersist.IcheckedonwebandIthink"alameda"isthestationinSantiago,buttheword"Santiago"isapparentlyneverusedinconnectionwiththetrain.It'sasifIwereatLeatherhead andthefinaldestinationwas"Waterloo"not"LondonWaterloo".

Space bar seems to be working after powering off and on (just normal, not a reboot) which is a relief but also odd, given it *did* work if I really hammered it before which suggested a mechanical problem not a software one. But still, fingers crossed it's OK now.

1419 In flat. Very nice.

Sun 0030 Didn't go out, except to supermarket shortly after arriving. Cooked and ate and just been watching stuff on Youtube (flat has a smart TV so can use bigger screen) and reading a bit.

Last night a guy next to me at the bar struck up a conversation - think his name was Luco but my memories are very fuzzy, presumably drank way too much - I was on fourth beer when met him IIRC, had planned to go after that but he bought me one without asking and presumably I bought him one back. He was 65, though youngish looking 65. I really struggled to understand him, probably the Chilean accent stuff Cony had told me about, but hey, we did have a conversation and it's all practice. Feel a bit guilty at getting drunk but WTF.

Feel a bit tired so go to bed shortly after a shower. Bit miffed there's only a tiny bit of toilet paper in flat and no kitchen roll or tea towel; will have to buy my own tomorrow. No big plans for tomorrow, will prob make myself go for a walk and I intend to get a takeaway pizza - there's a place practically next door and also one across road so hope I can get something decent.

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