Sunday, 3 February 2019

Santiago, Saturday

Sun 0159 Very quiet day. Cony couldn't make it due to toothache; I could have gone out on my own but TBH felt a bit lazy and (even tho did it a bit yday already) wanted to enjoy flat while I can. Went out to supermarket across road - which appears to have enacted the plastic ban bag a day early, alas, but fortunately I had taken my own bag to cover such eventuality - and bought bread and ham so could gorge myself on sandwiches (only possible when I have a fridge). As in Guatemala the bread here seems very small in cross-sectional area compared to home, but what can you do? Managed to navigate deli counter to buy ham without too much linguistic difficulty.

Also did laundry downstairs again: since have hardly worn clothes today and haven't sweated much as been in relatively cool flat all day am going to re-wear today's clothes again tomorrow which will help me stretch over the no-washer-and-no-private-bathroom period in the Concepcion airbnb.

I could have gone and eg had a walk up to the park on Cerro San Cristobal but felt lazy. And equally I could have gone out tonight, and with an 11am checkout tomorrow it wouldn't have been terrible to do so (and certainly would have done it had C been up for it), but equally I didn't fancy it, I will have plenty of temptation to drink beer in future (especially if I am less inclined to loiter around in accommodation as I have been in previous airbnbs) and it seemed silly to force myself out. If I *had* happened to meet anyone I'd have been worrying about needing to check out in the morning. Meh.

Have 90% packed and will finish off in morning. Should prob go to bed but not that tired and may watch a bit more semi-crap on Youtube.

0315 Bed. Not really tired but a bit, and I want to be up at 10 if not earlier.

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