Sun 1623 At Macho's restaurant; getting bife a lo pobre, WTH. Woke up maybe 11ish feeling actually OK tho was undeniably a bit pissed last night, felt bit disoriented in room and no idea what was burbling about on last bit of two blog posts yday (tho there are prob two thanks to Dropbox deciding to create conflicts out of nowhere and me posting both versions). Didn't actually get up til gone 1.
Went to supermarket for 1.6l water and drank it, needed it tho wasn't super hungover. Wandered round a bit before coming here for food.
Thinking I might have a week off alcohol; last night wasn't terrible nor particularly common, but still.
1706 Food not bad but am feeling a bit headachey; almost certainly due to overindulgence last night. My plan was pretty much to go back to supermarket, buy some more water and fruit and go back to hostel and just lurk in my room and have a quiet evening in watching Youtube or whatever anyway but feeling a bit run down just makes this seem even better. I may extend here for a couple of days, but we'll see.
Oh, completely failed to understand anything the bloke at the supermarket til said to me last time.
1801 At hostel, sitting on swinging seat on terrace - might as well be here as in cell while phone batt lasts. Used self-service checkout this time. Evidently not in a great mood as was ranting to myself in supermarket, particularly about absence of baskets so everyone including me was blocking up the aisles with honking great trolleys.
Mon 0035 Bed. Really had quite low mood all evening, just hope will feel better in morning. Might extend here for a day or two, but that raises issues re maybe needing to withdraw more cash (going to have to do it soon anyway) and I don't know how much I want to avoid getting stung with excess fees by withdrawing too many separate times vs being stuck with cash when leave country.
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