Friday, 15 February 2019

Rancagua, Thursday

Thu 1257 At Restaurant Laura, getting pollo horno with chips and soup. Been to station, got mildly confused but think coped OK paid 3800 of which 1300 was for a plastic card; I am guessing the "suburbany" service is Oyster/Bip like. Train is 1230, poss can use any train but not sure and will go for that one as it's what I was told when being issued with card.

1336 Not bad, tho super hot in there. 4500+500 tip. Address 387 Rubio.

1429 Boiling hot, feel very tired. Stopped at Cafe Mestres for americano; wandered past a few small plazas (seen on map), nice enough but not had any tables outside so wasn't too tempted to loiter. No tables outside here but this is just on some street so not a big deal. 1300, will make it 1500 with tip. No one here except me and guy serving. Address 253 Cuevas.

Got an ice cream at small shop shortly after leaving RL; nice enough but 1390 nice, and I pissed off woman in shop by opening freezer instead of asking - it had a lock on, but such an ineffective one when I experimentally tried to open it with a normal amount of force it just opened.

Fri 0050 Went to Plaza Charles de Gaulle; sat in moderate shade looking at fountain and listening to half decent busker playing saxophone off to one side. Couldn't get full on meditative but not bad. Tipped busker, went back to hotel via supermarket, guzzled water/coke light, did some laundry and probably sorted out the fuckery with Brazil accommodation.

Oh, while sitting in PCdG, a chap was blowing up some big foil valentine's balloons. One escaped in the breeze so I picked it up and took it back to him, like the thoroughly decent chap I am.

Not exactly tired but not not tired. Feels quite warm tonight, even with window open, will try leaving it open. Some sort of flying ant in bathroom sink when went to clean teeth, I fished it out on some bog roll and stuck it on top of bog to dry off then noticed it had managed to lose two wings elsewhere on the sink before I saw it (they were nowhere near where I fished it out). Isn't nature kind and wonderful?

0055 Just about to go to bed, the flying ant thing has disappeared off the bog roll on top of bog but it's left two wings behind nearby. And I just noticed it actually lost four wings on the sink, not two. Unless there are multiple flying ants; there does look like another slightly similar thing in the sink. Fuck knows. Obviously on some level it doesn't really matter, plus I had chicken today and am already anticipating a probable lomo a lo pobre tomorrow, but it just seems a bit grim for this insect to be accidentally ripping its own wings off as it struggles to break the surface tension caused by tiny bits of moisture round the sink.

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