Thursday, 21 February 2019

Santiago, Wednesday

Thu 0122 Quietish day but not too bad overall. Bit unpleasantly very mildly nightmarish not quite waking up this morning. But not too bad. Got up 11-12ish.

Went over to Costanera Center (via Santa Isabel metro for novelty) as someone at Spanish exchange last night had suggested I might be able to get some cheap stuff I want for Brazil there. As it happens I couldn't, but I was in the Jumbo supermarket they'd suggested and on the slim chance they had some decent mustard (ie not the spirit vinegary horrible non-spicy shit which is the standard here) I went and checked they actually had tiny 100g jars of Colman's, albeit at an eye-watering CLP3899 (£4.58). I dithered but partly on remembering the "High price for mustard" scene in Three Men In A Boat I decided to splurge, so I got some sausages and hot dog buns and while I was at it a few tins of other stuff to cook with over next few days. Came home (got metro to Baquedano and walked) and gorged myself on hot dogs. I had planned to go out for something like lomo a lo pobre today but decided this was more fun and probably not really less healthy.

I then walked over to Huerfanos (another recommendation from lang exchange) and got what I wanted from a bloke selling stuff in the middle of the street for next to nothing, so a result there. On walk back via slightly different route went through area round intersection of Paris and Londres and looked quite nice, might go round there for a beer at some point (pretty sure had seen it/been there on previous visit, it was a bit familiar) but decided I wouldn't at that point. As a compromise I stopped in at a random supermarket on walk back and got a litre bottle of Cristal for CLP1000, which didn't seem a bad price.

Spent evening watching stuff on Youtube and having the beer and another hot dog or two. Not exactly super exciting but quietly pleasurable. I feel like I did something today with those two little trips out anyway.

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