Thursday, 27 February 2025

El Chiflon-San Cristobal

Wed 1133 Sitting in the room, almost ready to check out just milking the last little bit of private roomness and whatever. For what it's worth, I guess I've probably been within the sound of running water constantly for about 25 hours now, 26, whatever. Not absolutely sure you can hear the water when you're up at the restaurant, but you probably can. Anyway, just for what it's worth.

Didn't sleep brilliantly, not too badly. I left the cabin about 8.20 and went for a walk up to as far as the bridal veil fall. I was vaguely tempted to push it and try and do the lot but it was perhaps actually a bit of a psychological win. I resisted that temptation because I knew I'd just get hot and sweaty and I'd be rushed and I'd be worried about missing the checkout and so forth.

It was pretty cool to have the falls more or less to myself. There were a few staff like the zip lining guys carrying helmets and harnesses up to the stations and stuff, but I don't think there were any other guests. So I basically had the falls to myself. Actually, on the way back I think there was one couple at one of the lower falls, but like I had the bridal veil basically to myself.

I actually thought a little bit too inside the box. The park opens at 8, so I'd naively been assuming that I couldn't go on the trail till 8. In hindsight, not that I'm too gutted. Nothing at all would have stopped me, say, leaving the room, the cabin at 7, and walking up the trail then, which would have given me a bit more time to do all the falls. It's fine. It is quite a long walk. It's not absolutely epic, but it is a fair old effort. I might still have been a bit worried about the time and I might not have had time for a shower when I got back and then I'd have been sweaty on the buses and stuff. Anyway, it's fine. There are two four meter pools and the seven meter pool in depth that is. I am kind of thinking it's not deathbed regret stuff but maybe in a year or two if by then I'm a better swimmer it would be cool to come back and probably stay overnight again and maybe swimming at least one of those deep pools or something like that it's not just the depth remember there's also the current it's probably not too bad but you know one thing another definitely didn't want to push it yesterday

I had a shower this morning, the spider was still there, and it had been there, of course, when I went for a piss at some point in the night. By the time I got back from my walk, you know, half an hour ago, when I started packing up and stuff, it had gone. I can't see it anymore, but anyway.

I tried to appreciate the falls and the walk and the river as I was going and be present. It's really difficult but that's nothing new, just something to keep working on I guess. It was pretty cool, got the spray from the falls and stuff like that all to myself and it was quite nice and maybe slightly different effects with the sun being a different position too yesterday.

I don't think I remember to say yesterday that there's a sort of black and gold ants wandering around sometimes. They're mostly solitary. Sometimes they just look yellow, but I think it is actually fair to say that they really do have a gold kind of colour. They're quite attractive in a way. I do have some bad photo and video of them, but it was really difficult to take any.

Without really rushing by the time I'd done the three falls and come back, it was probably about quarter past ten and I'd been thinking and I thought I'd go to the restaurant and I had the same as I had yesterday. It was actually quite good, a little bit early to eat, but that way it takes the pressure off for the rest of the day, not saying I won't eat in San Crist, especially given what I'm about to say about my plans, but you know, it takes the pressure off certainly.

So I ate. I broke another 500. I've perhaps been over-breaking them. I really maybe need to slow down, otherwise I'm going to be carrying too many small bills. Anyway, after that I went down to the iguana place quickly. I couldn't actually see any iguanas in the undergrowth. Maybe they come out later, not a big deal. So then I came back to the room. That was maybe about 1115. And I packed and so forth. I'm leaving a couple of smallish water bottles, disposable ones that I've been carrying around since I left home. And I've thrown away some cardboard packaging for some of the medicines I bought in St. Chris. I've snapped photos of them just in case. But it's just throat tablets and suero.

Bits had to be leaving but better than being rrlieved blah blah blah

I've been thinking and although I kind of don't want to, I think partly just because I don't like tours and partly because I already paid once and partly because I'm worried there'll be a repetition, Assuming I feel okay when I get to San Crist, I will see if I can book the bloody Canyon del Sumadero Tour for tomorrow. That way I can then have Friday sort of wandering around town, get up late, go and have coffee, maybe make some onward plans, sort of saying goodbye to the place as a whole and then move on Saturday. Of course if I really want to stay Saturday night or something tempting or you know I'm getting on well with people I can but nonetheless my first booking is Wednesday Thursday Friday nights and my current rough plan is to move on Saturday.

1141 I don't intend to hang on in the room until literally 12 o'clock. I am kind of milking it a little bit, but I also am making these notes that I've practically caught up now. I might just have a check round and then leave in five or ten minutes.

I don't know if there's any cenotes near Sankris, but I guess if they're near but you have to take a collectivo over to them, that's not really any good to me unless I happen to find someone who wanted to go with me. So probably I wouldn't be extending in Sankris in order to do a cenote, and that's still something I've got to keep an eye out and bear in mind when I'm making my future plans for the rest of the time. I need to remember I still got nearly two weeks. It's easy to write that off. I've said this before, but does bear repeating. It's like nearly a quarter, maybe actually a quarter of my total trip, which is still to come.

On a random note, the Wi-Fi here is open and then you have one of those hotel-style systems where you have to type a code in. I asked and I just told there were two, it turns out there were two paper slips in the drawer by the bed and there are neither of them seems to work today, I don't know why. It's not the end of the world, you know, and I've got the 06 with its sim for little messages and stuff. It is just a little bit annoying like, why can't they not just have proper Wi-Fi and give you the password and maybe the password once a month or whatever if they want to anyway.

1847 at hostel, having beer at bar on own. Been chatting to some people upstairs, holly is leaving tomorrow and Max in a few days. Lewis is still here.

I got collectivo straight away both at el chiflon and comitan  bit hot and slightly crappy seat on second but not terrible. About an hour to comitan and about two then to San cris. Checked in by Sergio no problem, Max had sorted me with a lower bunk in New 4 bed dorm here which isn't cubicles but I said I would rather go in upper bunk with cubicles in 6 bed dofm.  Not a big deal. Went for walk and decided not to eat in restaurant to reduce risk of getting sick. I had pastries at Dona isabel and a coffee and Kukulpan and came back and max booked me on tour tomorrow 9am. And then ben chatting upstairs mainly with max and holly and new volunteer whose name I forget.

2055 hanging round feeling slightly bnm. People bit split up on roof and max speaking French with some people SK don't like to try to join them. I don't think anyone is going to open mic and tbh an not that fussed. There is a "surf" band on at 2200 which might be OK but tbh unless anyone else goes and I can tag along I am probably not that interested. There is a ska punk band on at 2200 tomorrow (I saw and photoed the weekly poster in super max earlier) and I may go to that. I don't really want to take unnecessary chances before the tour tomorrow, although technically speaking a few drinks is fine. But as I say I don't think anyone is likely to be going out, it isn't just that I am not kncluded. I think holly is packing etc and will be back later to say goodbye etc and it would be nice to be here for that and otherwise or afterwards an earlyish night at say 10 or 11 wouldn't hurt.

Have been flicking through paper copy of guide book down on ground floor and while I am still unsure what do to when I leave here it is maybe helping a bit. I think the main planning/decision making will be done tomorrow evening post tour and/or on Friday. Max says it will be 34C on tour tomorrow but can't he helped and I don't think there is much walking, so I guess I am mostly going to be sitting on hopefully aircon buses or on boat where there is hopefully some breeze and water-ish coolness. I asked Max and there is no swimming, there are crocodiles.

Did copy photos and videos from p7 onto USB stick earlier so I do have a backup despite syncthing seeming not to be working very well lately for some reason. I am probably taking the p7 with me tomorrow despite the boat.

2117 fwiw I had a shower and changed all clothes except trousers after I had that solo beer (with some of the Mani garapinado I bought at super max) and then went and loitered down on ground floor - there was a cooking class but it was chilaques and I declined, but I was invited.

2341 in bed. Loitered around a bit and had chat with German woman who arrived today and also with holly and max and some other people up on terrace. Slightly awkward at points but broadly fine and sociable. I feel OK physically at the moment so touch wood the tour will be OK.

I didn't obviously see anyone go out to el paliacate, max says they are nearly full and I could kind of see that when picking out dorm bed with Sergio, I haven't seen that many people but I guess maybe they have gone out on their own (or sneaked out to el paliacate, but I doubt it it) or went to bed early. Not a problem, just an observation.

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