Tuesday, 11 February 2025

San Cristobal de las Casas, Sat-Mon

Sat 0925 soloish breakfast. Spoke to jim and owner and his mum? Briefly.

Toying with staying another night. Quick look on web and results are all fucking medical sites rather than "I an a traveller and when I get minor TD type illness I do x".  In desperation I asked for reddit in search while it is a bit better it is *so* reddit  and all about covid and masks.

It wasn't a panic etc but I did get up at least once in the night for some squirty action and guts wete churning a bit. I do feel I am wasting time but I need to remember a) can't be helped b) recovering properly rather than pushing myself may be a net win in terms of quality time to do stuff feeling good, especially with approx half the trip left to go C) up until wed night I was here maybe too long but because I chose to on "fun" grounds not because I was ill, so it is only thu/Fri/maybe today which are "lost" to illness, even if I end up staying here ages I need to split the "reason" I charge the different days to, so to speak d) here I feel moderately at home and kind of know people (despite turnover) and it is cheap and I have a somewhat private cubicle, and suffering the at least mental worry strain of Nightbus with mildly edgy bowels to get go oaxaxa and maybe pay 2-3 times as much for perhaps a top bunk in a dorm there with no curtains and lots of strangers is silly - this is a  pretty sweet place, all considered, fiancially and socially, to sit it out for a day or two e) Thursday night for example was still fun if not as fun as it could have been healthy, so the time is not completely lost.

If it wasn't niceosh here or I felt really bad (this is just TD type stuff, I am 90%sure) I might splurge on a private room, either in San cris or elsewhere, but I don't think that is necessary right now.

My stomach is xhurning a bit just with black coffee and a couple of slices of dry toast.

1038 been up to terrace to check on hidden 500 note I accidentally left tin black trouser, it seems to have aurcived wash. Mason was up there, he was sick last night too though feels better now. I have extended another night, had to move into a different dorm - apparently the one I was in is more expensive as it has a window and the owner? Has said some people have specifically booked it (I don't remember that option) but it is no big dela, this does also get me dresh sheets after a week or however long without to ask and it may well only be for one night anyway. Lewis has to move too.

Another watery shot and I may lie down for a bit. Not feeling too bad either physically or in terms of "losing" another night. While it is a bit slower recovery than I'd like I guess I am feeling better and getting over this in relative ease and comfort on the cheap is probably the best move. I may at some point have to consider taking a modest discomfort/stress hit to move on and not hang on here until I am absolute 100%, but I would like to get to 90%ish and I think touch wood there is a fair chance I might be there later today or tomorrow.

My right ear suddenly went a bit weird in that wax shifting way earlier while talking to mason, not really worried and this may even be a good thing.

1352 laid down for a bit and didn't feel too bad. Just had two sandwiches and feeling a tiny bit rough.

2332 in bed. Quote nice conversation in bar, I didn't say that much but consciously out of a too many cooks feeling not raw shyness. No alcohol for me. Some genuinely wad life stories which put things in perspective. Had a bit of gas and couple of watery shits which isn't great but at least not "omfg gotta rush" albeit maybe mildly imperative. See how things look in morning. Shame I couldn't have a few drinks but in many ways not a bad travel experience kind of night anyway. People are actually still up there but I suspect drugs are now involved and I was feeling a bit tired etc anyway. Had a couple of ham sandwiches before cleaning teeth and coming to bed.

Half tempted to stay tomorrow anyway but otoh it would be good to go. Anyway, I will play it by ear tomorrow. New form cubicle is against wall on bottom rather than in middle which in many ways is better as I can only disturb one neighbour by bumping elbows as I pull up sheets.

Not feeling too bad physically but there are the symptoms already noted. Vegetarian falafel vendor was in earlier and fwiw the food smelled amazing.

Sun 2324 in bed. May write up some more meta stuff tomorrow but briefly didn't sleep too badly, some vague iffiness with gut bit decided would do a solo day trip to Zinacantan (sp) bas a baby step and I did ans despite getting there about 1130-12 I missed the market (it was shutting down) butbitbwas fonw, I enjoyed sitting in square in sun. Came back, some chat with Jim and Holly and there was also given it pissed it down some games in the bar, I wasn't joining in as it was for pox and I didn't want to drink a lot etc so I was maybe feeling a bit out of it bit ir wasn't *bad*. Watched some more of performance (the video ended before end of film) and then almost all of the steppenwolf tonight with Jim, pretty good and definitely need to see end of sw.

Current thinking and may write more detail tomorrow is that I should make an effort to try Acapulco. I also realised cuernavaca may be a solid option for a stop on bus there or back. Long story short while I have felt a bit of a thirdish wheel at times being at this hostel has been a nice experience in feeling at least slightly "known" and at home in a hostel and an exposure to some opinions and life stories and so on I might otherwise have missed and without being overly wanky to some extent that it what I was half looking for and while acapculco may or may not pan out there is promise, and the downside really is limited - yes it likely means not doing Flores/Tikal/coban and I would like to see them, but I have seen that "kind"of thing on this trip and I can see them on another trip (touch wood etc) and it seems silly to give up some potentially at least mildly lifechangong possibilities wrt the unknown of this conference in order to see "more of the same" at Flores etc. This isn't to say it might not be super cool and nice and beautiful etc in Flores etc and that might well have value in itself, but I think kind of taking advantage of serendipitously finding out about this conference which isn't a million miles away etc feels like a better gamble.

Did have a Michelada and a pox and a couple of alc free kombuchas at bad, so have broken my threeish day alc free streak but in pretty restrained way.

2332 let's lie down and turn light off etc.

Mon 1149 at Kukulpan. Have checked out, can hang round at hostel and left bag there. Not perfect and mildly urgent but solid shit this morning, actually two, and I am probably 85%+. Booked same hostel as before in Oaxaca, not booked bus yet and it may be a smidge more expensive than the other day but will probably book in a couple of hours if I still feel fine.

Bit of chat earlier, nothing major but OK.

Didn't sleep superbly but not too bad, was tossing and turning a little but not really anything majorly unusual.

Fingers crossed I am solid enough that the night bus will no more than the ordinary mildly grinding type badness and it will occupy a day of pseudo recovery time.

Bit sad I fly back 4 weeks tomorrow but I am not doing so badly really. I have probably been I'll for about a week total but that time has by no means been a complete write off, and had I noted been ill I would have been at current hostel less time and so may not have felt so (albeit imperfectly) like I am starting to be at home there, which has been an interesting experience. I may well come back to this hostel later time permitting (there is loads of nearby stuff to do) but I will do my best to come back treating it as a separate experiment which may be better or worse than this time and not the same.

1230 was really quiet in here except for me being annoying foreigner on phone to mum until about 15 mins ago and now it is rammo, perhaps with some sort of tour group.

1232 OK yes, this actually probably the free walking tour in Spanish which the French couple I shared xollectivo taxi back from Vincent yesterday told me about, based on what the probable tour guide just told the group. I may stay for a second coffee now they're going.

1410 at cardamomo for menu del dia. Mason told me the attached bakery has curry empanadas but I just went in and asked and they were sold out. I also incidentally asked him about those little islands on the road across bay not so far from Campeche city and he has been there and they are safe and ok but nothing special as such and there are probably no hostels but only hotels. So I probably won't go esp given time constraints but if I wanted to I could.

1923 killing time a bit. Some chat ibcluding with niceiah Italian woman Ludo but feel vaguely third wheel ish and like I am not really as sociable as I ought to be. It is fine though. Massive ducking FAFF buying ticket online but got there in end. Fingers crossed do feel reasonably healthy. Has bad ahave with old blade (newer one bough about a week ago already useless) and cleaned teeth given going to be on his and otherwise won't be able to. Jim has left ab hour or two ago fwiw.

1953 left hoatel about 1935 and just got to terminal. Slightly awkward goodbyes and the odd hug and so on and I am feeling a bit of an inconsistent arae because obviously this is vaguely nice but it also feels vaguely fake but maybe it isn't any more fake than when this happens between other people who met a few days ago and haven't formed an immediate major friend relationship and maybe I'm over thinking and in some ways this is clearly superior to no one even pretending to care etc etc.

No fuss on walk over, not that I really expected any but always a tiny bit edgy out with my main bag especially at night.

It will be kind of nice to have a sort of fresh start in new hostel in new town and even if I am bnm there may be a language exchanfw and maybe I will feel healthy and can have a few tacos etc etc.

1959vsmallish terminal is very OCC branded and got a bit worried and went our and apoke to a tea vendor and then at booking office and apparently yes (as shown on om) this is the ado terminal as well, I mentioned 9 o'clock service to Oaxaca to booking office woman and 90% sure she said yes it is from here  there are just enough buses on the departure board that it isn't showing yet but this is probably  not a problem.

2019 just watched end of steppenwolf (1974). Bit weird. Probably similar to dozens of other arty films from same era but still I did kind of like it and will probably rewatch it all in one sitting at some point, as I was saying to Jim earlier if nothing else the existence of some themes that feel vaguely personally relevant if nothing else shows that these themes are (as one might suspect intellectually but not always emotionally) neither rare nor new, having clearly been enough of a thing to be in the film in 1974. Of course I could be reading stuff into a vague frame (aatrological prediction style) but I think the themes in question are pretty explicitly there.

Just been over to look at board and yes the 2100 to tuxtla and oaxaca (final dest, and probably those are the only two stops) is on there now.

There were earlier and slightly cheaper buses but they either got in unnecessarily early or just took longer and as this ado bus is supposedly the nicer "gl" class I figured id try it. Asked Ludo for advice on seat as was dithering and she had just come in on long over-airconed night bus from Puerto Escondido and picked 30 on her advice - it is aisle seat with aisle on right as I like, it is near-ish the toilets at the back but not right next to them and I am guessing of it matters on half decent roads in a modern coach it may not be actually behind the rear axle.

I am sort of looking forward to it and it will be nice to get on and be settled for the night. Not sure if this is my first night bus in ages, I am not sure if I took any in Colombia or Panama last year, am sure blog would show when I did last take one but it feels a while.

I think the screens here are suddenly showing that alien spaceship over some South African town apartheid moralistic film whose name escapes me but which I did watch at Rab's place in London a few years back.

District 9. The fake news captions in the film just showed this.

2038 gonna queue this for sending now.

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