Tuesday, 4 February 2025

San Cristibal, Sunday/Monday

Sun 2205 not a bad day. Got up earlier than I'd like having gone to bed maybe 3ish after last night out.

We just watched Flow and are sort of watching Performance (1970).

Went out with Corinne and Marjeone (both sp) to San Juan Chamula this morning which was quite cool and nice of them to invite me, I would otherwise have gone on my own.

We met Tennessee chap from last night there and later on too. We went and had a burger at some place in town  and I just managed to get it sauce and mayonnaise free despite some minor teasing.

I did some hand washing(asked Max at desk if i could and laundry service not working on sun) of tops and hung round hostel a bit and also has a shot and chatted a bit with some guys up on terrace before film.

I don't feel like super "integrated" but still it was and is nice to be watching film with people I kind of know and some are asleep and it does feel kind of cosy in an odd way.

There is a weird big dead circle on the projector but it is surprisingly just about ok after a while.

2250 in bed. Prob didn't say - it is all pretty skimpy but better than nothing - but the Santa Cruda guy/pub crawl I saw at coffee bean were also at Revolution when we went there last night, I may even have said hi (but no more) to the guy.  It is not that I wanted to do that crawl as such but the posters are kind of cool and to sort of feel that I saw/was at the same start and end venues without paying just as part of my natural touristing and hostel activities is kind of satisfying.

Mon 1503 waiting in hope of a colectivo back from grutas el mamut. I got up maybe 9ish and has breakfast and a few cups of coffee and gorged on Mani garapinado and eventually headed out maybe 11. Wandered round at least fairly calmly in vague sirection of ex convento Santo Domingo and after asking at a terminal looking place I saw and flagged down a colectivo to mamut. 20 for that and 15 to get in. I should maybe have paid another 15 for a cave ticket but no one was there charging.

Cave pretty cool, bit creepy at first as I was the only one in there. Mammoth rock does look quite like one and the cave is big and you can wander rpund and it is quite evocative. Apoke to niceiah local chap called Joaquin who also came over go me later on as I was wandering the grounds. There feel to be quite a lot of local tourists here, despite it being a weekday. Did wander up a sort of path into the surrounding hills and sat there and semi meditatively thought for maybe 60 mins, a few other people wandered past.

1523 bit confused but have spoken (he started it) with guy at ticket office and apparently he has sort of called a collectivo for me and it will be here in 10 mins. Not quite sure how this works, surely this is just part of the route of the colectivo I took here but anyway, as long as it doesn't turn out super expensive it is fine.

Feeling vague *what will I do with rest of afternoon and evening" edginess but it is fine. I don't have to do anything, I can and will go for food of some description and nay also try to buy some fruit to eat back at hotel and maybe wash some uw. (I may splurge on paid laundry but would kind of like to get more wear out of current pair of trousers before washing.)

I may also try to hang around hoatel a bit and watch some yt, there may well be chat opportunities tho mixed feelings about desirability of that but we will see. As well there is some proapect of watching the rest of the performance, which was interesting seeming I'd also a bit more violent than I'd really like. Albeit Jim says the second half is completely different.

1632 come for quesadillas at place had hamburger yesterday. Spoke a bit with a couple from Tabasco who now live in san Cristobal on bus back.

Walked back through market, xould perhaps have bought some fruit there but not a big deal, will probably pop into super mas down road before going back to hostel.

2042 watching yt on ground floor lounge bit of hoatel, few people around but it's fine. Bumped into c/m as they were coming back to hostel from their tour to canyon and chatted briefly, they gave me a couple of beers as they aren't drinking them themselves and are having a break before party environment in Puerto Escondido.

Aziz (sp) from Jules other night fame over to hang out and I has a bit of a chat with him/Max/Lewis and a couple of other guys.

I had a couple of beers from hostel bar while chatting upstairs. Not absolutely to be drinking every day but to be fair yesterday it was one shot of pox (Mason, the guy from Tennessee, has bought a bottle dead cheap at a local shop apparently) and today it has been two Bohemias and at worst it will be one or two more and probably nothing.

I think I may try to go to some nearby town or park on bus or whatever tomorrow. Ssooner or later I will have to commit to a canyon tour and aa I probably already said I do need to be careful not to overdo it here but while I am enjoying it I should probably stay. It is not like quite like "omfg it is brilliant here" but it does feel kind of comfortable and the town seems nice etc. ISTR some advice in F3W that if you like somewhere you should stay until you hate it. It is just my personal thinking on that advice but I guess it is all) very well to ay you could come back another time, but whatever it "work" last time just might not be there next time so you should probably enjoy it while you have it.

2111 Feeling some tendency to fall asleep as I sit here watching. But odd but I suppose it hasn't been a super lazy say and so on. And of course I can go to bes any time I want, fwiw there was no obvious contingent of people going out (it isn't just that I want invited) and speaking to Lewis earlier he said there is a sort of rhythm to things and it does tend to be quieter early in the week.

2308 in bed. Little bit of general chat earlier.

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