Fri 2007 On the terrace, more or less, where I was last night, I can hear the sea, but I don't think I can really see it because of the bushes.
There's a nice little grey and white cat here sleeping on the table in the kitchen which just let me stroke it a bit.
Tying myself in not about Acapulco but maybe some sort of plan starting to form. Let me just bash out the days entries before we talk about that.
So I didn't sleep that well. Maybe it was the heat. I don't think it was. Maybe it was the way the sheets all kept coming apart. When I got into bed, I realised the pillow was a lumpy mess. But since I got the dorm to myself, I was, after a few minutes, smart enough to realise I could swap it with another pillow that was okay.
As of a few minutes ago, by the way, I still have the dome to myself.
I think I was a bit edgy about the swimming and that didn't help, especially when I intended to get up early to go. I think it was a sort of mixture of irrational, oh my god I could drown because it's the sea type feelings and oh my god this is going to be awful because I haven't swarmed in three or four weeks and when I did I was really bad then and I'm gonna be massively out of shape and it's gonna be depressing and or awful.
Long story short, I didn't get up quite as early as I'd hoped. In the end, I went down there. I think it was probably about half-eight-nine, and it was reasonably busy, but not too busy. You know, it might have been a bit later. I mean, I'm not sure 100%. The sun had kind of come over one of the cliffs on the side of the bay, but there wasn't too much sun and fingers crossed I hadn't burned. There were lots of people around, but it wasn't too crowded. I think it might have been low tide, that it didn't seem that different to last night when it was maybe high tide.
The water, so I did go in. The water was relatively warm after the first few seconds. There seemed to be some people having like surfing lessons. I think they were just learning some techniques with what looked like ordinary swimming kickboards. It was busy enough that I had to be careful not to run into people. The bottom seemed to slope really quite sharply and you know it wasn't at all difficult to get out to a depth where I couldn't stand up. I was in the water about 50 minutes. ...just mucking around, some of it was trying to swim and some of it was recovering from the exertion of trying to swim. Maybe I did 15 minutes swimming, I'm really not sure. I did a lot of treading water and a bit of just swimming, not very far at all, with a few different strokes.
Anyway, I think tomorrow I'll maybe make a bit of an effort and go earlier. It probably won't be quite so scary tomorrow. It is nice and close to the hostel, obviously, which is why I chose it. This is Carrazalillo beach.
So after that I came back to hostel and sort of dithered around a bit and then I went out for a walk. Oh yeah, I'd been looking at the buses to Acapulco and I checked again on the website that there were buses but I didn't know where they went from and it wasn't clear. So I asked the guy at the bar, Hector I guess, and he saw the phone number and he offered to call it for me and I suppose I could have done that myself, but you know since he was offering and he's a native speaker He spoke good English as well. We speak in English because that's what he seems to like. He called them. I understood what they were saying, but he asked a really long question. I'm not sure they'd have had the patience to listen to me, ask it anyway.
So I walked over to where they told him and yes, and I spoke to a woman at the counter and basically the buses go from the terminal turistica municipal.
This is in a way quite good because this is the first time I've actually known for a concrete fact that I am in a place and I can get a bus onto Acapulco from that place. So in some sense today is the first day in which I can without gambling make bookings in Acapulco.
Anyway, after the terminal I carried on wandering down Avonida Oaxaca where the terminal is and I was just at this point planning to maybe get something to eat, hopefully not too expensive because it's not too touristy there and to see the place and maybe head over towards the main beach strip. So yeah, I found a restaurant, let me look at what it's called. Sabor Solteco I think. So I had like a steak with a lake of frijoles next to it and some tortillas that was I think supposed to be 80 but I may have been charged 100 and I had a litre of aguade guanabana and jamaica for 50.
Anyway, that was pretty substantial and not too bad. I tipped 15 or 20 so I feel slightly like I might have been ripped off. Maybe they charged me a tip when they said it was 150 but I didn't see the bill and I didn't ask and assumed tip not included. Anyway, not the end of the world. At least it was a fairly substantial meal.
So I kept wandering down the street and I saw a hairdresser but I didn't go in although it made me think about it and I got an ice cream cone for 25 pesos from a little stall. They had to clear the top of the freezer off and I suspect it was just ice cream out of a tub but it was still nice and you know not too expensive.
Anyway, I was found in other barbers down the street and I was staring at the window and someone opened the door and I spoke to them in not brilliant but not too bad I guess Spanish and they said they'd shave my head for 100 so I had them do that.
Some people just come over SL let me stop voice dictating.
Anyway I trogged over to playa zicatela and has a bit of look and didn't go further along than the west ens, but I did go round the hand sculpture and I went up the little castle/model village obaervation point. Not a big seal but couldn't help noticing I had photoed a chunk of palm trunk k the sand near the hands and then two kids were playing with it while I was up on the observation point so in an uninportant way I photographed it and then it was almost immediately moved and my photo was the only record of where it had happened to be.
I trogged back to hoatel and called home and then went down to Mirador Las Tortugas as last night with a xouple of beers to watch the sunsets. Photos massively over do the collour intensity by the way. Not bas but different tonight, last night orange band with blue above, tonightsome clouds and very reddish all over.
Came back to hoarle via supermarket and got litre of whole milk and some bimbo canela glaseada rolls and anacked on them out here before forcing myself to look at Acapulco.
To be scrupulously honest thinking about onward travel plans and Acapulco kept getting into my head during sunset.
I am probably going to ask if I can extend here another night tomorrow morning post swim. I may also ask if they will let me leave a bag here during day on eg aunday if I get a night bus to Acapulco but not sure if I will do that or not.
2024 just come up to the railing and I can see the artifically lit sea through the bushes.
Okay, I've come into the dorm since it's just me. The walls don't go all the way up to the ceiling. I don't know if anyone else can hear me from the next door, but I'm not saying I think that's shocking.
Obviously that couple, well within the rights to go sit at the next table on the terrace, but I just need to grind this out with the voice typing, it's even worse doing it with the onscreen.
Oh, I bashed a toe on a rock when I was trying to tread water and it turned out not to be quite as deep there as I thought this morning still hurts a bit. I don't think it's anything major, maybe just a bit of a bruise under the nail. I can still feel it occasionally, but it doesn't look too horrific at least the last time I looked at it. Okay, looking at it again now, it does actually look like I've sort of cracked the nail a bit halfway up, but I think it's basically okay anyway, I'm just gonna have to leave it and hope you know. My toenails probably were due for a cut but you know with all the dorms and stuff it's been hard to get the privacy for it and I think I'm probably gonna leave them alone while that's healing or poor or whatever
So look, with Acapulco, part of the problem is that all the bosses are at crappy times. Part of the problem is that Acapulco is pretty huge and I've got no idea if you can use Uber or if you can trust the taxi drivers, blah blah blah.
So basically the bus is from here. Let's ignore the crappiness of hanging around all day and getting a 9 o'clock bus or a midnight bus. I can basically get into Acapulco at about 7 in the morning or 7 o'clock at night. That's roughly it. Now I think the terminal where the bus arrives is absolutely nowhere near where the accommodation I would need for the conferency stuff is.
So, also, since it's probably going to be Airbnb for the conference because that's a swanky part of town and there is basically no accommodation on booking. A lot of Airbnb you can't check in till till four o'clock and I think at best it's maybe a found one that's one o'clock in the afternoon and there's no can i just leave my bag, but it's not a hostel, it's an Airbnb.
I should probably book something tonight, but I'm just dithering like crazy and I'm probably going to sleep on it. Anyway, what I am kind of thinking is maybe I should, let's say, stay here Saturday night and then I either go there on Sunday during the day and I stay in a hotel or hostel near the bus terminal so although it's late, it's night, it's not super late and I can just go straight to that place and I can spend the night or I'm thinking maybe even two nights there and that might get Me a chance to see the cliff divers which I only found out about, although I'm sure I've heard before, from skimming the guidebook in the hope of some useful information.
Or I could get a night bus getting about 7am and at least if I'm booked in at a hostel or hotel near the bus terminal there is at least a chance I can drop my bag off or maybe I can check in early if I'm lucky although I'm kind of leaning towards the day bus but it's not ideal obviously
The alternative is that, you know, I'm not going to get in at 7pm and trying to be checking into an Airbnb right across some gigantic unknown city. So the alternative is to get a night bus, get there about 7am, struggle across town, somehow with my bag and then check into the Airbnb maybe after hanging around several hours and it's done with. But I'm not in that much of a rush with regard to the conference, you know, if I missed the first day or two. It's not the end of the world. I'm only there for the peripheral stuff and that may well go on afterwards if I want to stay Obviously there's a concern with getting back on to somewhere I want to go and finishing the trip without rushing too much but I can't really worry about that too much.
So I think I'm leaning towards getting the not very promising but at least there is something accommodation nearest the bus terminal and either doing the night bus or doing the day bus and then you know checking into the Airbnb at least with it only being a cross town hop and I can hopefully check out of the hostel or hotel 11 midday-ish and maybe check into the Airbnb 1, 2pm if I pick carefully So what with the travel time I'm maybe not really homeless at all that way I've got the stress of getting across Acapulco but at least I can be fresh for it and although I've sort of wasted a day or two of time and money being in a strange part of Acapulco nowhere near the conference at least I've been there I can maybe wander around a bit you know maybe I can manage to go see the cliff divers maybe I'll see them after the conference maybe I won't see them this time at all I'm not that bothered.
And you know, on this basis, let's say I get the day bus Sunday, I spend Sunday and Monday nights in the hostel/hotel near the terminal, and then, you know, so 9n Tuesday during the day. I go and check into the airbnb accommodation, so I then maybe I've Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, night in the vicinity of the conference. I'm kind of wasting time a bit, but, you know, since I've decided the conference is something I want to go to I have to put the time in. And I don't regret coming to pe and I might not have come had it not been for heading to Acapulco. The big concern is not so much wasting time in the absolute sense as I an sure there will be some value in being in Acapulco even of I just enjoy having an apartment and wandering around and don't meet anyone. The worry is where do I go after Acapulco and how tight will I be for time given I has vague hoped to go to those towns nearish San cris in Chiapas and Tabasco, given that from Acapulco it is probably at least two night buses (maybe via Puebla?) And thus maybe ideally at least 3-4 nights in (say) Puebla to see it and things are maybe getting just a bit tight by then. But it can't really be helped I guess.
I could obviously blow the conference off but it does feel like it might be interesting and I should take a chance and except for the awkward logistics of getting back to Cancun enjoyably and not too stressfully after in time for the flight, if is not as if it is actively preventing me doing something else I desperately want to do.
As much as anything the fact acapculco is huge and expensive is the big pisser here.
2100 just had shower - didn't have one around sunset today.
I am starting to wonder if I should forget acapculco. Chatting with like-minded people might be cool, but there is no guarantee and the general disruption and faff of "having a go" seems to be growing. Ffs. Let me sleep on it anyway. (It would be nice to see Jim again, but maybe not *that* nice given all the faff. And he is going anyway so it isn't as if I inconvenience him if I don't go. the primary attraction is the chance to speak to other like minded people, not specifically jim who I already met.)
If i didn't say it is left big toe which got hurt during swimming. Might have happened even if I had cut toenails of course.
2205 just done fucking duolingo despite being in bed. Feel a bit hot and sticky and while it doesn't hurt as such I am getting edgy about how I can feel my toenail when I accidentally push it against things as I toss and turn and get in and out of bed.
Yes, BTW, I realise it is valentines day today.
There's a nice little grey and white cat here sleeping on the table in the kitchen which just let me stroke it a bit.
Tying myself in not about Acapulco but maybe some sort of plan starting to form. Let me just bash out the days entries before we talk about that.
So I didn't sleep that well. Maybe it was the heat. I don't think it was. Maybe it was the way the sheets all kept coming apart. When I got into bed, I realised the pillow was a lumpy mess. But since I got the dorm to myself, I was, after a few minutes, smart enough to realise I could swap it with another pillow that was okay.
As of a few minutes ago, by the way, I still have the dome to myself.
I think I was a bit edgy about the swimming and that didn't help, especially when I intended to get up early to go. I think it was a sort of mixture of irrational, oh my god I could drown because it's the sea type feelings and oh my god this is going to be awful because I haven't swarmed in three or four weeks and when I did I was really bad then and I'm gonna be massively out of shape and it's gonna be depressing and or awful.
Long story short, I didn't get up quite as early as I'd hoped. In the end, I went down there. I think it was probably about half-eight-nine, and it was reasonably busy, but not too busy. You know, it might have been a bit later. I mean, I'm not sure 100%. The sun had kind of come over one of the cliffs on the side of the bay, but there wasn't too much sun and fingers crossed I hadn't burned. There were lots of people around, but it wasn't too crowded. I think it might have been low tide, that it didn't seem that different to last night when it was maybe high tide.
The water, so I did go in. The water was relatively warm after the first few seconds. There seemed to be some people having like surfing lessons. I think they were just learning some techniques with what looked like ordinary swimming kickboards. It was busy enough that I had to be careful not to run into people. The bottom seemed to slope really quite sharply and you know it wasn't at all difficult to get out to a depth where I couldn't stand up. I was in the water about 50 minutes. ...just mucking around, some of it was trying to swim and some of it was recovering from the exertion of trying to swim. Maybe I did 15 minutes swimming, I'm really not sure. I did a lot of treading water and a bit of just swimming, not very far at all, with a few different strokes.
Anyway, I think tomorrow I'll maybe make a bit of an effort and go earlier. It probably won't be quite so scary tomorrow. It is nice and close to the hostel, obviously, which is why I chose it. This is Carrazalillo beach.
So after that I came back to hostel and sort of dithered around a bit and then I went out for a walk. Oh yeah, I'd been looking at the buses to Acapulco and I checked again on the website that there were buses but I didn't know where they went from and it wasn't clear. So I asked the guy at the bar, Hector I guess, and he saw the phone number and he offered to call it for me and I suppose I could have done that myself, but you know since he was offering and he's a native speaker He spoke good English as well. We speak in English because that's what he seems to like. He called them. I understood what they were saying, but he asked a really long question. I'm not sure they'd have had the patience to listen to me, ask it anyway.
So I walked over to where they told him and yes, and I spoke to a woman at the counter and basically the buses go from the terminal turistica municipal.
This is in a way quite good because this is the first time I've actually known for a concrete fact that I am in a place and I can get a bus onto Acapulco from that place. So in some sense today is the first day in which I can without gambling make bookings in Acapulco.
Anyway, after the terminal I carried on wandering down Avonida Oaxaca where the terminal is and I was just at this point planning to maybe get something to eat, hopefully not too expensive because it's not too touristy there and to see the place and maybe head over towards the main beach strip. So yeah, I found a restaurant, let me look at what it's called. Sabor Solteco I think. So I had like a steak with a lake of frijoles next to it and some tortillas that was I think supposed to be 80 but I may have been charged 100 and I had a litre of aguade guanabana and jamaica for 50.
Anyway, that was pretty substantial and not too bad. I tipped 15 or 20 so I feel slightly like I might have been ripped off. Maybe they charged me a tip when they said it was 150 but I didn't see the bill and I didn't ask and assumed tip not included. Anyway, not the end of the world. At least it was a fairly substantial meal.
So I kept wandering down the street and I saw a hairdresser but I didn't go in although it made me think about it and I got an ice cream cone for 25 pesos from a little stall. They had to clear the top of the freezer off and I suspect it was just ice cream out of a tub but it was still nice and you know not too expensive.
Anyway, I was found in other barbers down the street and I was staring at the window and someone opened the door and I spoke to them in not brilliant but not too bad I guess Spanish and they said they'd shave my head for 100 so I had them do that.
Some people just come over SL let me stop voice dictating.
Anyway I trogged over to playa zicatela and has a bit of look and didn't go further along than the west ens, but I did go round the hand sculpture and I went up the little castle/model village obaervation point. Not a big seal but couldn't help noticing I had photoed a chunk of palm trunk k the sand near the hands and then two kids were playing with it while I was up on the observation point so in an uninportant way I photographed it and then it was almost immediately moved and my photo was the only record of where it had happened to be.
I trogged back to hoatel and called home and then went down to Mirador Las Tortugas as last night with a xouple of beers to watch the sunsets. Photos massively over do the collour intensity by the way. Not bas but different tonight, last night orange band with blue above, tonightsome clouds and very reddish all over.
Came back to hoarle via supermarket and got litre of whole milk and some bimbo canela glaseada rolls and anacked on them out here before forcing myself to look at Acapulco.
To be scrupulously honest thinking about onward travel plans and Acapulco kept getting into my head during sunset.
I am probably going to ask if I can extend here another night tomorrow morning post swim. I may also ask if they will let me leave a bag here during day on eg aunday if I get a night bus to Acapulco but not sure if I will do that or not.
2024 just come up to the railing and I can see the artifically lit sea through the bushes.
Okay, I've come into the dorm since it's just me. The walls don't go all the way up to the ceiling. I don't know if anyone else can hear me from the next door, but I'm not saying I think that's shocking.
Obviously that couple, well within the rights to go sit at the next table on the terrace, but I just need to grind this out with the voice typing, it's even worse doing it with the onscreen.
Oh, I bashed a toe on a rock when I was trying to tread water and it turned out not to be quite as deep there as I thought this morning still hurts a bit. I don't think it's anything major, maybe just a bit of a bruise under the nail. I can still feel it occasionally, but it doesn't look too horrific at least the last time I looked at it. Okay, looking at it again now, it does actually look like I've sort of cracked the nail a bit halfway up, but I think it's basically okay anyway, I'm just gonna have to leave it and hope you know. My toenails probably were due for a cut but you know with all the dorms and stuff it's been hard to get the privacy for it and I think I'm probably gonna leave them alone while that's healing or poor or whatever
So look, with Acapulco, part of the problem is that all the bosses are at crappy times. Part of the problem is that Acapulco is pretty huge and I've got no idea if you can use Uber or if you can trust the taxi drivers, blah blah blah.
So basically the bus is from here. Let's ignore the crappiness of hanging around all day and getting a 9 o'clock bus or a midnight bus. I can basically get into Acapulco at about 7 in the morning or 7 o'clock at night. That's roughly it. Now I think the terminal where the bus arrives is absolutely nowhere near where the accommodation I would need for the conferency stuff is.
So, also, since it's probably going to be Airbnb for the conference because that's a swanky part of town and there is basically no accommodation on booking. A lot of Airbnb you can't check in till till four o'clock and I think at best it's maybe a found one that's one o'clock in the afternoon and there's no can i just leave my bag, but it's not a hostel, it's an Airbnb.
I should probably book something tonight, but I'm just dithering like crazy and I'm probably going to sleep on it. Anyway, what I am kind of thinking is maybe I should, let's say, stay here Saturday night and then I either go there on Sunday during the day and I stay in a hotel or hostel near the bus terminal so although it's late, it's night, it's not super late and I can just go straight to that place and I can spend the night or I'm thinking maybe even two nights there and that might get Me a chance to see the cliff divers which I only found out about, although I'm sure I've heard before, from skimming the guidebook in the hope of some useful information.
Or I could get a night bus getting about 7am and at least if I'm booked in at a hostel or hotel near the bus terminal there is at least a chance I can drop my bag off or maybe I can check in early if I'm lucky although I'm kind of leaning towards the day bus but it's not ideal obviously
The alternative is that, you know, I'm not going to get in at 7pm and trying to be checking into an Airbnb right across some gigantic unknown city. So the alternative is to get a night bus, get there about 7am, struggle across town, somehow with my bag and then check into the Airbnb maybe after hanging around several hours and it's done with. But I'm not in that much of a rush with regard to the conference, you know, if I missed the first day or two. It's not the end of the world. I'm only there for the peripheral stuff and that may well go on afterwards if I want to stay Obviously there's a concern with getting back on to somewhere I want to go and finishing the trip without rushing too much but I can't really worry about that too much.
So I think I'm leaning towards getting the not very promising but at least there is something accommodation nearest the bus terminal and either doing the night bus or doing the day bus and then you know checking into the Airbnb at least with it only being a cross town hop and I can hopefully check out of the hostel or hotel 11 midday-ish and maybe check into the Airbnb 1, 2pm if I pick carefully So what with the travel time I'm maybe not really homeless at all that way I've got the stress of getting across Acapulco but at least I can be fresh for it and although I've sort of wasted a day or two of time and money being in a strange part of Acapulco nowhere near the conference at least I've been there I can maybe wander around a bit you know maybe I can manage to go see the cliff divers maybe I'll see them after the conference maybe I won't see them this time at all I'm not that bothered.
And you know, on this basis, let's say I get the day bus Sunday, I spend Sunday and Monday nights in the hostel/hotel near the terminal, and then, you know, so 9n Tuesday during the day. I go and check into the airbnb accommodation, so I then maybe I've Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, night in the vicinity of the conference. I'm kind of wasting time a bit, but, you know, since I've decided the conference is something I want to go to I have to put the time in. And I don't regret coming to pe and I might not have come had it not been for heading to Acapulco. The big concern is not so much wasting time in the absolute sense as I an sure there will be some value in being in Acapulco even of I just enjoy having an apartment and wandering around and don't meet anyone. The worry is where do I go after Acapulco and how tight will I be for time given I has vague hoped to go to those towns nearish San cris in Chiapas and Tabasco, given that from Acapulco it is probably at least two night buses (maybe via Puebla?) And thus maybe ideally at least 3-4 nights in (say) Puebla to see it and things are maybe getting just a bit tight by then. But it can't really be helped I guess.
I could obviously blow the conference off but it does feel like it might be interesting and I should take a chance and except for the awkward logistics of getting back to Cancun enjoyably and not too stressfully after in time for the flight, if is not as if it is actively preventing me doing something else I desperately want to do.
As much as anything the fact acapculco is huge and expensive is the big pisser here.
2100 just had shower - didn't have one around sunset today.
I am starting to wonder if I should forget acapculco. Chatting with like-minded people might be cool, but there is no guarantee and the general disruption and faff of "having a go" seems to be growing. Ffs. Let me sleep on it anyway. (It would be nice to see Jim again, but maybe not *that* nice given all the faff. And he is going anyway so it isn't as if I inconvenience him if I don't go. the primary attraction is the chance to speak to other like minded people, not specifically jim who I already met.)
If i didn't say it is left big toe which got hurt during swimming. Might have happened even if I had cut toenails of course.
2205 just done fucking duolingo despite being in bed. Feel a bit hot and sticky and while it doesn't hurt as such I am getting edgy about how I can feel my toenail when I accidentally push it against things as I toss and turn and get in and out of bed.
Yes, BTW, I realise it is valentines day today.
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