Mon 2040 may go to ahead (need to show ticket) partly ahead of bus trip on case toilets aren't dull function and partly to test my ticket is OK.
2053 cool, second in queue to board and as I didn't need to put a bag in the boot first on. Told to take a bottle of drink (got a prob full fat Pepsi as do have water from hostel) and (if needed, I didn't) pair of headphones, no trouble acanning tkcket and bag fits easily in overhead dlocker with aircraft style flap over it. Seat is not super luxurious but what the hell do they call it "sleeper" class I remember from some services eg during 2010 trip but it is nice enough. Warm on here at moment but suspect ac will come on later.
Still, I am on, there are toilets not that I need them (no paper in terminal ticket only bogs, bit crappy but I do carry some and at least this justifies that, I actually just has a piss anyway), I feel OK and there is maybe that vague womb like in transit feeling I will set an alarm for 0730 but given oaxaxa is final dest prob no major concerns. Actually maybe our nominal is arrival is 0840 not 0800. I can't remember and ticket doesn't say. Not a big seal. Maybe I won't set an alarm anyway, chances are I won't be asleep on arrival and if oax is final dest no worries about oversleeping.
Feels very empty even compared to not over full seat map when I booked earlier but I suspect a lot of people (relatively speaking) may get on in tuxtla in probably 2-3h time.
Have opened curtains at my seat for now, if someone wants to close them later fine but xan at least looks out of window for a bit.
Chap checking tickst and telling me to take drinks/headphones appke to me in Spanish FWIW. There are a few tourist types in the terminal but most people looked Mexican to me. Could be national tourists of course.
Seat doesn't seem to go super upright but it is fine, I guess it will be a mostly reclined pseudo bed (oh yes "cama" is the name of the super luxury ish type services isn't it, then semi-cama, this feels insofar as I can remember a bit semi-cama though it is not described as such, as I say it is "gl" though I do see mention of a platinum service around terminal which may be better) journey anyway.
I did notice a little sensitivity lower right (?) Gums I think last night not too bad tho slightly painful to bruah. Not top worried yet and may assume it is minor temp fallout from all the stomach acid a few noghta ago
2104 we are moving lights all gone out.
Put seatbelt on even tho dont know if mandatory
2107 somehow this feels like a non-event, ans of course a bus pulling out is nothing major, but it is weird, it feels odd.
Showing some Disney film about Medici Bros circus in 1919, animated I think. No sound, could plug beadlhonea in but not that bothered and probably best to stick with music frpm phone if/when do put headphones on
OK, it appears to be "Dumbo". A film I have mixed childhood memories of but a remake. Not interested.
2208 we are in tuxtla, probably pre terminal.
2217 been at terminal a few mins. Announced we have 15 mins here. Mildly needed piss and went in onboard ok, wanted to make sure if for some reason it was out of service I could go at twrninal even though very much rather not get off bus and I see no reason to now.
2242 just pulling out. Bit fuller but I still have no one sitting next to me.
Tue 0707 dehydrated as fuck. Passport inspections at 1 and 0230 ish. We are early into oaxaxa, coming towards terminal now ans I just want to stay on the bus but obv can't.
1437 at hostel. I walked (a fair distance) to hostel - not busting but didn't go to toilet on bis and not free at terminal so annoying - and was able to check on and get my room even at that early hour of morning. As of now I have a huge 4 ved dorm with just single beds (no bunks) to myself. This can't last bit dwiw. Got to pick my own bed. Room a bit warm and no fan or ac but left window open. Entire hostel is huge. Like there are giant common and co working areas which feel so spacious. But it also feels decidedly unfriendly and a bit empty, I did just now glbto kitchen to try to throw away a beer can and a few people around but feels weird. Very different to last hostel.
Went out for walk adter lookong round hoarel ans havinf a free clffee and have trogged roind town quite a bit and anacked a bit and got some queaadillas and has a LA michoacana ice cream from atall in "long" park with lions at corners northish of centre, despite seeing then everywhere for years this just night be first tjne I have eaten anything from a LA michoacana. Feeling oddly tired and it was getting hot so came back here 1ish and got a sol Clamato in nearby oxxo which promptly exploded all over the floor on the terrace and my trousers when I opened it.
I am not rushing to decide anything and not read guide book yet but I may or may not stick in here that long the town even, or maybe just hostel. I may just be tired and Acapulco sort of looms with awkward accom decisions but it feels kind of nice but not that appealing here somehow. I did go look at what I think was hospital I had my arm done in but not sure it was right or that I recognised it. The town seems nice enough but I am not getting massive "oh yeah, I remember X" vibes yet.
Some hostels would easily get 10 beds or more using bunks in a room the size of my 4 bed dorm here. Quite possibly 12 or more.
I did sleep on bus but not that well, apart from the two passport inspections I also kept waking up with mouth feeling V dry. I did have some water but still.
I have eaten quite a lot of semi junk and the quesadillas were semi decent but I provably ought to eat something semi decent (even if maybe just pizza or Indian) soon-ish. I withdrew some cash earlier. And I also managed to renew my Telcel packet, AFAICT it worked when the guy in the shop did it via web, for some reason it cost 202 this time (1% commission for him?) But now has a validity of 30 days not 25 days so it ought to last me the rest of the trip unless I burn through all the data.
1458 skimmed guide book. Somehow the prospect of visiting stuff round here is not as exciting as it was in San Cristobal. Possibly as I keep saying I am just tired, possibly it is because I have one eye on getting to Acapulco and vague end of trip concerns (even though I don't fly back until 4 weeks from today) or maybe it is because I have been here before and whole obviously a refresher visit or two wouldn't hurt I have seen el tule and 99%sure montealban and while there is plenty of other stuff I could do this combined with the other things is maybe making me a bit "meh". I dont need to decide anything today or tonight.
I could maybe force myself to go to a museum this adternoon but I'd probably not appreciate it and it would probably also be something I had seen before. I think I might go see about food via a casualiah wander and maybe snack and perhaps just try to do a bit more walking and then perhaps I will get a beer or two and have them at hostel (probably solo, but that is fine) and maybe a quiet night watching some yt or something in one of the v spaciois common areas and then probably an earlyish night.
I don't feel really bad, I just feel a bit under the cosh of making decisions (Acapulco stuff, whether to extend my stay in oaxaxa and if so whether to do it at this hostel, whether to go somewhere else before Acapulco or not, etc) and am perhaps a I keep saying just tired. Also despite not being exactly life and soul of the party there it is perhaps strange to feel so alone here after maybe a week of being in the relatively homely atmosphere of the San cris hostel.
Let's just go out with an eye for food and see what happens. Guidebook makes all the local specialities sound things which I wouldn't want to eat due to one or two of the usual enshittification ingredients like mayonnaise.
1522 let's go out had v quick poke on web for language exchanges but not too on depth, somewhat luckily prob not one tonight, there may be one thu and sat so if I am here - and I may be - I may do those, would need to research them on up to date/official sites of course.
1557 bite me. At Charlie's for a small (but not tiny personal) pizza and coke. There was a takeout only taco place just up the road with a big queue which is probably good but I didn't want to queue and wanted to sit down. Won't rule out a bonus taco later tonight or tomorrow. I may even go out and apkurge on a beer at one of bars round so-called early evening before early bed.
I did have quesadillas in a proper local place earlier anyway.
MTV 80s playing.
1630 at first I thought it was too big but it was about right. It is a bit warm really to be eating pizza, it doesn't seem to be Airconned in here.
1837 on roof terrace with can of Bohemia for sunsrt. As was paying the old but not ancient woman seemingly in charge at Charlie's chatted with me a bit about where I was from and where I was going and how long I had and she said I ought to go to Puerto Mexico and I just automatically making xonveration said isn't it doe you people and she was all like no, no way. This all in Spanish. The whole thing was oddly cheering.
I has a bit of a wander and bought a new razor (two actually) and two Bohemia both at nearby Ozxo and has a shower. Still no one else in form.
Flip flopping but half thinking given I may have dorm to self and am tired and may be out at LANG exch tomorrow (and if not wed is vaguely weekend starting up territory SK may go out somewhere for live music or just to a bar on square) I may well just have a quiet night in and try to perhaps tinker with acapulco accom tonight and not go out.
Yes I am still drinking (when I finally crack this can) but at least it is quieter etc than going out.
When I say wed is coming into the weekend I just mean the way that eg El Paliacate seemed to operate wed-sat inclusive, that kind of thing.
I could vaguely see myself staying in oazaxa until eg sun and perhaps getting a night bus to Acapulco overnight sun.
Whether I stay this hostel or another. I certainly could split the time into two places but if I can do stuff here and there really ought to be day trip by bus options etc (for example if I really want there are buses to monte alban so I could go without taking a tour) it may be best not to spread myself overly thin.
2008 awesome Acapulco looks a fuckfest. There is some borderline acceptable airbnb accom albeit the prices all over the place and we are looking 25 quid ish a night. Rome2rio says there is an estrella de oro bus from here and you can book on ado site but even when I pick the specific terminals involved ado site denies any buses exist.
And the sort of cherry on the top is that even with the official Telegram client the fucking thing will *not* successfully send a confirmation text to my absolutely legit Mexican phone number, and without that to check out what sort of axtivity there is I might well alog down there and not be able to find anyone to talk to.
I really kind of would like to go but at the same time I am starting to flip flop again
there is a proble couple up here round corner on v big rooftop ans I said hi to a couple of people coming down as I came up but not v busy up here.
1918 few people up and down but V coupley. Sunset and city lights at night cool and it is sort of pleasantly cool breezy with fleece off but might go down in a bit. Beer was OK but not amazing and Id suggest this argues for a quiet night in rather than going out, esp as I may be out and it may be mildly expensive one way or another tomorrow etc.
Doesn't feel like there is a party but I am not invited fwiw.
1923 the streets look pleasantly busy. I could in theory eg go out for tacos. But I have eaten plenty and this is hardly my last chance, even here in Oaxaca, and quietish bightin and maybe try to force myself to think through accom etc.
R2r does suggest there is a night bus (8h) from Puerto Escondido to Acapulco.
I think that will do for tonight. Food for thought at least.
2042 watched a bit of yt. Not mega tired but a bit bored. Maybe edge towards bed.
2103 Cleaned teeth. Wifi doesn't work v well in dorm. Am tirediah so let's just go to bed. See how everything feels in morning. Still just me in here. Bit noisy and bit warm but the views are cool and I am only on nivel 2. Think roof terrace is 4.
Will send this now even if it just sits in a queue.
2053 cool, second in queue to board and as I didn't need to put a bag in the boot first on. Told to take a bottle of drink (got a prob full fat Pepsi as do have water from hostel) and (if needed, I didn't) pair of headphones, no trouble acanning tkcket and bag fits easily in overhead dlocker with aircraft style flap over it. Seat is not super luxurious but what the hell do they call it "sleeper" class I remember from some services eg during 2010 trip but it is nice enough. Warm on here at moment but suspect ac will come on later.
Still, I am on, there are toilets not that I need them (no paper in terminal ticket only bogs, bit crappy but I do carry some and at least this justifies that, I actually just has a piss anyway), I feel OK and there is maybe that vague womb like in transit feeling I will set an alarm for 0730 but given oaxaxa is final dest prob no major concerns. Actually maybe our nominal is arrival is 0840 not 0800. I can't remember and ticket doesn't say. Not a big seal. Maybe I won't set an alarm anyway, chances are I won't be asleep on arrival and if oax is final dest no worries about oversleeping.
Feels very empty even compared to not over full seat map when I booked earlier but I suspect a lot of people (relatively speaking) may get on in tuxtla in probably 2-3h time.
Have opened curtains at my seat for now, if someone wants to close them later fine but xan at least looks out of window for a bit.
Chap checking tickst and telling me to take drinks/headphones appke to me in Spanish FWIW. There are a few tourist types in the terminal but most people looked Mexican to me. Could be national tourists of course.
Seat doesn't seem to go super upright but it is fine, I guess it will be a mostly reclined pseudo bed (oh yes "cama" is the name of the super luxury ish type services isn't it, then semi-cama, this feels insofar as I can remember a bit semi-cama though it is not described as such, as I say it is "gl" though I do see mention of a platinum service around terminal which may be better) journey anyway.
I did notice a little sensitivity lower right (?) Gums I think last night not too bad tho slightly painful to bruah. Not top worried yet and may assume it is minor temp fallout from all the stomach acid a few noghta ago
2104 we are moving lights all gone out.
Put seatbelt on even tho dont know if mandatory
2107 somehow this feels like a non-event, ans of course a bus pulling out is nothing major, but it is weird, it feels odd.
Showing some Disney film about Medici Bros circus in 1919, animated I think. No sound, could plug beadlhonea in but not that bothered and probably best to stick with music frpm phone if/when do put headphones on
OK, it appears to be "Dumbo". A film I have mixed childhood memories of but a remake. Not interested.
2208 we are in tuxtla, probably pre terminal.
2217 been at terminal a few mins. Announced we have 15 mins here. Mildly needed piss and went in onboard ok, wanted to make sure if for some reason it was out of service I could go at twrninal even though very much rather not get off bus and I see no reason to now.
2242 just pulling out. Bit fuller but I still have no one sitting next to me.
Tue 0707 dehydrated as fuck. Passport inspections at 1 and 0230 ish. We are early into oaxaxa, coming towards terminal now ans I just want to stay on the bus but obv can't.
1437 at hostel. I walked (a fair distance) to hostel - not busting but didn't go to toilet on bis and not free at terminal so annoying - and was able to check on and get my room even at that early hour of morning. As of now I have a huge 4 ved dorm with just single beds (no bunks) to myself. This can't last bit dwiw. Got to pick my own bed. Room a bit warm and no fan or ac but left window open. Entire hostel is huge. Like there are giant common and co working areas which feel so spacious. But it also feels decidedly unfriendly and a bit empty, I did just now glbto kitchen to try to throw away a beer can and a few people around but feels weird. Very different to last hostel.
Went out for walk adter lookong round hoarel ans havinf a free clffee and have trogged roind town quite a bit and anacked a bit and got some queaadillas and has a LA michoacana ice cream from atall in "long" park with lions at corners northish of centre, despite seeing then everywhere for years this just night be first tjne I have eaten anything from a LA michoacana. Feeling oddly tired and it was getting hot so came back here 1ish and got a sol Clamato in nearby oxxo which promptly exploded all over the floor on the terrace and my trousers when I opened it.
I am not rushing to decide anything and not read guide book yet but I may or may not stick in here that long the town even, or maybe just hostel. I may just be tired and Acapulco sort of looms with awkward accom decisions but it feels kind of nice but not that appealing here somehow. I did go look at what I think was hospital I had my arm done in but not sure it was right or that I recognised it. The town seems nice enough but I am not getting massive "oh yeah, I remember X" vibes yet.
Some hostels would easily get 10 beds or more using bunks in a room the size of my 4 bed dorm here. Quite possibly 12 or more.
I did sleep on bus but not that well, apart from the two passport inspections I also kept waking up with mouth feeling V dry. I did have some water but still.
I have eaten quite a lot of semi junk and the quesadillas were semi decent but I provably ought to eat something semi decent (even if maybe just pizza or Indian) soon-ish. I withdrew some cash earlier. And I also managed to renew my Telcel packet, AFAICT it worked when the guy in the shop did it via web, for some reason it cost 202 this time (1% commission for him?) But now has a validity of 30 days not 25 days so it ought to last me the rest of the trip unless I burn through all the data.
1458 skimmed guide book. Somehow the prospect of visiting stuff round here is not as exciting as it was in San Cristobal. Possibly as I keep saying I am just tired, possibly it is because I have one eye on getting to Acapulco and vague end of trip concerns (even though I don't fly back until 4 weeks from today) or maybe it is because I have been here before and whole obviously a refresher visit or two wouldn't hurt I have seen el tule and 99%sure montealban and while there is plenty of other stuff I could do this combined with the other things is maybe making me a bit "meh". I dont need to decide anything today or tonight.
I could maybe force myself to go to a museum this adternoon but I'd probably not appreciate it and it would probably also be something I had seen before. I think I might go see about food via a casualiah wander and maybe snack and perhaps just try to do a bit more walking and then perhaps I will get a beer or two and have them at hostel (probably solo, but that is fine) and maybe a quiet night watching some yt or something in one of the v spaciois common areas and then probably an earlyish night.
I don't feel really bad, I just feel a bit under the cosh of making decisions (Acapulco stuff, whether to extend my stay in oaxaxa and if so whether to do it at this hostel, whether to go somewhere else before Acapulco or not, etc) and am perhaps a I keep saying just tired. Also despite not being exactly life and soul of the party there it is perhaps strange to feel so alone here after maybe a week of being in the relatively homely atmosphere of the San cris hostel.
Let's just go out with an eye for food and see what happens. Guidebook makes all the local specialities sound things which I wouldn't want to eat due to one or two of the usual enshittification ingredients like mayonnaise.
1522 let's go out had v quick poke on web for language exchanges but not too on depth, somewhat luckily prob not one tonight, there may be one thu and sat so if I am here - and I may be - I may do those, would need to research them on up to date/official sites of course.
1557 bite me. At Charlie's for a small (but not tiny personal) pizza and coke. There was a takeout only taco place just up the road with a big queue which is probably good but I didn't want to queue and wanted to sit down. Won't rule out a bonus taco later tonight or tomorrow. I may even go out and apkurge on a beer at one of bars round so-called early evening before early bed.
I did have quesadillas in a proper local place earlier anyway.
MTV 80s playing.
1630 at first I thought it was too big but it was about right. It is a bit warm really to be eating pizza, it doesn't seem to be Airconned in here.
1837 on roof terrace with can of Bohemia for sunsrt. As was paying the old but not ancient woman seemingly in charge at Charlie's chatted with me a bit about where I was from and where I was going and how long I had and she said I ought to go to Puerto Mexico and I just automatically making xonveration said isn't it doe you people and she was all like no, no way. This all in Spanish. The whole thing was oddly cheering.
I has a bit of a wander and bought a new razor (two actually) and two Bohemia both at nearby Ozxo and has a shower. Still no one else in form.
Flip flopping but half thinking given I may have dorm to self and am tired and may be out at LANG exch tomorrow (and if not wed is vaguely weekend starting up territory SK may go out somewhere for live music or just to a bar on square) I may well just have a quiet night in and try to perhaps tinker with acapulco accom tonight and not go out.
Yes I am still drinking (when I finally crack this can) but at least it is quieter etc than going out.
When I say wed is coming into the weekend I just mean the way that eg El Paliacate seemed to operate wed-sat inclusive, that kind of thing.
I could vaguely see myself staying in oazaxa until eg sun and perhaps getting a night bus to Acapulco overnight sun.
Whether I stay this hostel or another. I certainly could split the time into two places but if I can do stuff here and there really ought to be day trip by bus options etc (for example if I really want there are buses to monte alban so I could go without taking a tour) it may be best not to spread myself overly thin.
2008 awesome Acapulco looks a fuckfest. There is some borderline acceptable airbnb accom albeit the prices all over the place and we are looking 25 quid ish a night. Rome2rio says there is an estrella de oro bus from here and you can book on ado site but even when I pick the specific terminals involved ado site denies any buses exist.
And the sort of cherry on the top is that even with the official Telegram client the fucking thing will *not* successfully send a confirmation text to my absolutely legit Mexican phone number, and without that to check out what sort of axtivity there is I might well alog down there and not be able to find anyone to talk to.
I really kind of would like to go but at the same time I am starting to flip flop again
there is a proble couple up here round corner on v big rooftop ans I said hi to a couple of people coming down as I came up but not v busy up here.
1918 few people up and down but V coupley. Sunset and city lights at night cool and it is sort of pleasantly cool breezy with fleece off but might go down in a bit. Beer was OK but not amazing and Id suggest this argues for a quiet night in rather than going out, esp as I may be out and it may be mildly expensive one way or another tomorrow etc.
Doesn't feel like there is a party but I am not invited fwiw.
1923 the streets look pleasantly busy. I could in theory eg go out for tacos. But I have eaten plenty and this is hardly my last chance, even here in Oaxaca, and quietish bightin and maybe try to force myself to think through accom etc.
R2r does suggest there is a night bus (8h) from Puerto Escondido to Acapulco.
I think that will do for tonight. Food for thought at least.
2042 watched a bit of yt. Not mega tired but a bit bored. Maybe edge towards bed.
2103 Cleaned teeth. Wifi doesn't work v well in dorm. Am tirediah so let's just go to bed. See how everything feels in morning. Still just me in here. Bit noisy and bit warm but the views are cool and I am only on nivel 2. Think roof terrace is 4.
Will send this now even if it just sits in a queue.
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