Sunday, 2 February 2025

San Cristobal, Friday/Saturday

Fri 1011 On terrace with coffee. Listening to very very talkative "Canadian" woman who is apparently originally from Swindon. She has been volunteering here at hostel for about a week and a half.

I will probably go over to Rancho Nuevo ecopark in a bit.

Slept OK, woke up maybe 6-7ish with something of need for a piss but nothing major. Slight hangover but very slight and not a big deal.

1027 got a third coffee but no milk. Will probably head out in a bit. I do want to go but I also feel a bit lazy and don't really.

1312 feeling pretty shit tbh. Feeling a bit alone and friendless (above level of just trip). Did eventually find colectivo to RN but it was confusing as fuck and the minibus appeared to never fucking go despite being rammed so I never got on and dithered moodily and it also started to feel a bit damn late and given the apparently short service frequency I started to wonder about getting back and I was feeling ahit and kind of wanted to sit somewhere and try to think things out (I has been thinking doing this in nature at park might work but wasn't to be). Wandered over to sunshine bar at coffee bean hostel and paid 20 for a black coffee and sitting in garden and feeling a bit bnm but not too bad and tbh I need to have a bit of a think.

Do wonder if last night feeling good was just the beer or what. I dunno.

1345 finished coffee. FWIW heard tail end of muerte en Hawaii from a reataurant during walk over earlier and that did cheer me up a bit.

I feel bored. Vaguely tired. Not ultra down but not terribly chipper. I just see no mechanism by which I can act to improve things. I feel massively out of place and the problem seems to be that this is a universal constant;it is not about this specific place (eg garden of this hostel). Mildly annoyed at smell of people presumably smoking marijuana nearby, this "nah fuck it, we can do what we want" attitude piases me off and makes me kind of jealous. Hard to describe.

I do have a bit of that down & out in Paris and London (?) quote feeling where I, like everyone, have to be somewhere but I don't really seem to have somewhere to be. Nowhere feels right/allowed/comfortable.

Music here is a kind of soothing repetitive instrumental reggae/jazz type stuff.

Half wondering if I should get another coffee but I dunno. OTOH I have nothing to do except maybe go eat (probably an unsatisfyingly small portion of something) and then see if I can pay for another night at hostel and then maybe have shower and cut nails before hanging around to see if I can go out to el pawhatait tonight. There is apparently some sort of trivia quiz at hostel tonight at 8 which I will have to try to avoid - it is a pair thing for a start, plus I deliberately pay a little attention to news and current affairs as possible etc.

Someone is starting to play a guitar but the reggae is still playing ans it might be annoying if this carries on.

I may come back here 5 tomorrow for some sort of music jam out of relative desperation, we will see. Still dithering as to whether to go now or not.

1704 come for vegetarian Indian menu del dia. Watched bit of yt back at hostel and renewed for a day. Feeling a bit better but still kind of like my mere existence is vaguely annoying to other people and that I have to get be apologetic for coming into this empty restaurant and wondering how I am going to kill time until tonight and what will happen I'd I don't fancy el pwhatsit etc or nothing is on, as if any of this is really a huge deal.

1737 really not bad actually. Place is cardamomo.

Sat 0843 not a bad night, I did the to pre drinks at bar for quiz and then we did the quiz in two groups and then went out and got back about 2-3ish and bit of chat when got back. I woke up a smidge before 8 feeling a touch guilty and got up and breakfast was ready so had that and just may go back to bed but not sure, seems a bit pointless but OTOH also feels like I didn't have that much sleep. Canadian-Swindon staff-ish woman is doing some paperwork at table but we haven't spoken much and it is otherwise really quiet and feels a bit weird.

1440 been wandering. Left hostel about 1300 (bit late] intending to go to grutas del manifesto and asked Max who said I could get a colectivo along Guadalupe Real but Couldn't find one and so did much wandering and had chicken and chips (eaten in street)from pollo puig (which was reassuringly busy) and now at cardanomo. Also WD some cash earlier. Feeling a bit guilty about last nights minor excesseses but in reality they were minor and fingers crossed won't be a big problem and it was quite a fun night and it is good to live our a bit of a sort of backpacker traveller fantasy type thing once in a while.

Much busier here than yday and not sure there is a menu del dia but it's ok as going to splurge on a madras.

Doh, no madras. So getting a spicy meatball thing instead.

1754 at coffee bean, been here nearly an hour but music might be starting soon as getting quite busy. Not sure what if anything will do tonight. I do need to make an effort to go over to San Juan chamula or whatever tomorrow for the market and to be doing some touristing.

Taking a couple of beers pretty slowly. They seem to like to ask for peoples names for a tab even when they pay cash and everyone seems to be finding it a bit confusing. :-)

Got given too much change for a 500 at cardamom but I noticed and went back and sorted it out - felt a tiny bit of a sap but if people are straight with me I am straight with them.

Feel slightly bnm sitting at bar on own but only a touch, I kind of want to be alone to some extent.

1816 no sign of music yet. It is OK here. I hahavefleece on but it is getting dark and I feel a bit irrationally lonesome (reading Tom Sawyer :-)) and the idea of being out at night (even though it is only early evening and not really even that) somehow doesn't appeal.

I am going tk have to start toying with moving on from here but if I can make an effort and do some tourism I think I can productively put in a few more days yet, and while I am kind of liking it and (it is a bit up and down) the hostel and maybe slightly getting to know people it is also kind of backpackery fantasy stuff to be "living" here for an extended period.

1821 music (reggae) starting

1824 fwiw everyone seems to be smokong marijuana. The reggae is OK bit it is very backgroundy and repetitive and I am going to read on phone as I was before it started.

1849 reggae is actually quite nice in its way but it has a damn mournful note, unless this is just in my head - bit I suspect not.

1936 music been off for a while but probably restarting soon  I am on my fourth beer and will probably go when it is done. I have vague thoughts of relaxing at hostel for an hour then popping out to el pwhatsit kn the offchanxe, since it is Saturday night and I should take advantage.

It does actually feel like the music night be about to move up a notch as some people with guitars are around. We'll see how it goes.

1938 yeah, someone is playing guitar.

1958 I am still reading but it is kind of pleasantly crowded and tbh I probably ought to stay with this bird in the hand instead of haring off after the two in the bush of el paliacate. And it isn't as if I am necessarily ruling out el p by staying here either, albeit I don't want to get insanely drunk today - yesterday while not insane was heavy-ish.

The singer seems to be getting a tiny bit not top offensively political but also a smidge meh. OTOH it is still kind of nice. And maybe I will stay for a couple more and then have a piss and go back to hostel and just maybe have a chat with someone and I'd not go might be able to justify an earlyish night.

2016 been for piss, didn't lose spot at bar. Getting two more beers. Mixed feelings but it is fine.

2050 another brick in the wall part three. There is also and has been for a while a guy dresses as a nun and I wonder if the Santa cruda pub crawl advertised on a poster in my hostel is here.

2101 it isn't that bad but the "ride a wave on your inhaling" line from Frou Group Let Go has intermittently recurred to me.

Oj and a street musician was playing LA negra tomaaa the other day - I had had that in my head for some reason a few days before. So I might guess it is not currently being deemed racist.

Some sort of documentary with no sound is playing about a skateboarder and it is oddly compelling. Reading tragedy of puddnhead Wilson.

One last prepais beer (there is a 2 for 50 offer) and then back to hpstel and see what happens.

Not sure who skater is but he seems to have some connection with the Alvar brand in the late 70s. Could it be Tony Alva?

2122 off soon  I don't know if it will happen but I must say a pox margarita back at the hostel would hit the spot. (Had several during happy hour last night pre quiz.)

2124 piss and for home

Sun 0308 not a bad night, met people on tetracw at hostel then went out. Will send this now

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