Sunday 25 February 2024

Old Bank, Saturday

Sat 24th 1014 On terrace. Just said bye to Sebastien (quick chat; we hardly spoke yday) who is off to San Jose (he's getting a boat directly from hostel dock, which is kind of cool) and then to Cuba.

Slept badly again. German girl in bed above me was packing, she spoke pleasantly enough about whether it bothered me she was packing (to leave early) and did I want to sleep but I wasn't particularly desperate (it was early). She also asked about turning light out later, but I'm 95% sure she just turned the ac off without asking. Maybe she didn't and maybe I slept badly for other reasons.

I got up maybe 910 out of "this is shit lying here awake" grounds, had a shower (not my normal practice but I felt sticky as fuck) and came out to terrace for pseudo-breakfast of a 32 fl oz container of whole milk (bought all this yday) which was UHT but I do kind of like that so did enjoy it, 3 raisin bread balls and 6 strawberry "estrella" biscuits. Mildly lardy, esp biscuits, but kind of nice.

Plan for today is admin+trying to just hang around here and relax. I need to book David hostel. Also want to do some laundry and depending on price/packet size I may even try to buy some clothes pegs. I also keep forgetting to buy deodorant (it's an outdoorsy kind of place so not critical and I'm rubbing the plastic stub packet with deodorant from bottom of stick on my armpits which prob does some good) and need to get that. So I may pop out to the shop in a bit and look at getting in these supplies.

Gut feeling is I'm not drinking alcohol today. I have maybe 5ish beers in the fridge but I could take a few away at a push or just label them up (not that there's a pen) as free, and I may have some tomorrow and while I have vague loserish lurking thoughts yet am also not gagging to speak to anyone, it's possible I'll be chatting with someone and offer them a few.

1152 OK, I booked a hostel in David, popped out and bought 12 plastic clothes pegs (0.65) and some sugary fruit drink in tetrapak type containers (USD2) at ms Bastimentos and went down to the other supermarket and go a 30ml tiny rollon for 1.35, and also got to witness a half understood exchange between a youngish guy and the owner/staff guy, who told youngish guy not to be a pendejo and that he would use hard words if necessary.

Came back, washed four tops (too many really, but borderline OK - they are sweat-dirty but not covered in mud or anything) and hung them on line upstairs with five of my new pegs. Might as well use them while I have them, and maybe carrying 4 or 5 instead of the 2-3 I originally thought would be worth it. (I *could* have tied long sleeves round line as extra insurance against loss and used one peg per garment, plus if i washed 3 tops - which is a better fit for average sink - 4 pegs would be ample.)

So now sitting out here alone with bottle of lukewarm water (put another in fridge and will have some fruit juice in a bit, but ought to slake thirst first to reduce chances of guzzling). I feel at a bit of a loose end but it's maybe kind of OK. I just might ask about a Spanish lesson.

OK, I have asked. We'll see what happens.

In some sense four nights here is way too long. But it is what it is. In another sense it might be nice if I can relax, I hope to have ac all night tonight (currently I am only one in dorm and anyone else will be new), and even if I'd risked booking two nights and not being able to extend if I wanted, I'd have had two nights here and the two extra nights in David and PC so at the outside I could have had four nights somewhere else (and there is nowhere obvious) and rushed back to PC for just the last two nights (one full day, with briefing) before trip, or had three nights and still overnighted in David, etc. So it's not like I'm losing out much, and for all I know some really friendly people will turn up tonight and I'll be glad I stayed or I'll really enjoy relaxing here etc etc.

Random notes:
- Liam said his bag was 23kg on a previous trip, this time it is 16kg but he often has a second bag with food etc. Different goals etc so not criticising but interesting.
- Overheard someone talking about El Salvador (poss when in Bocas Town), they said the people were really nice and friendly and that it felt safe esp with the new president, and iirc that the beach towns had felt safe even before.

1349 Had Spanish lesson. Naturally a fuckfest of bluetooth, shitty internet, trying to use cable with bt headphones etc which wasted time at start but got it going in end (tho used my own data connection via hotspot rather than rather ropy hostel wifi). I didn't slag the town off but did say stuff like those young guys sitting on bench while we were eating and the "cockfight"all kind of made me feel edgy and stuff like that so hope no one heard me. (Was a bit of a whiny git out loud during fuckfest, hope no one heard me.)

Still, I have " done" something today. It still feels vaguely like I ought to be taking advantage of being here. Talking to teacher made me think I could walk over to Wizard beach, but OTOH I might do that tomorrow instead and since I can't swim there or anything I really don't want to go two days in a row.

The David hostel says I can have a lower bed. I get mixed vibes about the place but it will probably be OK. I think I forgot to say earlier I could have had a private for 15 but as it's for one night and I will have a private for three nights in PC I figured I'd go for the dorm at 10. It's also a 6 bed dorm and had 6 beds free when I booked, so while this is a couple of days off I suspect it's not gonna be rammed.

Oh, another random observation: while it's semi nice having a bathroom/toilet "inside" dorm, it's also kind of sucky if there are no "public" bathrooms because it means you're blocking others off when using it, particularly if you're doing laundry.

1400 I half feel like I ought to trog over to Wizard now. But I really don't particularly fancy it.

1430 Yawning.

It's all fine. I kind of did more than I expected the first two days due to being with Liam. I really don't feel there's that much "must see" stuff here and to be quite honest I don't exactly feel super comfortable wandering round on my own (eg prob already mentioned - albeit at night - the young guys sitting opp me and Sebastian on that bench) either.

Also while having two days off beer would be better, one day is better than none and by having it today I can have some beers when I get back from walking to beach and back tomorrow.

New hostel in David prob OK but while it isn't exactly a surprise as I read the reviews, it feels a bit off to get a message *after* I've committed saying I must be a pet lover (it's only partly refundable) - if this is such a big deal it should be shouted out on the listing before you book.

1652 Popped back into dorm to swap phones. I went out for a brief walk, headed west and nearly got to basketball court/viewing point (went there with L) when a dog started barking from an upstairs balcony but couldn't see any obvious thing stopping it coming down, quite a few people around and prob fine but turned back. Walked other way as far as Minisuper Bastamentos and bought some local-ish biscuits, came back and ate some of them and watched YT.

Was yawning a bit while out for that brief walk.

I washed the one pair of underwear at some point and hung them up (sharing same pegs) as the nearly dry (but left up as they may feel nicer if they completely truly air dry) tops.

Feeling a little better, still intermittently a bit down. Even that short walk and look round feels vaguely like doing something.

Still only one in dorm. Saw Zoe briefly (didn't speak to her) earlier but she was in Liam's dorm and I have a vague feeling from her talking to S this morning she is off elsewhere today but was just having the morning here.

I am slightly killing time hanging round til "La Gloria" (iirc) chicken place might be open tbh. Gut feeling is will eat there tonight and Danish tomorrow for bit of variety.

Was watching some boats earlier and it really is a bit surprising just how much the nose rises, it looks to me like a good third to half of the keel (?) is out of the water at the front.

Not feeling mega uncomfortable but vaguely over-warm and slightly sweaty.

As O6 is charging and ears bit "sore" from earbuds I guess I'll go out onto terrace with K1 and read a bit. I suppose I just may manage to stare out meditatively but not quite feeling it.

1715 Must admit view here is v nice, and to have it "full time" rather than only while I'm in some bar or something is cool. I am not trying to be a miserable git (I do half wonder if sleeping badly isn't helping, but prob some other psychological shit I'm not writing about here playing into it) but somehow I just feel vaguely dissatisfied or as though I'm wasting valuable time and money being here and doing nothing. (Maybe a bit circular, but I suspect if I felt more chilled here, I would not fret about wasting time or money here as I'd be enjoying myself doing very little.)

1729 Just saw pelican (?) flying low over water. Not first by a long chalk, just mentioning it. I feel OK. Just not as relaxed etc as I'd like. Meh.

1811 Nice German (?) couple have spoken to a bit came back from day at beaches and said there's a political "party" (rally sounds OTT) and everyone (locals i assume; I wouldn't want anyway) being given free food and t-shirts. They semi-suggested I go out for a look and I did. I could certainly hear loud music but it seemed to be coming from off the main street and despite following a couple of other tentative tourists in direction of noise I didn't feel comfortable going any further, might have been indoors tho in this weather I rather doubt it. No huge loss. Wandered further west in vague direction of basketball court - tho I now hear some political kind of speaker in distance in opposite direction - and a kid was thrashing around with a string on a chunk of wood and I decided not to go past. So I must have gone wrong dir and just for hell of it will drop my phone off yet again (pickpockets/wankers) and wander up that way in direction of ms bast and maybe buy some more snacks to make sure I get properly fat.

Kiosco La Gloria was not open fwiw.

1828 OK, it's on a big field-ish area just up past the further ms (not bastimentos). I felt a bit awkward as various locals in these "democratic revolution" (in English - fwiw during day noticed some youngish kids playing and speaking Spanish to each other) shirts standing in main street even tho main stage is on one side of field not on street and while it all seemed fine the vague political rally (it didn't feel that fiesta-ish to me) tone was offputting so after a brief glance across the field I just turned round. Bought another dollar's worth of biscuits at Bast even though I'm not hungry and would like to eat "properly" (ie chicken and chips) if at all. Am vaguely tempted to drink beer tonight but it has lost a lot of its novelty and better to have at least a day off.

1950 Been to Kiosco La Gloria, felt bit awkward alone during longish (25m+?) wait, but started to feel more comfortable, earwigged on some local conversation (barely intelligible, not sure language) and guy remembered me and asked if I liked the chicken and where the German guy was, I said he's gone to Cuba but I wasn't sure if he'd get such good chicken there which got a laugh. Ate it (v hot, esp chicken) sitting on bench outside hostel (not one nearer shop), couple of dogs stared at me while eating and I didn't give them bones (as both littering plus vague Blue Peter memories of chicken bones being dangerous to dogs) but did throw a few small pieces (picked off with burning fingers), tho the black dog seemed to push the goldenish one aside a bit. Neither looked starving and I probably didn't have to do this but felt vaguely compelled/wanted to even tho actual food value prob negligible.

Still only me in dorm. Put aircon on at 25C to chill room, having some chilled water and prob some vanilla biscuits out here (it's just me, some music coming from neighbouring terrace). I may do some YT but I may try to chill a bit with biscuits and water and music and admire nighttime view and then perhaps go to bed 9ish.

Plan for tomorrow is to go to Wizard beach, not absolutely milk it, spend an hour or so there maybe with some snacks, then come back and just hang out here and try to feel relaxed. Will have beer tomorrow and will prob each at Danish so no concerns re opening.

2125 In dorm. Been lying in hammock on (deserted) lower terrace. Music from next bar, didn't snack or listen to anything on headphones. Milked it slightly but was actually very pleasant and makes me glad I'm not leaving tomorrow.

Fetched tops (but left uw, and shoes been up there since Fri prob) down from first floor balcony.

Is just me in dorm now, barring super late arrival prob just me. A nice little bonus. Put aircon down to 22C, YOLO. :-)

Going to clean teeth and go to bed. Hope to be up earlyish, probably go over to Wizard relatively early, spend couple of hours then hopefully a relaxedish afternoon+evening at hostel.

Left pocket zip on black trousers currently wearing has come completely loose for 2ish inches at one end. This is a combination of obviously poor sewing at home, not having reinforced enough, laziness (I strongly suspected it was coming loose and literally a stitch in time etc) and dorms (far easier to have given it some attention with privacy in evenings). Not end of world, it does still seal (eg used it in hammock - zips are not just or even primarily for pickpockets), and I may get a chance to look at it eg in PC hostel. I often don't zip upper pockets closed as (prob in part due to my home-fitted zips) it's faffy, but also I am keeping smallish notes+all coins in left knee pocket (with factory zip) and rightish knee pocket holds hanky and room key and a plastic bag or whatever, so less need to be constantly protecting esp loose change in upper pockets. And also with using phone as camera I suspect even with a factory zip having to unzip every time I want to take a photo would be annoying, unless I really feel the area is dodgy, and with my homemade zips the effect is amplified.

Anyway, clean teeth then bed.

2145 In bed. Luxury. :-)

Prob already said but FWIW the faffiness of switching between multiple files in Dropbox app and its associated text editor discourages me for (eg) switching to a private diary file and making notes there. This is not ideal but not critical, but mentioning it in case it helps remind me to seek a better way to do this. (In part might be easier if home server hadn't died, but not sure - just a thought.)

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