Monday 5 December 2011

San Pedro de Atacama, Monday part 3

1420 Yep, lost lots of queued blog entries. Including part 2 which I only started a minute ago. Silly me, thinking the first requirement of an e-mail program is that IT DOESN'T FUCKING LOSE MESSAGE.

Looks like outgoing e-mail is blocked on the network here which accounts for my inability to send. It doesn't account for all those drafts going missing. FUCK YOU K9MAIL.

1608 Hacked off to the max. Dunno why I'm bothering writing this. K9Mail will probably just lose it and if not I can't send it. Topped up PAYG and still can't send. Laptop can't connect to my mailserver port 25 from hostel wifi. May be blocked or my mailserver may be fucked. I think I couldn't telnet to GMail's port 25 either which suggests just blocked. Dunno why roaming data on mobile not working. No way to tell cos of super uninformative error message from K9Mail.

Anyway, that top up blocked my credit card. I then saw an email from paypal saying my account is locked. They obviously decided my flickr pro sub was dodgy. Can't unlock the account as they insist on 'verifying' my phone no. Dunno if they are in part responsible for the card block as I assumed at the time they were. Sent them a nastygram.

Oh, I therefore assume my flickr pro account, isn't. Not sure if I can pay for that without paypal.

Tried to wd cash to test and cos need some. Four machines on map, two don't exist, one lobby locked, other didn't work for me or anyone else in there.

Paid CLP8750, or over ten quid, on half hour phone call to LloydsTSB. Debit card was a machine problem and not blocked. Credit card blocked due to lots of fraud on O2 PAYG and now unlocked.

Wanted a beer but went up to Licanbur. 1600 and TurBus shut til 1615. AndesMar or something like that have a bus to Salta *Wed* 0930. Dunno which company Rough Guide said did Tue. Only other co could see had services to Calama and couple of small places near here.

Come to Chela Cabur cos had enough. Oh, shop for fucking glass returnable bottle am looking around round the corner. But there are three fucking JCBs digging up street outside door, even if it was open.

And if the message K9Mail FUCKING LOST included it, I spent an hour waiting to pay at the hostel and they tried to charge me CLP60k minus deposit instead of CLP36k. I objected and they relented but FFS. Great fucking day so far.

Parched. Beer. Lessons for future in a bit.

1618 Swigged a bit. Lessons:

- Paypal, if I feel compelled to use them in future, should have a credit card which I do not travel with, so (if they did, which they may not have done, but better safe than sorry) they can't disable a card I am travelling with.

- Don't use K9Mail, it's shit. Except it's best of a bad lot. May switch to GMail (see below) or may resort to tedious copy and paste of drafts into another program as insurance.

- Maybe don't run my own mailserver. I think it works fine but it's hard to tell and when you're away from a sane (eg home broadband) known good net connection it's hard to tell what's bust and what isn't. Forwarding to GMail isn't reliable enough as I know from 2010. Most hosted e-mail super expensive last time I looked. I have a suspicion there is a GMail for business at a few quid a month where you get your own domain; much as I'd rather they didn't have all my e-mail, if I can easily and non-irreversibly point MX at them that might be the best option.

- Thank fuck I had a cash reserve. Something I was already doing right.

- If PAYG top ups are considered dodgy, have a distinct credit card for them. (Bit inconvenient, and if that dies what do you do?)

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