Thursday 15 December 2011

Santiago, Wednesday

0127 (Thursday). Well that was interesting. Went over to Pio Nono about 10. Universidad de Chile were playing an Ecuadorian team (Liga???) in what I gather was the final of the copa Bridgestone. Huge slightly scary crowds in the street screaming their heads off. Had a couple of beers at Crazy Bar. Was in there during second half and rather intimidating, if somewhat cool. Maybe I've just not experienced it but I think passions run even higher here than in the UK over these matters. After watching the cup presentation on TV the fans drifted off to celebrate in Plaza Italia just down the road; there was TV coverage. Stayed for one more though the bar was basically closing.

Managed to get a taxi (on meter, oddly enough - 3k) eventually in side street as probably not wise to venture back towards Baquedano metro/Plaza Italia.

A quiet night beer wise but quite cool. Definitely an experience, if a slightly scary one.

Writing this on balcony, might dredge MP3 player out and have a little listen (I am a sucker for balconies at night, as already noted) then bed. Hope not to get up too late tomorrow. Might go to human rights museum (there is a brochure in the flat for it tomorrow), or maybe will climb up the hill which has the statue of the virgin on top a second time. Vamos a ver. Maybe can even do both if don't get up too late.

Will send this now anyway.

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