Tuesday 6 April 2010

Out and about

Mon, 6:20pm. Come over to Reconquista, on the grounds it's nearby and following my 'symmetry' rule where I tend to go to the same place my last night as my first. At the bar I finished up that first night (ah, called Muelle). The pirate bar next door (possibly called Porto Pirata, but I only saw it in passung so could be wrong) has (in English) "The Most Theme Bar In Buenos Aires" (or something very similar). I hope that's true, I'd hate to be walking down a dark alley and find somewhere worse. :-)

Left Kilkenny when I said last night but stayed up web surfing til about 4:30am, sigh.

Asked at reception which floor the flat company office is (can't remember where I went on arrival) and the guy ended up talking to me in English. I feel my Spanish is going badly downhill here, although it's probably no worse than usual.

It occurs to me I could put some Spanish learning audio programes I have on my MP3 player and listen to them on the bus tomorrow. But I've been meaning to listen to them for weeks now (I deliberately took them to Easter Island on the laptop, suspecting I might have no net access there, and I never put the time in then). Still, we'll see.

7:50pm. That was a touch odd. Numerous beggars seen off with "ah, no" earlier. A woman just came up and asked if I had something I didn't catch. I tried "ah, no" and she asked if I spoke English. She then asked if I wanted company or "chicas" (girls/women) (I can't remember exactly wht he said). She didn't look a stereotypical madam or prostitute, and for someone to just come up to me sat at a table outside a bar and ask that seems weird. Still.

10:15pm. Got about half a pint left, it's not a great night but I am vaguely tempted to stay out. I think I will try to be strong though, I need to pack and see if the hotel got back to me (ha) and jot down a few details etc, plus I do have an earlyish start and also if the guide book is to be believed Santa Fe has a fairly good nightlife and as I plan to stay for two nights, tomorrow is the most likely night to really experience it.

I observe in passing Argentina, or at least BA, seems largely bereft of street dogs. It took me a while to notice this but then some nagging suspicion that something was missing came through. :-)

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