Tuesday 12 January 2010

Ferry booked, all going fairly well

I got an e-mail from the ferry company who provide the service from Puerto Williams to Punta Arenas. The woman who has been dealing with me seems very helpful and appears to understand my Spanish, which is nice. I now have a reserved seat on the ferry of Saturday 13th February. I need to be on board before 5pm the day before and pay then. I have e-mailed to say thanks and to ask what day it arrives so I can be sure to book a hotel in Punta Arenas that day, as I expect I'll be a bit zonked after sleeping in a seat for 3 or so days. Also ideally I will book the same hotel in Punta Arenas before I leave and then I can leave most of my stuff in storage at the hotel.

No response from the hotel booking people about the hotel in Puerto Williams, I hope they'll get back to me tomorrow so I can book the flight out and have that bit of the trip resolved.

I think I will need to have internet access when I'm in Brazil to resolve these things, especially if I do decide to try to go to Easter Island almost as soon as I arrive in Chile. The Rio hotel has free wi-fi but I don't know about the Sao Paulo hotel, so I may have to venture out to an internet cafe.

Was out with a couple of mates tonight and I might see them tomorrow night as well. That will be cool but I'll also be kind of glad to get started and stop all this business of seeing people for a 'last' time.

Still, so far so good. Fingers crossed for a response from the hotel tomorrow before I leave the UK... Check-out at the flat at midday tomorrow and then maybe coffee with some people afterwards. I should go to bed now but I'm sure I won't.

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