Thursday 18 March 2010

Arica and flights down to Santiago

Just uploaded a load more photos:

The Nazca line photos are terrible, I think I will have to go over the originals more carefully and pick out the best ones, the ones I uploaded were a bit of a random selection based on looking at thumbnails.

Couldn't find the Sky Airlines office, the address given was of a sort of commerical/shopping centre. There was a local travel agent in there and I had a chat with a woman who is prepared to sell me a Sky Airlines flight, I said I'd think about it and go back after lunch at about 4pm, so I will pop over there once I've written this. It's about 125 quid but that's not too bad compared to a flight with say LAN, and I imagine buses would probably cost something like 60 or 70 quid. I plan to fly down on Saturday leaving here at 2:30, that gives me two nights and all day tomorrow here, Saturday night in Santiago if I feel up to it and then a few days after that in Santiago. I am perhaps overdoing the time in Santiago this way, having already spent 6 days there, but assuming it's OK at the moment I did quite like the place, plus I don't want to leave getting down there too late in case problems occur. If I plan to go on Saturday and then for some reason the flight is cancelled, I probably still have time to get down by bus.

Have moved to another hostel, this one is a bit cheaper (7000/night, although I gave the woman at reception 15000 to pay for two nights and got no change, so it's effectively 7500/night) and has wi-fi. The reception is nominally 24h, I am personally a bit dubious but we'll have to see how it goes. Amazingly enough the wi-fi does work!

Anyway, this is just a brief update while I am in the new hostel after bringing my bags over. Got to go out and buy that ticket now, I am a bit nervous about it but I think it's the right thing to do.

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