Monday 15 March 2010


9:25pm Left that bar for a wander. Wandered off Lima/Bolognesi into Cusco and deserted. Found one bar there, went in, didn't feel very welcoming. In another just off Plaza de Armas, there seem to be a couple in here (and no on else) one of whom at least is bar staff or owner and otherwise deserted. They served me however so am now sat a bit awkwardly in here. Not sure I am super welcome but my money is as good as anyone's and they did serve me, so it's their own fault....

Oh, as I stopped a moment on this street (which I think is actually Callao, not Cusco as I wrote before) earlier some little dog ran up to me barking its head off. I interposed my fleece, which I was carrying, and walked off down the street. It left me alone. On the one hand I'm glad it wasn't bigger, on the other hand it was small enough it shouldn't give itself airs, I am sure it would have come off worst if things had proceeded to physical contact. I may not be much of a chap physically but I'm big enough to kick that barking little fucker across the street even if inflicted with a bite on the shin.

10pm. I think I will finish this beer and walk back to the hostel, unless serendipity intervenes and I find somewhere tempting on the way back. I think I have to check out by 10am and while it hasn't been a bad night, it's not great and I'm drunk enough not to be inclined to stay out later without a good reason. The one bar noted in my guide book, La Taberna (also a restaurant) is shut even if I fancied it, I walked past there about an hour ago.

10:05pm. Picking up in this obscure bar, I am unlikely to speak to anyone but the increased liveliness tempts me to one more. We shall see, not finished this one yet.

10:15pm. Nah, I feel a bit pissed. I will leave after this one. Am sober enought that I can repond to temptation if serendipity offers it, but as I have to be on the move tomorrow early (if only in the sense of checking out at 10am, I probably won't be on the move til evening) I am not staying here just for the hell of it.

10:40pm. Back at the hostel. All OK except I have this nagging fear I won't make it back to Santiago in time for the Easter Island flight. I guess right now I just need to get back to Arequipa, but do I book a hostel now so I can stay there on Tuesday night, or do I hope I can an overnight bus southwards that night?

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