Monday 22 March 2010

Indulging my romantic side

Am out on the balcony with my headphones on and unlimited coke on tap. Very cool. The city stretches off into the distance with the lights, and although they are oddly invisible right now, I know (and it is freaky not to see them) there are mountains looming over the city in that direction. A bit sappy but fuck it, it's cool. I do like it here.

I notice the big Claro sign on the building next door is no longer illuminated, it used to show the time and temperature. Probably not earthquake related but who knows. The locals I met earlier said the outer less touristy parts of the city were affected a bit and one, who works in a restaurant, said the grain they used to make black bread was in short supply as a result.

1:30am. Standing out here looking over the city and listening to "Sell, Sell" (cheers Jon) I can almost imagine myself as Michael Travis looking over London. Stupid, but fuck it. And I don't have Helen Mirren here, but nothing's perfect. :-)

3:30am. Sigh. I could have guessed once I started listening to music in this frame of mind I wouldn't stop. I guess it's like those odd nights in London when I've stayed up til dawn doing the same. I am not tired - maybe because of my sleep pattern and maybe it's the caffeine from 3 litres of Coke Zero :-) - but I sort of feel I should go to bed but I also don't want to.

It's amazing to me how the distant lights twinkle, must be a lot of atmosphere between here and there. I thought only stars twinkled.

There's an animated illuminated beer advert for Valdivieso in the medium distance. The slogan says "And today, why not?" Assuming it is a beer not champagne or something like that, the odd thing is I have not seen that beer served anywhere...

5am. I came in but have been indulging myself watching Tom Lehrer on youtube. But now, honestly, to bed, and I'm damn well better get up early regardless. At least I'm sober...

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