Tuesday 23 March 2010

Photos to DVD

My god this is hard work. One place said in the window they did it, then denied it when I went in. Next two didn't do it. I then find a shop where they did it, took some explaining again. I left them at it while I went to post off the other one.

When I got back the woman said her PC wouldn't read the stick. At least she didn't charge me. Down somewhere else now. The stick had a virus of some kind on, clearly picked up in the last net cafe. I told the guy he could delete those files.

The stick then had two direcories in the root. As a result of the virus incident I am stood in the 'booth' with the guy watching his screen. He first chose 'copy DVD'. Yeah, that's right. He then got the right option. Rather than simply dragging the two folders to the Nero window, he opened each folder individually, dragged around the folder to select every file (not even ctrl-a, I hope he got them all) and dragged them into the root of the DVD. Fortunately I don't actually care about the directory structure, but FFS, this isn't rocket science.

I might have expected in at least one place I've had this done they would sell me a DVD and point me to a machine with a DVD writer to let me use it myself, but no.

Oh, and as seems standard they didn't have a hard DVD/CD case, even if I paid. The guy told me there was a shop two blocks down the road with a name I couldn't properly catch where I could buy one. Hahahahahah. We're in the middle of fucking Santiago mate, what are the chances of me finding that one shop out of 100s even if I could understand the name. I might as well just smash the DVD right now and save myself the disappointment of finding it smashed in my case later on.

It's 4pm. I reckon it's taken two and a half hours to get two DVDs burned (neither of which I trust, and one of which is going to break anyway) and post another two off. What a fucking complete joke.

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