Thursday 4 February 2010

Batteries sorted

Don't know why I'm writing this, e-mail entries never appear these days.

Checked in OK for the bus, couldn't get on the 1pm but am on 2:30pm. While getting an early lunch the batteries finally died in the dictionary. I embarked on another quest. First shop didn't have any, but pointed me so somewhere down the road. That was a watch shop, so I figured I was home free, but it turns out they're only open from 3:30 to 8pm for the first two weeks in February. So near and yet so far.

So I wandered down the road and found a little slightly junky looking electrical shop, the sort of place I can imagine looking in the window of on the offchance there'd be something interesting if I lived here. And they had tons of the things. Only CLP650, or less than a quid, each, too.

However, I have no screwdriver to open the case and swap them until I get my suitcase back in Puerto Natales. (I did ask at the shop if they could lend me one - many gestures here, I couldn't remember the word for screwdriver, but the woman did understand - but they didn't have a suitable one.)

Oh, forgot to mention yesterday - the strangest thing in the naval museum yesterday was a big block of antarctic ice in a refrigerated display unit. It was both oddly intriguing and yet also a bit of a "WTF? Who would do something like this?"

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