Saturday 13 February 2010

Notes from the ferry, part 2

13:45. We just stopped at Yendegaia, if I remember that correctly, to drop a few people and some goods off. Everyone went out to watch, although it really wasn't anything special. Quite nice views though, I assume it's in a bay as there seemed to be mountains or hills on all sides.
Fiddled with the GPS receiver a bit, it says we are doing about 15km/h.
TV is off now, at least that means no more Boney M. It's amazing how many well-known songs they have though.
14:10 Struggling to keep my eyes open again all of a sudden.
14:30 Nearly everyone else in the cabin seems asleep just as I am maybe managing to fight it off. Sigh. Clearly I was not alone in feeling the urge. Just got myself a cup of tea and feeling quite alert. Probably for the best, I will probably sleep better tonight as a result and it also means I didn't have to wake up with that dry taste in my mouth and the slight peevishness I usually experience after sleeping during the day.
No sign of any glaciers yet, I wonder if we pass them today or tomorrow
16:00 Just been up on deck for 15 minutes or so. It was raining quite heavily for a while and there was quite a bit of mist but it's eased off now.
I am torn between my romantic and prosaic natures. On the one hand, I am braving the elements on the deck of ship sailing down some desolate channel amid the mountains of Tierra del Fuego. On the other hand, I am on board a comfortable if slightly spartan car ferry travelling between two fairly nice hotels and this is about as intrepid and exotic as taking a trip to the Isle of Wight. Still, it is quite cool however you look at it.
Fiddled with the GPS a bit more while up there. We were doing about 15km/h roughly due west, latitude 54.97337S, longitude 69.06318W.
Glaciers just coming up now as I write this. And I just got myself a cup of tea. Will down it ASAP and then back out on deck.

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