Monday 22 February 2010

Losing my photos

Yesterday I got some photos put onto DVDs and deleted the originals. As far as I could tell from my spot checks, the discs were fine, as they may be.

I came back to the same place again to get some more done. Both DVDs had a few files corrupted (different files on each). So the other discs are probably corrupt in places as well. It's sheer chance that I noticed this time. I am asking them to redo the discs for today, but unless I sit here and click through every file on every disc I have little confidence any more. I guess I will just have to take a chance that every file appears correctly on at least one of the discs and that both discs make it back to the UK. (I am having two copies made of each with the intention of posting one copy home and keeping the other with me.)

Maybe I will just find another internet cafe and get them to do the transfer onto a third disc afterwards so I have an additional copy. Sigh. Why does it have to be so complex? What crazy software error (I fail to see how I can be human error on the part of the woman in the shop here) could screw up something so commonplace?

If I'd been smarter I would have shelled out for a couple of 64GB USB thumb drives before I left the UK. That would have held all my photos for the entire trip, I think (I'm at around 10-12GB after about a quarter of the trip) allowing me to free up my SD cards for new photos, and I'd then only have been relying on DVD copies for posting back to the UK in case I got mugged or lost my luggage. Hindsight again.

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